Rebecca Mayes Muses: Love Song for Yahtzee


New member
Feb 10, 2009
ugh. apparently I belong to the minority who thought that was a boring, repetitive, untalented song pretty much in its' entirety.

But then again I don't make music of my own, I just listen to it.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
what was i suppose to get?
is she going homicidal on Yahtzee for not sharing her love???


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm surprised at the popularity of these muses. I decided to give the musing its first shot since the first showing here on the escapist. It was nearly tolerable up until the line, "it feels so good to be in the majority, it feels so good to be a white straight man." I took this as the same thought. I'm very sick of this type of talk and the mentality behind it, so I've decided to show some scientific evidence out there:

"... show that whereas the incidence rate of homosexual desire is 7.7% for men and 7.5% for women, the rate at which men identify themselves as gay is 2.5% and the rate at which women identify themselves as lesbians is 1.4%." (Dan Black et. al. p. 140)

The number of females in Australia according to their government's census data claims that there are 10.77 million females living in Australia. The number of males is reported at 10.66 million.

This shows that he is not in the majority as, "a straight white man." Being a man at all he isn't in the majority regardless of homosexuality. Even if we assumed that the population was perfectly 50/50 (10.72 million each), he would still not be in the majority. (Assuming the ratios of homosexuality are consistent within margin of error between the American population and the Australian population.) This is due to straight women having the majority regardless of whether you classify "straight" as a portion of identity or homosexual desire.


I will be avoiding and ignoring her muses as I dislike the music she produces and have shown one line of particular disgruntlement to be false. Insignificance, my name is,



Australia census info:[email protected]/Products/3235.0~2008~Main+Features~Main+Features?OpenDocument#PARALINK6

Homosexuality statistics:
Black, Dan, Gary Gates, Seth Sanders, and Taylor Lowell. "Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence from Available Systematic Data Sources." Population Association of America. 37.2 (2000): 139-154. Print.

Note to the producers:
You guys keep on producing whatever you think will make you money as long as it doesn't start to inconvenience your audience. (with all due respect and no sarcasm intended)


New member
Mar 5, 2010
MasochisticMuse said:
Plus Rebecca... underarm hair, ew. If I have to shave my shit, so do you, lady.
That made my day.

Yes, conform to our expectations... Now get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich! :D


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I dont know Yatzhee at all but judging from his videos I believe that this this is gonna be a difficult task for Rebecca since it is now the girl who is hitting on the guy here (or so I think...I get the feeling she just wants to kill him). Considering that Yatzhee has an ego the size of Australia he will feel that succumbing to Rebecca's charms will be emasculating for him and therefore will inmediatly turn her down in the most horrific way you can provide with words.
Id absolutely LOVE to be wrong though. But it wont be easy going out with guy who makes a living by inciting the hate of everybody around him.

(Dont get me wrong ZP is my favorite show in this website, But im just calling it as I see it)


Imp-imation Department
Jul 21, 2008
CoreKrogoth said:
... It was nearly tolerable up until the line, "it feels so good to be in the majority, it feels so good to be a white straight man." I took this as the same thought. I'm very sick of this type of talk and the mentality behind it, so I've decided to show some scientific evidence...
I think you've misinterpreted "majority" to be a "majority of regional / global population", whereas I believe it refers to "the majority of gamers", or even "the majority of game reviewers". Such is the folly of applying objective research to something as interpretive and subjective as lyrics from a song.

For example, I would never have guessed that the following song is actually about a boxer losing a match, had the artist not explicitly said something about it outside the context of the song:
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, out

Everyone is waiting for the light
be afraid, don't be afraid
the sun is shining out of my eyes
it will not set tonight
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Here comes the sun

The sun is shining out of my hands
it can burn, it can blind you all
when it breaks out of the fists
it lays down hotly on the face
it will not set tonight
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Eight, nine
Here comes the sun

The sun is shining out of my hands
it can burn, it can blind you
when it breaks out of the fists
it lays down hotly on your face
it lays down painfully on your chest
balance is lost
it lets you go hard to the floor
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
And it will never fall from the sky
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Eight, nine
Here comes the sun

CoreKrogoth said:
Note to the producers:
You guys keep on producing whatever you think will make you money as long as it doesn't start to inconvenience your audience. (with all due respect and no sarcasm intended)
I assume you meant to direct this to the content creators, who each strive to produce content that their audience actually WANTS to see. I think it's a safe bet that none of them is producing content solely for the money, as we generally pick up series based on the quality of content already put into the concept. Every one of our contributors - past, present, and future, has the same mindset to produce content simply because they feel like they have something to share that people will like. I'm sure any one of them will tell you that the only difference money makes is how often they produce their content.

If you are instead referring to the Escapist staff, then I think you grossly misinterpret what it means to keep a website running, let alone filled to the brim with high-quality content that anyone can see for FREE. It's our job to find and foster content that you, the audience, likes - the more people like it, the more money we make. The more money we make, the more content we provide that we hope you like.

There's no evil mastermind wringing his hands with glee every time we make a buck off something people don't seem to like that much. Just good ol' fashioned supply and demand.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
The song is slightly less epic than the whole situation. I can't wait for Yathzee's retort.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
i was glad when "i hit it with my axe" started on escapist as it gave me something to dislike more than rebecca mayes, insipid, weak, droning, these are the nicer words to describe her by, musically at least.
im disappointed in that this song brought her back at least for me as the most annoying thing on escapist.
musically i genuinely believe rebecca could write this in an hour, i think most could, if she said 10 mins id at least be more impressed and would also be more representative of the final product.
also it sounded by tone and pitch exactly the same as the other songs i have listened to, and i have tried.

i fear retribution


New member
Jan 28, 2009
CaptainCrunch said:
CoreKrogoth said:
... It was nearly tolerable up until the line, "it feels so good to be in the majority, it feels so good to be a white straight man." I took this as the same thought. I'm very sick of this type of talk and the mentality behind it, so I've decided to show some scientific evidence...
I think you've misinterpreted "majority" to be a "majority of regional / global population", whereas I believe it refers to "the majority of gamers", or even "the majority of game reviewers". Such is the folly of applying objective research to something as interpretive and subjective as lyrics from a song.

For example, I would never have guessed that the following song is actually about a boxer losing a match, had the artist not explicitly said something about it outside the context of the song:
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, out

Everyone is waiting for the light
be afraid, don't be afraid
the sun is shining out of my eyes
it will not set tonight
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Here comes the sun

The sun is shining out of my hands
it can burn, it can blind you all
when it breaks out of the fists
it lays down hotly on the face
it will not set tonight
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Eight, nine
Here comes the sun

The sun is shining out of my hands
it can burn, it can blind you
when it breaks out of the fists
it lays down hotly on your face
it lays down painfully on your chest
balance is lost
it lets you go hard to the floor
and the world counts loudly to ten

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
And it will never fall from the sky
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It is the lightest star of all
Eight, nine
Here comes the sun

CoreKrogoth said:
Note to the producers:
You guys keep on producing whatever you think will make you money as long as it doesn't start to inconvenience your audience. (with all due respect and no sarcasm intended)
I assume you meant to direct this to the content creators, who each strive to produce content that their audience actually WANTS to see. I think it's a safe bet that none of them is producing content solely for the money, as we generally pick up series based on the quality of content already put into the concept. Every one of our contributors - past, present, and future, has the same mindset to produce content simply because they feel like they have something to share that people will like. I'm sure any one of them will tell you that the only difference money makes is how often they produce their content.

If you are instead referring to the Escapist staff, then I think you grossly misinterpret what it means to keep a website running, let alone filled to the brim with high-quality content that anyone can see for FREE. It's our job to find and foster content that you, the audience, likes - the more people like it, the more money we make. The more money we make, the more content we provide that we hope you like.

There's no evil mastermind wringing his hands with glee every time we make a buck off something people don't seem to like that much. Just good ol' fashioned supply and demand.

i dont think he said anything about an evil conspiracy/mastermind seems like u explained his point, i mean before u tried to brand him with the crazy stick by saying hes accusing u of being some sort of masonic shadow player.


Imp-imation Department
Jul 21, 2008
rebus_forever said:
i dont think he said anything about an evil conspiracy/mastermind seems like u explained his point, i mean before u tried to brand him with the crazy stick by saying hes accusing u of being some sort of masonic shadow player.
My use of the "evil mastermind" metaphor is meant to be sarcastic. You don't have to defend him, because an attack was never made in the first place.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
MasochisticMuse said:
Plus Rebecca... underarm hair, ew. If I have to shave my shit, so do you, lady.
To be fair... you don't HAVE too... it's just more aesthetically pleasing that you do.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
TheGameXXVII said:
i watched it, and, to be truthful, i did not care for it.

and to the people saying that using Yahtzee was a way of getting views, i comepletely agree with you good gents/ladies. if you take a quick look at the past comments for her previous videas, not one had gotten past 200, bar one. now, as soon as she mentions Yahtzee, KACHOW! over 200 comments in just around 5-6 hours.

this little popularity spike won't last, as soon as she goes back to her regular non-Yahtzee videos, watch her comments plummet faster than a man with a lead parachute.
I was thinking the same thing when I heard about this, but after watching the video I think it's more that she just wanted to respond to Yahtzee's raging misogyny and dump on his sarcastic humor than just get views.

Or maybe it's a combination of both; could be the fact that Yahtzee gets so much attention in spite of the fact that he's a misogynist that motivated this posting.

I think the popularity of this is due more to the Internet's love of drama than necessarily because Yahtzee is the topic, and this is some of the most dramatic drama I've seen on this site. If it had just been a song about Yahtzee, it might not have garnered much attention, but a 'love' song for Yahtzee!? Oooh, shit just got real!

OT: Not to say that she's a bad musician, but I've never particularly enjoyed Rebecca Mayes' music; and this one hasn't really changed my mind. Not something I'll be burning to CD and listening to in my car. The whole Alanis Morissette new-agey guitar sound never really appealed to me. I like music about games; my affinity towards works of Duane and Brand0 and the song Those Minerals by Kabuto the Python are evidence enough of that. Maybe the rap format works better for me than other formats.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
daltonlaffs said:
Ohhhhh, that was so close to being great...

Rebecca, I'm going to be honest: I've never been a fan of your songs. They're too repetitive, mainly, repeating the same chorus line about thirty times in a row at least three times on most occasions. They're not usually clever, either.

This one *almost* made me change my mind... it started out so damn strong, and it was hilarious, clever words and rhyming on par with Yahtzee himself. BUT THEN, you started into the chorus. "Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?..." (repeat)

Please, please, stop doing that to your songs. You would be a pleasure to listen to if it weren't for the repetition.
i highly reccomend the song "just can't get enough" ;P i am teasing obviously, the repetition in that song could drive any young child insane! (but seemingly not teenagers, who were entranced by it... least til Justin Bieber released her own repetetive sludge)

anyway, i agree with him but would add a little more. I don't think the singing and music style, the one that Rebecca uses for most of the songs i've heard, suits this topic very well. She's got a lovely voice, and the slow (and almost emotional) tune style is well suited to her, but it limits what she can do and the audience she can attract.

Still, repetition and saddening music aside, I still love her, even if she's the opposite of the happy-go-lucky ska bands i usually listen too, she's still very good.
not like anyone cares, who will ever read a post on the 18th/19th page! or on a page past no.1 for that matter >.>


New member
Aug 31, 2009
riottrio said:
daltonlaffs said:
Ohhhhh, that was so close to being great...

Rebecca, I'm going to be honest: I've never been a fan of your songs. They're too repetitive, mainly, repeating the same chorus line about thirty times in a row at least three times on most occasions. They're not usually clever, either.

This one *almost* made me change my mind... it started out so damn strong, and it was hilarious, clever words and rhyming on par with Yahtzee himself. BUT THEN, you started into the chorus. "Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?... Is it ok?..." (repeat)

Please, please, stop doing that to your songs. You would be a pleasure to listen to if it weren't for the repetition.
i highly reccomend the song "just can't get enough" ;P i am teasing obviously, the repetition in that song could drive any young child insane! (but seemingly not teenagers, who were entranced by it... least til Justin Bieber released her own repetetive sludge)

anyway, i agree with him but would add a little more. I don't think the singing and music style, the one that Rebecca uses for most of the songs i've heard, suits this topic very well. She's got a lovely voice, and the slow (and almost emotional) tune style is well suited to her, but it limits what she can do and the audience she can attract.

Still, repetition and saddening music aside, I still love her, even if she's the opposite of the happy-go-lucky ska bands i usually listen too, she's still very good.
not like anyone cares, who will ever read a post on the 18th/19th page! or on a page past no.1 for that matter >.>
Ummmmm I just did...just thought you would like to know:)

Think this is one of your best Miss Mayes. In a way I hope The boy Yahtzee does retaliate. A negative reaction is sometimes a lot better than no reaction at all and you odviously put a lot of work into this one. Personaly I like to think he contacted you personaly rather than started a huge flame war over nothing. I don't think a lot of people got what the song was about.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
i think : it is oukay , to be , the way that you are.
couse how else could you be?

this song really made me think about stuff.
like why there's so much hate or apathy in live.
and i think it is like breathing air. after some time you get used to it, but when there is something else disturbing this , like the smell of a flower you will feel good.
and if there appears something nice you value it. but if you're allways surrounded by love and joy, you will feel very displeased by the slightest thing.

so i guess i've (again) found someone who could help me find myself a bit again.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
So, do you want to go out with him or wreck his life?

By the way, epic, epic, epic, epic, EPIC, EPIC song. Keep it up!


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Draconalis said:
MasochisticMuse said:
Plus Rebecca... underarm hair, ew. If I have to shave my shit, so do you, lady.
To be fair... you don't HAVE too... it's just more aesthetically pleasing that you do.
Lol, you try going to a club in a sleeveless dress with bushes stickin' out of your pits, see how many guys want to buy you drinks.

I've never actually tried it but I can guarantee you it wouldn't be very many. Unless you're in a fetish bar.