Rebecca Mayes Muses: Velvet Assassin


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Taerdin said:
Repetition maybe. But no bands where half their songs have choruses where something is repeated EXACTLY THE SAME NUMBER OF TIMES. That was my point, it's ALWAYS three times. Watch her first three videos and then this one, if you don't see it then I fear for you.
I see it, I just don't see the problem. She has to write a completely original song within the space of two weeks. Writing to a formula is completely acceptable, even when you don't factor in things like writers block and the like. I think that given how regularly she provides the site with original content she should be applauded for creating something entirely listenable and enjoyable for the majority.

kiteviolet said:
RaiZ-R said:
There has to be a point to songs now? I thought music was art and therefore meant only to inspire emotion and thought personal to the listener... Not to satisfy some undefined "point".
Whoa, semantics, man. You've just told me that music doesn't need a goal, and then said that the goal of music is to inspire emotion and thought. And what I'm saying is that this inspiration of emotion and thought is undermined by the fact that this three-minute song is essentially just a 1.5-minute song, played twice. With a couple slightly different lines. As some people have said, repetition can be an effective technique in music, if it's used properly. Repeating the entire first half in the second half is not using it properly.
No. I said that music has no point other than to inspire emotion and thought. I have may have worded it better I grant you, but you're asking for more than that, and that seems strange to me. I also find it odd that you have never heard a song which repeats itself like this one does. I'll admit I have a ridiculously varied CD collection, but even someone who only listens to one band would surely come across this kind of somg once in a while. Nevermind the fact that this is also to be used as a review of a game, which by all accounts is repeatative. We could get really deep into the analysis and say it was written this way specifically to show that, or we could just enjoy it cos it's pretty!

LTK_70 said:
Yes, the song is very lovely. But that's about it. It didn't convey a good message about the game, you know? Yes, melancholy. Yes, mediocrity. But the mood of a song only takes you so far, it just really didn't tell me anything.
What more do you want from a song? She's not going to go in depth about the plotline and physics engine is she.

Doctor VonSexMachine said:
I just don't understand.
What don't you understand? Maybe someone can help you to.

Arbitrary Cidin

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Is it me, or is the recurring theme or is the recurring theme of these comment threads for Rebecca Mayes' videos being "how to improve on song quality" a bad sign?


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Doctor VonSexMachine said:
RaiZ-R said:
What don't you understand? Maybe someone can help you to.
I don't understand why fossil fuel was burned to bring this to us.
A scathing wit I see. :D

Maybe it's because some people (myself included) enjoy it. It's a case of different strokes for different folks... Which I'm sure you can understand, being a doctor and all.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I want to know if there is anywhere i can try to listen to some songs by her that haven't been made in a week, or whatever, about anything she likes, rather then a forced topic.
Whilst the songs are a nice thing to listen once to, i wouldn't put any of them on my ipod, but i reckon given more time she could make some really good ones.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
RaiZ-R said:
Doctor VonSexMachine said:
RaiZ-R said:
What don't you understand? Maybe someone can help you to.
I don't understand why fossil fuel was burned to bring this to us.
A scathing wit I see. :D

Maybe it's because some people (myself included) enjoy it. It's a case of different strokes for different folks... Which I'm sure you can understand, being a doctor and all.
I think he's a doctor in the same way Dr Pepper is a doctor...

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
CaptainCrunch said:
long argument over whether or not she plays the games
I agree with what the other guy said really. I can't tell if she's playing the games or watching the yahtzee review and repeating what he said.
I've yet to play a game she has reviewed though, and i'd imagine that rather then the fact of the matter is that she doesn't play the games, it's that given the amount of work that goes into making a song, the time left for original lyrics is somewhat lacking, let alone spending a week playing a game, like yahtzee does.
Basicly it comes down to whether you are judging them as reviews or as songs. and as reviews they will always fall short, because they have been made into songs.
That said, from a song perspective, the vocals are unclear, supposedly due to a lack of a top of the range recording studio, and repetitive, due to being a forced subject that cannot be a story.
on the other hand the music is fantastic.
i'd prefer her to spend more time coming up with lyrics of her own and making good lyrics to a good backing track. though thats probably because my interest in folk music is more than it is of watching video reviews.
each to his own though.


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Flying Dagger said:
I want to know if there is anywhere i can try to listen to some songs by her that haven't been made in a week, or whatever, about anything she likes, rather then a forced topic.
Whilst the songs are a nice thing to listen once to, i wouldn't put any of them on my ipod, but i reckon given more time she could make some really good ones.
I agree... Although, personally, I love this one and the Sims 3 one and can listen to them again and again for pure enjoyment.

Flying Dagger said:
I think he's a doctor in the same way Dr Pepper is a doctor...
You mean he makes delicious carbonated beverages? Awesome!! :D


New member
Jun 9, 2009
kiteviolet said:
It's a lovely song, but there's no point in having a song be three minutes long if the second half is identical to the first half. The lyrics still lack a sense of coherency, but it's much better than the last video.
It isn't so much that she kept repeating the phrase "it's always the same game" (which was getting a bit long at first) it was the follow-up of "buying and selling women and war" that was more of the punch to the gut.

It was so true. The games are either toting girls or violence as their main selling points over and over again for so long that it often feels like some of the new games are simply new chapters in the same story that has been sold to us for over 30 years.

The song was fitting in its style, and was much less repetitive than some opera pieces let me tell you! :D But the melancholy feel of the music lends itself to having a touch of morose monotony. I can understand if it didn't hit you in quite the same way, but it was a pretty song and it wouldn't have been as good if it was merely the length of a television jingle.

And this one had such an interesting look for the main character, yet was it much different than Blood Rayne when you changed the costumes? Rebecca asks again during the song, what her character's motivation is for hunting down an army alone and for herself as a female player, what is supposed to interest her? It doesn't help that the game apparently suggests you can hide in shadows but then turns up the ability of the enemy so that they can easily spot you even if you do use them.

I loved the Victorian hair and dress she used this time and the train sequences along with the varied instruments. All of them blended well with the theme of this song/review. I really loved the sound of the last song about Overlord 2 and am happy she is branching out and trying new styles. I look forward to more of her efforts.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
This is a song that doesn't need a video game to stand. It could be it's own entity with it's own meaning. I've said this before, but I fail to grasp why this woman isn't f'n famous right now. She's way too good to be reviewing video games... but I'm glad she is.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Good song in terms of it's simple style but the worst of the lot in terms of a game commentary.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Amazing work! The lyric "we buy and we sell women and war" just says it all, really.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
It has the feel of a break up song // Something that one plays curled up late one night when you dont want to forget, even thou its for a song for a video game =D

Plus I love the video, the old style clothing and train is a nice touch // Beautiful as always Miss Mayes



New member
Nov 20, 2007
beautiful music, but your talent is wasted on stupid topics. write about something meaningful rather than entertainment and mediocre entertainment at that. im sure you could do some really beautiful music that could be meaningful to people if you put your heart to it. as it stands, i cant make it through your videos because i could care less about topic and the game.


New member
May 12, 2007
Mayes mind trip: I have been on escapist for a long time, but just recently started using a profile. Since I wanted a badge to show off that I've been watching Mayes since Sims 3 I played all her videos at once. If you DO NOT play the overlord 2 one (my 2nd fav) you actually get a really cool mash of sounds that's pretty good!

Try it! Load every vid from Sims 3 to Velvet assasin in new tabs (without picking Overlord 2), then quickly jump from one to the next hitting play. It sounds pretty awesome!


I'm more here for the mainpage.
Oct 14, 2009
This is my favorite song in a series of seven (many more if you count on her Gamepeople songs and Madworld) that's been nothing but winners. I've seen and enjoyed many musicians currently doing game themed stuff, and so far you're my favorite. Looking forward to the next one as always.

Moreover, this one goes beyond merely 'Velvet Assassin' and serves as a hell of a good commentary on how so many game companies just try to sell minor variations on the same game and just use titilation to mask that fact. That puts it well above your others.