Rebecca Mayes Muses: Velvet Assassin


New member
Sep 25, 2009
ok i can't take it anymore here's some tough love from an actual lady gamer. try spending less time singing and playing lame games where you run around in your undies to not die. and actually play a REAL game. you're making videos of yourself all dyed blond and singing about mediocre games. it's girls like you who make it hard for women who actual game to be respected for there skills AND stonking great tits. as your site states "gaming is a mysterious world to me and I stand on the edge and look into it like Alice at the entrance to wonderland." well just like little dumb Alice in wonderland, you don't belong here. there's no mystery to MY world hun it's integrated in my system to rape games. i feel phantom limb pain when i'm away from my pc too long. i'd love to hear you make a song about a real game like crysis, but it would be rather short since it would only be a millisecond before you got that cheap dye job shot off your skull. but i doubt your rig could even run it. i bet you just adore the wii.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
kiteviolet said:
It's a lovely song, but there's no point in having a song be three minutes long if the second half is identical to the first half. The lyrics still lack a sense of coherency, but it's much better than the last video.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
When is the MadWorld episode getting released? The one they aired on Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe at the end of last month.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
I think this is the best one yet.

'there's a whole army of them' was sung really well and the tone moved differently for her.



Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
The pictures of the very attractive Bec wistfully staring into the distance and plunking away at various instruments create a nice atmosphere which matches the song well - then it's all completely ruined as soon as the images from Velvet Assassin turn up. Talk about jarring. Sure, leaving out the computer game imagery would have left the link between the song and the game very tenuous, perhaps too tenuous for it to be included on this site, but it still would have been a much, MUCH better video.

Nice guitar she has too, what model is it?


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
This was a much better song than most of your previous ones. The lyrics were lyrical while still being coherent and telling a clear story. The combination of lyrics and music added a lot of emotion to the message, making me truly feel the sense of sadness and despair at another pointless game full of sex and violence.

Your performances just keep getting better and better. Keep it up!


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
FinaFina said:
ok i can't take it anymore here's some tough love from an actual lady gamer.
Wow, I've seen less claws from a ***** in a club looking for a fight. What's gotten you all worked up? Mayes is commenting on the insipidness of yet another game based around sex and violence, with a healthy dose of mechanical glitches. Sure, she hinted at the game being hard (and frankly, one person with a pistol will never be a match for hundreds of enemies with machineguns), but she sure isn't saying games should be easier like they are on the Wii.

In fact, I'd say your single post has done more to hurt the image of women playing games than the culmination of Rebecca's work. Why? Because your blatant ad hominem attacks scream of a woman who has to act tougher than the guys to stop from being looked down upon by them. You've done everything but call her a n00b. Challenging her to play a real game, making conjecture about the power of her "rig", and telling her to go back to her Wii -- I'm sorry, but Crysis is not the epitome of video games.

If you want a real challenge, load up some Ghosts and Goblins. If you want to make the case for women in video games, don't start by deriding other women who play video games. And if you want to post on The Escapist, learn some manners. The moderators don't tolerate flaming and there are plenty of others here who would be happy to put you in your place.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
ReverseEngineered said:
FinaFina said:
ok i can't take it anymore here's some tough love from an actual lady gamer.
Wow, I've seen less claws from a ***** in a club looking for a fight. What's gotten you all worked up? Mayes is commenting on the insipidness of yet another game based around sex and violence, with a healthy dose of mechanical glitches. Sure, she hinted at the game being hard (and frankly, one person with a pistol will never be a match for hundreds of enemies with machineguns), but she sure isn't saying games should be easier like they are on the Wii.

In fact, I'd say your single post has done more to hurt the image of women playing games than the culmination of Rebecca's work. Why? Because your blatant ad hominem attacks scream of a woman who has to act tougher than the guys to stop from being looked down upon by them. You've done everything but call her a n00b. Challenging her to play a real game, making conjecture about the power of her "rig", and telling her to go back to her Wii -- I'm sorry, but Crysis is not the epitome of video games.

If you want a real challenge, load up some Ghosts and Goblins. If you want to make the case for women in video games, don't start by deriding other women who play video games. And if you want to post on The Escapist, learn some manners. The moderators don't tolerate flaming and there are plenty of others here who would be happy to put you in your place.
Final word. Rebecca Mayes is to gaming as Avril lavigne is to skateboarding.

Rebecca's lovely review of Hello Kitty : Big City Dreams

In this one review alone she's done more damage to the image of female gamers than i could ever hope to in a lifetime.

lolz put me in my place? not by a valiant forum troll.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Ooh nice! A comments section! A place where I can confidently place my opinion on a related topic!

... Yeah, her music still sucks... Then again, most all music sucks, but this is especially bad. If it weren't for the fact that she's a decent looking female, and was talking about OMG VIDYA GAEMZ then no one would care...

BUT WHATEVER! Not like my little bit of truth will make a difference! This arr teh interwebs, of course, which is the perfect place for getting people to eat your $H1T... Yum yum yums...

EDIT: ARGH!! CRAP!! I've got like 3 internet badges saying I watch this junk!! I feel like a dirty boyscout....


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Wait, is the shadows line a dig at the inconsistency of shadow as cover or the unbalanced enemy AI that they can find you when you're supposed to be "hiding"?

I suppose I *could* get the game and find out for myself...


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
This is my favorite RMM song. Ya'll should lighten up. Rebecca is obviously an entertainer- much like Yahtzee- and in fact, has assumed less of an attitude of being an authority on gaming here than Yahtzee does.

SO, sit back, enjoy the music, and get the fuck over yourself. Or if you don't enjoy the music, go someplace else... because you know what? Not every single post on the interwebs is life-or-death.

Oh, and Finafina? Just an FYI,but your jealousy is showing. I listened to that segment you linked, and I didn't see a single thing that could be considered pandering or gender-exploitive. So...

Final word. Rebecca Mayes is to gaming as Avril lavigne is to skateboarding.?

No, more like Final word: Finafina defines jealousy. Word of advice: develop your own talents rather than trying to cut down anyone who you envy, because that list will be endless.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I've just finished watching your videos (for the first time) and have some totally un-asked-for comments to make.

I liked your songs immediately, especially this one. Great tune and you sing it well. As for the lyrics... I do wonder whether you were trying to be ironic or whether it was accidental? I mean your videos do seem to feature rather a lot of pictures of you looking (quite intentionally) pretty. I'm not complaining - in fact I'll more than likely be back next week to hear another good song and see a few more pictures of you looking pretty - but your lyrics suggest that that isn't what you want people to come here for. I suppose it must be awfully confusing being a girl in the modern world! Whatever you do, keep writing songs. :)


New member
Jan 24, 2009
This song was the best one by far you could probably even get this published as a feminist track. The ending would need some rounding off though.

I got goosebumps listening to you sing in this one. I've just become a regular visitor. Only discovered you today.


Proud ENN Fan
Sep 23, 2009
Stunningly beautiful song, stunningly beautiful video, stunningly beautiful and talented woman. Music videos don't get much better than this. <3

Keep up the great work!


New member
May 17, 2010
Nice blending of a message into the review, the whole sexy female in a conflict zone just takes me right out of the game, even though it's (LOOSELY) based of a real person.

Hauntingly beautiful, another one knocked out of the ball park!


New member
Apr 10, 2010
Wow, this thread is a mess...

For what it's worth, I like the song, but more than that its message. I wish that's what people were talking about, but I guess you can only pull out of the comfort zone so much.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
While music, like any art, is dependent upon taste, what I found truly impressive was the refrain "women and war," highlighting both the commonality of these themes in video games (and other mediums) and the poor representation that they experience. I could really feel the irritation and sadness of being an individual who sees the misuse of sexuality, specifically feminine bodies, in a medium they love. Great stuff Rebecca.