Recommend me a stealthy type game please guys :D


The Bass Fish
Sep 26, 2010
I've been having an itch to play some stealth based games recently but having played all the Splinter Cell's to death, the original thief and all the hitman games to death I need something new.

So essentially I am after games that have a stealth focus and will kick me in the nuts if I stuff up the stealth (but at the same time I would like a reasonable survival chance as well).

Sooooo any ideas?

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Best stealth game I've played recently would probably still have to be Mark of the Ninja, which I would definitely recommend checking out if you haven't yet. Dishonored played as a stealth game is also very satisfying and worth looking into if you haven't yet played the game.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
I'd suggest Theif 2 if you haven't already played it. Also it's leaps and bounds better than the original. Also the Metal Gear Solid series is beckoning to fill your stealth urges. You might also want to check Yhatzee's site and get Trilby: The Art of Theft which is pure stealth and really well done for a freeware game.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
The Madman said:
Best stealth game I've played recently would probably still have to be Mark of the Ninja, which I would definitely recommend checking out if you haven't yet. Dishonored played as a stealth game is also very satisfying and worth looking into if you haven't yet played the game.
Arghh beaten to it.
Seconding Mark of the Ninja and Dishonerd (although blink makes it a bit too easy)

Dues Ex: HR is a reasonable stealth game though it's designed to be played either way so it won't kick your ass if you fail at stealth. I personally never had much issues with the bosses even as a stealth character.

Styx: Master of Shadows looks good but I've not had the chance to play it so can't recommended it. If you haven't heard of it before it might be worth checking out.


New member
Sep 19, 2014
I can heartily recommend Styx: Master of Shadows

It's similar to a hitman game in the sense that you have a bunch of ways to kill off targets and hide the bodies or make it look like accidents and what not. It punishes you severely for getting caught. Combat is hard, and outright impossible if you're against more than one guy. On the higher difficulties everyone actually just kills you instantly so that you have no choice but to stay hidden.

On top of that, it's also kind of a platformer with plenty of different paths. So you'll need to find your way around the environment too which could actually get quite interesting I thought. There are plenty of little hidey holes and opportunity for creative ways.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
If you're up for something colourful, give The Marvellous Miss Take a whirl (next time it's on sale on Steam). It's nothing but stealth and a ton of fun. Basically you're this Carmen Sandiego look-alike that goes around stealing back art from galleries. Obstacles include but are not limited to: wandering guards with a decent set of ears, dogs with good noses, the usual laser triggered alarms and, in case you're robbing musea in broad daylight, visitors that find it alarming that a suspicious woman is walking off with a priceless piece of art under her arm. Your tools of the trade include things like smoke bombs. There are two other playable characters with other thieving styles as well. It's game over when you get caught, but you can quickly try again from the entrance or a checkpoint, so it never gets too frustrating.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
Either one of the psp Syphon Filter games. Logan's Shadow was actually written by Gregg Rucka (of Queen and Country fame).


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
If you have a PS3, Metal Gear Solid. All the way. The first two games feel as old as they are (late '90s-early '00s) with their fixed camera angles and everything, but the radar is so ridiculously good in those ones that it tends to make up for whatever limited control of view you have, and then Metal Gear Solid 3 is just straight up one of the best stealth games ever made. I really like 4 as well for some of the movement and control improvements it made, but it can have a fairly polarizing reception depending on who you ask. Also, the control scheme for the franchise can take a bit of getting used to, to put it lightly.

You will need to be able to tolerate incredibly long, wordy, ridiculous cutscenes though. Every single one of them has a pretty strange cutscene-to-gameplay ratio, and it only gets worse as the series goes on. But they tend to get pretty hammy and over-the-top and the games are loaded with Easter eggs.

It sounds like you might just be on PC, though, so not to echo the ones that have already been mentioned, I'll bring up the Batman: Arkham series. They're a mixture of brawler and stealth game and both are really quite satisfying, if maybe not the most complex things around.

Also, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, which you can pick up from GOG. It's an "enhanced re-release" which includes the original Escape From Butcher Bay and a new expansion campaign, and both are quite good with a few caveats. The game itself combines first-person melee, stealth, and shooting, and does a reasonable job with all three, though the melee combat doesn't really come into its own until the AODA campaign. EFBB is a bit bland and boring until you get Riddick's ability to see in the dark an hour or two in, and AODA unfortunately falls down really hard at the end by introducing annoying enemies and having an utterly awful final boss fight, but otherwise the game is thoroughly enjoyable and one of the better, if not best, movie-licensed games to be made.

Ronald Nand

New member
Jan 6, 2013
If you haven't checked out Thief 2 and the rest of the Thief series, I'd suggest you get on those. Thief 2 has a very large amount of fan missions, their is a fan expansion called T2X you should definitely play if you enjoy Thief 2. There's also a free game called the Dark Mod, which is sort of like a stealth game version of Little Big Planet, people make levels using the stealth mechanics, which are very similar to the Thief series, and the game basically relies on this User Generated Levels. I'd avoid Thief (2014) if you enjoyed Thief 1, if you do play it though play it before you play Dishonored otherwise you'll be thoroughly underwhelmed.

I second Mark of the Ninja, Styx Master of Shadows (rather underrated in my opinion, you'll really like it if you like the Thief series), Dishonored and Deus Ex Human Revolution (make sure you get the Directors Cut edition).

If you loved Hitman, you should check out the Death to Spies series, it has the disguise system of the Hitman games, it gives you less freedom than Hitman but its worth playing alone for the disguise system. Its got two games, the third is having trouble getting funding, a shame given that the demo they released could be mistaken for a WW2 themed level of Blood Money. I also really enjoyed Gunpoint, its a stealth/puzzle game designed around emergent gameplay and open ended levels.

NPC009 said:
If you're up for something colourful, give The Marvellous Miss Take a whirl (next time it's on sale on Steam). It's nothing but stealth and a ton of fun. Basically you're this Carmen Sandiego look-alike that goes around stealing back art from galleries. Obstacles include but are not limited to: wandering guards with a decent set of ears, dogs with good noses, the usual laser triggered alarms and, in case you're robbing musea in broad daylight, visitors that find it alarming that a suspicious woman is walking off with a priceless piece of art under her arm. Your tools of the trade include things like smoke bombs. There are two other playable characters with other thieving styles as well. It's game over when you get caught, but you can quickly try again from the entrance or a checkpoint, so it never gets too frustrating.
I brought Miss Take recently but got frustrated by the controls, I didn't like the click to move so I switched to keyboard controls, but then the game never told me how to interact with objects under the this scheme, so I had to switch to my controller which is okay. I got frustrated on the third set of levels too when they give you a certain gadget I didn't like using, I think it was the smoke bombs, I like the style and fast paced stealth but those two things got to me.

Steve Waltz

New member
May 16, 2012
Alpha Protocol was a fairly enjoyable stealth game. Although you might not want to level up TOO high in stealth if you still want a challenge. It also has a lot of chit-chat RPG stuff in it too, consequences for choices and stuff, which gives it a LOT of replay value if you like it. I hear a lot of people don?t like it though, so I guess it?s one of those ?hit-or-miss? games. Personally, I love the game. Good thing it has a lot of replay value in it too, because it took me about 3 playthroughs to fully understand what the hell is going on. :p


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
I was going to say Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, but its straight up not a good PC port for Steam. The frame-rate chugs horribly, and it has way too many unforgiving precision jumps, timed puzzles and intense chase scenes to be any but cat grinding annoying to try again for the umpteenth-hyper-bazillionth time!
As it stands can't recommend.

But try the Amnesia series. Dark Descent over A Machine for Pigs if you're looking for stealth, though MfP does have its moments.
Outlast was good too, but the stealth in terms of actually working against the enemies was very hit or miss. Felt less like a gameplay system and more like scripted events.


The Bass Fish
Sep 26, 2010
Hey guys. Sorry its taken me so long to respond :)

The Madman said:
Mark of the Ninja
I'm normally very biased against sidescroller stealth games but after playing Gunpoint and having just watched the first part of a MotN series... looks like it has potential to be something I'll enjoy thanks for that

KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
I'd suggest Theif 2 if you haven't already played it. Also it's leaps and bounds better than the original.
Indeed? What makes it better?

DementedSheep said:
Dues Ex: HR
Styx: Master of Shadows
I had HR on the PS3. I enjoyed the general stealthy gameplay but the boss fights ruined it for me. The first one annoyed me. In these games I like to be a silver-tongued ninja. Neither my stealth skills or my social enhancements were much use.

Styx however looks interesting. I'll give that a look!

NPC009 said:
IThe Marvellous Miss Take
Hmmm I might give that a go. But as you say, I'll wait until the next Steam sale.

shrekfan246 said:
If you have a PS3, Metal Gear Solid.
Batman: Arkham series.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Its a weird thing about my area. I've been trying to get a MGS game for some time but none of my local stores and unless its steam or GOG I dont use online stores for video games.

I've played all the Arkham series games (except for the most recent one) and I have enjoyed them :)

Riddick huh? Anyone of my mates who have had that game really hated it. Its why I have never picked it up, what makes it good?

Ronald Nand said:
Death to Spies series
Just looked up a video for that game. The voice acting makes my ears cry :( Its a shame because it looks like a decent game but bad voice acting can really turn me off.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes has some good hardcore stealth, that is, if you turn off Reflex mode. And seeing as it's the first entry in the series that doesn't control like a shopping cart, the stealth action is actually satisfying. There's still the odd stealth genre issues, like enemies not wising up when they find a tranquilizer dart stuck in their arm or not sounding the alarm after regaining consciousness from being strangled.

I'd also include The Last of Us, as it's the game with the most enjoyable stealth I've ever played, but that game isn't fully stealth focused.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Tenchu Z has some really realistic stealth mechanics like enemies can smell the blood on you if you kill one of them (choking is also slightly more difficult than in most games). Also, unsheathing your blade makes noise, so you can't keep it sheathed until the last second but at the same time, having your blade out makes it gleam in the moonlight and makes you you more visible. You can also give enemies food poisoning by leaving crappy food around their path.

+ to Riddick: AODA


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
Balimaar said:
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
I'd suggest Theif 2 if you haven't already played it. Also it's leaps and bounds better than the original.
Indeed? What makes it better?
General gameplay improvements, if I recall correct more sweeping locations, and a better story. Plus all the goodness of making those challenging no kill runs.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Burned Hand said:
Casual Shinji said:
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes has some good hardcore stealth, that is, if you turn off Reflex mode. And seeing as it's the first entry in the series that doesn't control like a shopping cart, the stealth action is actually satisfying. There's still the odd stealth genre issues, like enemies not wising up when they find a tranquilizer dart stuck in their arm or not sounding the alarm after regaining consciousness from being strangled.

I'd also include The Last of Us, as it's the game with the most enjoyable stealth I've ever played, but that game isn't fully stealth focused.
"Well, that was odd. Some guy throttled the life out of me. Huh. Back to patrolling!"

Having played with the game a bit more than when it was released I have come a cross a few weird A.I. issues. Like there's an option to turn off the power in a certain section of the map, and when you do the guards will send one of their guys to investigate (And as a neat feature that guard's position will then get replaced by another guard who's close by). But should that guard notice something else suspicious, like catching a small glimps of you or hearing a noise, this will then knock him out of his direction to check on the power and he'll just return to his patrol.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Balimaar said:
I had HR on the PS3. I enjoyed the general stealthy gameplay but the boss fights ruined it for me. The first one annoyed me. In these games I like to be a silver-tongued ninja. Neither my stealth skills or my social enhancements were much use.
As a point of note, the Director's Cut release of Human Revolution massively overhauled the boss fights. They all can be done without directly confronting the bosses, though they do all still technically die.

Its a weird thing about my area. I've been trying to get a MGS game for some time but none of my local stores and unless its steam or GOG I dont use online stores for video games.
Metal Gear Solid V is going to be on Steam, at least. Ground Zeroes already is, and while it's a little short since it basically functions as a demo, it's a pretty good taste of what the game proper will likely be, and by most accounts it's surprisingly well-optimized.

It would be strange to me if you couldn't find the HD Collection in a store since it's a pretty recent release, but I guess them's the breaks sometimes.

Riddick huh? Anyone of my mates who have had that game really hated it. Its why I have never picked it up, what makes it good?
You know, I find it a little hard to explain. For me, it helps that I'm a fan of the Riddick films as well so the theme is one that I immediately find interesting, but it's just a solid game overall. It was made by Starbreeze, who made the first Darkness game, and it uses a similar lighting mechanic which a lot of stealth games sorely seem to lack in which you can destroy (not all, but rather more than a few) lights to create darkness for yourself to get around in. The level designs all feel really natural, as if it's actually some sort of interstellar prison you've been squared away in, which admittedly sometimes means you might get lost but it's still way better than having a single straight path.

It's just kind of satisfying to play, because you're a big badass guy, but you're still just a guy rather than some sort of cybernetic supersoldier or ninja who has been trained all of your life or even a thief who can't take a punch. Though, having said that I'll have to admit that Riddick tends to be a little forgiving since it's not solely a stealth game. And I'll reiterate that I didn't find it particularly fun or interesting until an hour or two in, myself.

On another note, since you like the original Thief and Hitman, I would also second people who have said the Deus Ex franchise as a whole, or rather at least the very first game in addition to Human Revolution. The first Deus Ex is very much an RPG-FPS, but it's brutal, especially on the highest difficult level. Fortunately, being made in 2000 means that it has pretty dumb AI by today's standards which can be exploited to hilarious effect for stealth runs.

If you do get that, I'd recommend looking up a video on how to do silent takedowns, though. They can only be done with the nonlethal baton, and you have to hit enemies in pretty particular spots to immediately knock them out. Also, the tranquilizer darts for the crossbow are unfortunately practically useless.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I'll jump on the 'Mark of the Ninja' and 'Dishonored' bandwagon. Easily 2 of my favorite stealth games of all time. Both allow you to play a completely non-violent game if you wish, or be the Angel of Death.