Recommend me an MMO


New member
Jun 3, 2010
I've played MMO's before, but they were relatively low key, free to play MMOs such as 2moons and RF Online, and I inevitably quit from both. However, are there any MMO's that have a great community, and really cool people to join guilds with? I don't mind paying a subscription fee as long as it is relatively low. I've been thinking of World of Warcraft or maybe Rift, even Guild Wars 2.

Really all I want is an MMO with tons of content and a great community(on EU servers) in general. Also, if you can recommend me a server in that MMO I will be most grateful. An important thing in MMO's is that it's easy to hit the level cap so you can start joining all the best guilds, etc. I also don't like MMO's that are focused on people buying gold and other stupid stuff like that.

Edit: I don't really like futuristic/sci-fi MMORPGs, I prefer fantasy ones.

Edit2: I don't wan't the subscription fee to be ridiculously high, as I really only think of paying for games per year. I figured WoW would be £92 a year - which is twice what I pay for Xbox Live, but I heard it's completely worth it.

Edit3: I've played World of Warcraft - the demo of the first 10 levels before, back when TBC was out - it was really fun, but really complicated to me as well and I didn't really know what was going on (lol). Hopefully its become easier to play and get into now .


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Edit: Oh then I would recommend either Age of Conan or Guild Wars, they just seemed to jump out at me more than WOW and I found the gameplay great, aswell as an good story to follow unlike WOW (TOO MUCH LORE)


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Well, it sort of does have to be an MMORPG yes, because I've heard bad things about LoL and HoN.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I would recommend Dungeons and Dragons Online, but I am unsure if it would meet the 'easy to hit max cap' criteria.

Rift could also be a good one, but I never got too far into it.

You could go for WoW, but I haven't been on the EU servers to sample their community, but I recommend staying away from PVP servers, as they are filled with the MMO versions of asshole Halo players.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Kyle1527 said:
I've played MMO's before, but they were relatively low key, free to play MMOs such as 2moons and RF Online, and I inevitably quit from both. However, are there any MMO's that have a great community, and really cool people to join guilds with? I don't mind paying a subscription fee as long as it is relatively low. I've been thinking of World of Warcraft or maybe Rift, even Guild Wars 2.

Really all I want is an MMO with tons of content and a great community(on EU servers) in general. Also, if you can recommend me a server in that MMO I will be most grateful. An important thing in MMO's is that it's easy to hit the level cap so you can start joining all the best guilds, etc. I also don't like MMO's that are focused on people buying gold and other stupid stuff like that.
Among the ones that you've mentioned I can recommend you "Rift". It may seem like a WoW clone, but it has interesting lore, creatures, story and system which bonds players together in their attempts to stop creatures pouring out of "rifts" from swarming the meadows. But....
Run. I beg of you, don't dedicate yourself to a guild or a goal in some virtual game. Play competitively online, enjoy the stories of games... Read a book. But in my experience it never ends well.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Ragnarok Online. It used to be pay to play but they made it free a while back so it has some funding under it. It has finalfantasy tactics graphics and good customization. Have fun. If that doesn't work ... grand chase. Drop a few bucks to get a good char though.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I think Lord of the Rings Online is great.

Shamus Young did a Lets play of it.

Brandywine, Elendilmir, and Landroval I think are the biggest servers. Its also free to play but that will only last until maybe level 22 before you have to buy new areas or get a subscription.


Songstress of Ar Ciel
Mar 23, 2011
You might wanna have a look at Wakfu.

Community is what is supposed to keep the game running. There are no vendors at all, money has to be minted and managed by the players, like the whole economy starting from seed and harvest of crops and animals, over managing war and peace with the other nations up to fiilling politic ranks like military or even regional regent of your chosen nation.. Which has to be selected by he community as well.

Ever played Disgaea? Then you'llf eel just like home, as the turn-based combat feels just like it.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I know that most people around here are too cool to suggest wow, and will bend over backwards to find some obscure MMO, bust screw that. There is a reason why WoW is so massively popular and it's cause it's good. It's outright better than all it's clones that came out in the last couple of years.

However you should consider that WoW is long past it's golden years and it's rolling down the hill quiet fast.

So either pick WoW or wait till couple of months has past since Old republic has been released and pick that.

Why waiting couple of months before picking old republic?
Well MMOs are a bit of lottery, they usually kinda suck and are low on content in the beginning, but get better should they become popular....or die out should they not.

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
World of Warcraft is the best MMO hands down. There are some problems for new beginners nowadays (PVP before max level cap, for example, is impossible without having your high level character send stuff to the low level one), but Blizzard have been bending over backwards to make it more accessible to new players lately and the level cap is pretty easy to reach. It's pretty telling that the majority of people who dislike WoW are people who dislike subscriptions and MMOs in general or disgruntled former players who have already played the hell out of it.

Rift is...I didn't like it, I guess it's probably functional since people play it and it seems to be surviving on a subscription model which genuinely sub-par MMOs can't handle, but the majority of those players seem to be people who got bored/dissatisfied with World of Warcraft first.

Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet. :p And even when it is, it's not really in competition with the others since there's no subscription fee.

You didn't mention it, but Star Wars: The Old Republic is out soon, and that's basically WoW with some BioWare RPG touches and a Star Wars theme if you're into that. Going by my beta time, it's the only MMO I've played that's on a level with WoW at all (and I've played a lot of 'em).


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Seventh Actuality said:
Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet. :p And even when it is, it's not really in competition with the others since there's no subscription fee.
In what sense do you mean that? In the "It wont be updated enough due to lack of funding" sense or the "It would crush the competition" sense?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Shirastro said:
I know that people around here are too cool to suggest wow bust screw that. There is a reason why WoW is so massively popular and it's cause it's good. It's outright better than all it's clones that came out in the last couple of years.

However you should consider that WoW is long past it's golden years and it's rolling down the hill quiet fast.

So either pick WoW or wait till couple of months has past since Old republic has been released and pick that.

Why waiting couple of months before picking old republic?
Well MMOs are a bit of lottery, they usually kinda suck and are low on content in the beginning, but get better should they become popular....or die out should they not.
Yeah, that's why I'm a bit concerned about Warcraft, I don't want to board a sinking ship, on the other hand I don't really like the Sci-Fi genre, especially not in the MMO's.


Dec 3, 2010
LOTRO sounds like what you want.
It's currently F2P, but it's best to spend at least one or two months as a subscriber to get the benefits. They become permanent on your created characters and you get elevated to premium member instead of free player once the time is up.

The community is really mature and friendly. It has gotten slightly worse since it went F2P, but it's very rarely you'll bump into some douche, as compared to WoW.
The setting is fantasy, which you like, and in spite of being a few years old I think it still looks beautiful. The atmosphere in the game is amazing.

I play on Snowbourn, which is a EU server, and afaik the most populated one. If you're intrested and want further information; feel free to ask. :)


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Seventh Actuality said:
Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet. :p And even when it is, it's not really in competition with the others since there's no subscription fee.
Thats like saying that LoL isn't in competition with HoN or DOTA, and that's clearly not true.
More so for MMOs. People rarely play more than one MMO at the time since it's so time consuming.

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
lRookiel said:
Seventh Actuality said:
Guild Wars 2 isn't out yet. :p And even when it is, it's not really in competition with the others since there's no subscription fee.
In what sense do you mean that? In the "It wont be updated enough due to lack of funding" sense or the "It would crush the competition" sense?
In the "it's not competing for people's subscription fee" sense. People will generally only want to pay one subscription a month, so between the likes of WoW and SWTOR it's a direct contest. Guild Wars 2 isn't as much like that since people will be perfectly willing to make multiple one-time purchases. Some people might drop their subscription for GW2 (it's delivering similar pleasures, after all), but a whole bunch will just buy it alongside their subscription MMO.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Kyle1527 said:
Shirastro said:
I know that people around here are too cool to suggest wow bust screw that. There is a reason why WoW is so massively popular and it's cause it's good. It's outright better than all it's clones that came out in the last couple of years.

However you should consider that WoW is long past it's golden years and it's rolling down the hill quiet fast.

So either pick WoW or wait till couple of months has past since Old republic has been released and pick that.

Why waiting couple of months before picking old republic?
Well MMOs are a bit of lottery, they usually kinda suck and are low on content in the beginning, but get better should they become popular....or die out should they not.
Yeah, that's why I'm a bit concerned about Warcraft, I don't want to board a sinking ship, on the other hand I don't really like the Sci-Fi genre, especially not in the MMO's.
Well there's guild wars 2 in the near future so you can wait for that.....or if you really are not in any hurry to play an MMO wait for Titan, Blizzards next MMO.

Knowing how vigorously fast Blizzard pumps out games, it should be out around may 2024.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Well, there is obviously 'World of Warcraft'...

Anyway, you can try that 'Star wars' game that is coming soon, that new 'Lord of the rings' game, and there is also a web-game named 'Vindictus'. You should try out that one too.

I am not sure, but isn't the 'Warhammer 40000' games some kind of MMO's?


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I play Lotro from time to time and it's pretty good.
Some guy a few posts up listed biggest servers already.
I haven't played lots of MMO:s but maybe I'll give something a shot.