Recommend some good Anime to me


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Ok first. Before anyone yells out "I've seen this thread a million times before! Use the search bar!"
1) Fuck you.
2) Next time, if you don't like it. Don't click it.

My question I pose to you is what is your favourite Anime and why. The reason I ask this is because I'm curious as to hidden gems out there an I want to keep an open mind! It's also not only educational for me but for others who have a similar question.

Anime I like:

Code Geass
This show is great IMO. It has great production values, awesome mech-based action sequences, and a great plot. Sure there is a lot of anime that has Anti-Westerner theme but the show itself makes up for that. It has a great twist on alternate realities like what would have happened if Napoleon had been victorious and if the Nuclear bomb had never been invented. The show revolves around this special power known as Geass which allows the main character to mind control other people to do his bidding.

Death Note
This one is kind of a no brainer. It's about a notebook, and when you write someones name in the book they die 40 seconds later. It is fantastically written and has very interesting characters. Just like in Code Geass, you agree with the mission of the main character but not necessarily the means of getting there. In-fact I drew a-lot of similarities between the two anime based on the main character.

Naruto: Shippuuden
Look, I won't lie to you. There are times when Naruto is unbearably boring. Because it is based on Mangas which can often be quite short on material, the translation process often stretches out in a similar way you might see in Dragon Ball Z. It's common for an entire episode to go by without much actually happening other than talking. There also the occasional story arcs where the team must go on a really stupid boring mission. The times when this show shines are when they are sticking to the main plot. Like him or hate him, the Naruto series does have it's moments.

Juuni Kokki
This one is pretty obscure and it has a very cliche anime storyline. A Japanese schoolgirl (what a surprise) falls into another world and tries to survive in an alternate reality which is similar to feudal Japan. What's interesting is this show has a bit of action, politics, love, character development, and doesn't always focus on the one character. Each season focuses on something different which is interesting.

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Look I realize it probably doesn't count as Anime but I still enjoyed it. Good characters, great story, great action, and a fantastic finale. Not just for kids, it actually gets quite epic if you give it a chance.

Samurai 7
Probably not my favourite anime but I still enjoyed it. It's not particularly long, but it does have good characters, some laughs, giant mechs, and an interesting environment that the characters explore.

I would also like to mention that I love shows like 'The Venture Brothers', 'South Park', anything related to Marvel or DC (such as Xmen, Batman, Justice League, etc), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and much much more.

EDIT: I'll list a few other anime that I forgot about that some of you have reminded me of.

I remember watching the original when I was younger before I went to school. From what I remember it was a good show. Although I am a lot older now so it may not be for me anymore.

Neon Genesis: Evangelion
My friend loved this show to death. I remember watching a couple of episodes and the movie. Even though I know it is a well-loved and acclaimed series, for some reason I never got into it. Although I'm not going to say I didn't like it. It just didn't click with me. Not sure why, it's got everything I like after all.

Elfen Lied
I saw one episode of this (the first one) and was a bit confused but intrigued all the same. I actually forgot about it. I think I should give it another chance no?

Gurren Lagann
I've been told good things about this show and that it is incredibly epic as all hell.

Full Metal Alchemist
How could I forget about this one! Watched it all and loved it. Sorry for forgetting it.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
elfen lied
spice and wolf
tengu gurren lagann
ruoroni kenshin( or however it spelled)

EDIT: favorite is spice and wolf, second is teacher please


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I remember watching Digimon (the original) when it first came out. I saw there is ALOT more now but how do they compare to the original?

Also I've heard great epic things about Tengu Gurren Lagann. That was probably the anime I was going to consider next actually. Awesome. :)


I just research 'Spice and Wolf' on wikipedia. Whilst I am still interested, there was something that really stood out:

"Holo who is over 600 years old. She appears to be a fifteen-year-old girl"
"Throughout the series, the two slowly fall in love."

LOL Mega pedo! But I think I shall still partake in the series.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Ok, I'll just give you my favorite anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion.

It starts out as your standard mecha anime but half way through takes a lovely turn to a more psychological side and really changes things. There's plenty of mindfuckery in it, especially once you get to the final episodes, but somehow it does all make sense (After watching the movie End of Evangelion at least.) I found that I simply loved the anime. It had action, comedy, depressing moments, and the like. It's become my favorite anime quite easily.

If you're going to watch through it, watch the anime series through entirely first, then the movie End of Evangelion. Afterwards, you can watch the Rebuild movies. While they are damned good, they just don't have the same feel of the original anime. Even so, the Rebuilds haven't dissapointed me yet.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Gintama - the one anime to rule them all, to gather them all and in the darkness, make fun of them all.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Eureka 7
This was probably the first anime that made me look for sub sites for it. Before that I had only watched anime on Adult Swim. After seeing this show and discovering the wonderful world of online subs, I haven't turned on my TV in several years. :)

Probably the best anime of 2009. A unique art style, as Shaft is known for, and a great story that is backed up by the light novels.

Haruhi Suzumiya
I'm assuming you have already seen it, but if you haven't watch it. Now.

Eden of the East
Another awesome anime from last year. Basically a guy makes himself lose his memory and he goes back home to Japan to see who he really was and to fulfill a mysterious organization's goals. Plus, this was probably the only anime where I actually thought I was watching a dub when I saw how well the English voice actor for the taxi driver in Washingtton D.C. was.

Durarara and Buccano
These two kinda go together. They are both made by the same studio and you can see the influence. Both tell a story that starts off in several disjointed threads before it all comes together into one epic tale. Durarara just finished airing in Japan last week or so. Bucanno is several years old now so you can actually get the English Boxset.

Neon Genesis Evangelion
I think a poster above me described it well enough.

Cowboy Bebop
I'm assuming you've seen this, but in case you haven't, watch it.

All of it. Including Macross, Macross seven, Macross Plus, Macross Zero, Macross 7, and Macross Frontier. Maybe it's jsut me, but it's pretty epic seeing space fights with the power of song leading the the victory of humans over aliens. Cheesy, but cool.

This isn't an anime series, but rather 3 different standalone stories. My favorite is Cannon Fodder, which basically is a 30 minute portrayal of a society that day after day shoots the cannons of its city at a mysterious foe and the entire city is geared for this task.

Pretty much every single anime people have given so far in this thread are good. I wouldn't recommend watching stuff like Bleach or One Piece, however, unless you are willing to catch up on some 270 odd episodes before being up to speed.

Gurren Langann.
It is epic as all hell. Watch it.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
I doubt you will actually bother watching this since it is 110 episodes and that is not including the movies and ovas, but in my opinion this is one of the most epic anime series ever created. It basically tells the tale of two generals from two different sides in a galactic conflict and shows you their lives from their early years to when they are elite admirals and important people in their respective governments. A different kind of epic than Gurren Langann, but maybe even more epic than Gurren Langann.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I would recommend One Piece, but it has a major GET ON WITH IT problem where it takes forever to explain shit and almost 3 episode for a single persons flashbacks AGH. Other than Queens Blade is good, Also Bleach is good too, as is Neon Genesis Evangelion.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I like Mentanei Conan, but I'm a sucker for murder mysteries.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
Huh? Well...
I quite like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, along with the follow on seasons of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai & Rei. Then there is Elfen Lied, that was funny and cute. Spice & Wolf was brilliant, a nice, refreshing setting and idea set apart from normal anime (The second one, not as good >.> )
Hmmm... trying to think of others >.>
K-On! was entertaining. Good musical anime. Robotech was quite good, brilliant mecha series :3
Composer said:
Have you seen this picture?

That picture was taken at the height of March Mayhem, by none other than our own Kross, who posted it on IRC :3


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Ghost in the Shell,
Pani Poni Dash,
Cowboy Bebop,
Ergo Proxy,
Excel Saga,

.............For when you want to laugh, unwind, have nothing to do, want something scary, or crave something action-packed.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Greyfox105 said:
Huh? Well...
I quite like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, along with the follow on seasons of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai & Rei. Then there is Elfen Lied, that was funny and cute. Spice & Wolf was brilliant, a nice, refreshing setting and idea set apart from normal anime (The second one, not as good >.> )
Hmmm... trying to think of others >.>
K-On! was entertaining. Good musical anime. Robotech was quite good, brilliant mecha series :3
Composer said:
Have you seen this picture?

That picture was taken at the height of March Mayhem, by none other than our own Kross, who posted it on IRC :3
=O no i havent thanks for showing me!

no good dirty zynga, always using internet magic


New member
Jun 26, 2010
Arakawa Under The Bridge, Love because its just hilarious to watch.
Gintama, Been going on for a long time and another funny series i enjoy.
Bleach, No idea why i love this but i do.
Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Same as first two.
Hakuouki, A decent Samurai style Anime iv seen in a while.
07-Ghost, Enjoyed the Good Storyline.
Koukaku no Regios, Same as bleach love it but don't know why.

Greyfox105 said:
K-On! was entertaining. Good musical anime.
They have done a second season now! i would post a good site but ill probably get trolled for advertising again,


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Ekit said:
I like Mentanei Conan, but I'm a sucker for murder mysteries.
I like that one, but its been awhile since it has advanced the main plot, and even then the main plot doesnt seem to have advanced much.


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

It's about a boy and his brother, who live in a world where alchemy is the norm. The understanding, breaking down and rebuilding of materials by means Alchemy arrays.
The catch with this technique is that the Law of equivalent trade is in place. Meaning that you can't create more of something that what you offer.
Whit this in mind, the two brothers try to create something that they lost, and failed. The story is about them finding back the things they lost in the process.

Be sure to watch the Brotherhood version.
The original series in not bad at all, but the Brotherhood is closer to the manga.
Also..... someone creates a spear from his own frozen blood, if that doesn't sell it....