Red Box Offers More Game Rental Kiosks, More Gross Stains


New member
Nov 22, 2009
CannibalRobots said:
ionveau said:
Oh my if this EVER becomes big around the world the game giants are DEAD

Its like piracy without stealing
Its like buying a game for $2
Its guilt free.

I predict new laws will come out claiming that sharing CDs is against the law, typical company protecting governments.
Wrong, you have to provide a credit card and if you dont return the game by a certain date, they'll just charge you for the game, plus a replacement fee.
What the hell are you talking about?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I work for a corporate chain of convenience stores. The owners of those machines are responsible for their upkeep. I don't care if it looks like crap, not my job to keep it nice. If it gets too bad, we discuss removal of the machine with the owner.