A messy launch is always disappointing, hope performance gets cleaned up soon. At this point I'm just going to let things get smoothed out and wait for the Steam release.
Yeah I got my driver updated but haven?t even booted it up yet. Only knee deep in the console version?s Epilogue 1 as it is.
Really curious about how differently it plays on PC though. Definitely wanting to play in first person. I have a feeling I might just be using the PC version for photo mode though, considering I?ve spent so much time towards 100% completion already, and don?t care to deal with the chaos of PC for the online side.
There have been some amazing shots on Reddit so far. Kinda like this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/dv61ld/he_was_washing_his_little_hands_in_the_puddle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf] in particular.