Reggie Promises Awesome E3 for Nintendo


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I'm hoping for some actual info on Dynamic Slash.

Tenmar said:
I hope they show a new business model for the future of the Nintendo. It appears that sales are finally slumping now that there is enough nintendo wii's and ds for consumers to handle.
The PS2 sold more so there's still room to go.

Darkrai said:
If there is no Kid Icarus announcement, then it won't be awesome.
That bullshit rumor was really the best troll ever pulled on the internet. Nintendo had ~20 years without any Kid Icarus announcements, how come that obsolete game is suddently supposed to matter? What would a modern KI game even keep from the original? Other than a paper-thin setting (which tends to turn awkward once you try to shoehorn it into the story-driven structure of a core game) there's nothing that would be kept in a modern KI game anyway with it being most likely in 3D and all that. You're basically saying you want a game with a guy with wings and a bow. Hey, there's SSBB, that's probably as close to the original KI as a modern KI would be!

Goldeneye103X2 said:
As long as he announces starfox wii at E3, everything will be forgiven.
Well, we know the guy who brought us the mess that was SF Command won't be working on any SF sequels at least so if there is one it might actually not suck. Of course I suspect people want classic star fox... and then act surprised as the game turns out to be either 20 minutes long from start to finish or completely mess with the formula to stretch it to a modern game length... Many old games lose their essence in new adaptions because game design turned from "practice until you can make it to the end on the lives you're given" to "keep playing until you progress through the game because you can never lose progress and even a blind chicken will find a grain occasionally" and games with short start-to-end playtime and branching pathes like Sonic or Star Fox can't be done without significant filler.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
KDR_11k said:
Darkrai said:
If there is no Kid Icarus announcement, then it won't be awesome.
That bullshit rumor was really the best troll ever pulled on the internet. Nintendo had ~20 years without any Kid Icarus announcements, how come that obsolete game is suddently supposed to matter? What would a modern KI game even keep from the original? Other than a paper-thin setting (which tends to turn awkward once you try to shoehorn it into the story-driven structure of a core game) there's nothing that would be kept in a modern KI game anyway with it being most likely in 3D and all that. You're basically saying you want a game with a guy with wings and a bow. Hey, there's SSBB, that's probably as close to the original KI as a modern KI would be!
Well, they are making Punchout. Maybe Duck Hunt could be the next


New member
Apr 9, 2008
And what about Sony & MS? Are they going to make up for their pathetic showings last year too, or will it just be nintendo?

Each of the big three presentations last year were cringe worthy.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
With the Wii in many households, it seems the best way to win back core gamers to their ranks would be to make a major announcement about a tried and true franchise like Zelda, or at least something that might connect with said gamers like Icarus.

Regardless of whether the Wii is gathering dust or not, it's there, so it's just a matter of selling the games now. But if Nintendo presents something like they did last year with some other motion innovation game, then the long term life of the Wii might not be as good as hoped.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Probably some zelda game, a hint at a new mario game and a slew of lifestyle shite.
And lots of pie charts


New member
May 8, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
If anyone would like a rundown of the events, judging by the booked area, Sony will have the biggest showing, followed by Nintendo, and then Microsoft. Judging by their active potential for future growth and activity, this sounds about right.
Sounds about right, 2 consoles and a handheld takes up more space than 1 console and a handheld which takes up more space than 1 console, and what with the DSi,Wii, and PSP (at least in Japan though LBPSP and ACPSP should push it in other areas) printing money, why wouldn't they make massive booths.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
It better be better than last years E3 or there will be HELL to pay!

*pounds fists menacingly*


New member
May 8, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
Not quite. Sony's offering is four times Microsofts, and three times Nintendo's. Also, why would they show off the Ps2?
Well they need the space for all of the "Sorry for the last 2-3 years PSP owners, here's [insert first party game here]" booths.

And for the 50-60% of the PSP line-up that is being announced at E3.

Its E3 09, if there was no PS2 then that would contradict Sony's 10 year lifecycle.

I sure do hope E3 is better this year, my 2 Wii friends have been resorting to desperate measures for their gaming fix (WOW).


New member
Mar 14, 2008
The Wii is a sinking ship for core gamers, and I have every reason to doubt the success of Spirit Tracks. The Wii started off with some good titles(Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem, Warioware) but then came all those "nothing games", like wii music and "Imagine: babyz party". If they don't pick it up this time for the Wii then they'll lose all faith of the core gamers.


New member
May 19, 2008
I expect all 3 of the consoles to have a better E3 this year than lasts. Last years E3 was terribly boring and uninspired for me, the only thing that I honestly say I was "wowed" by was the whole FF13 for 360 announcement. The only company right now I see that will pull off an impressive show is Sony because of the amount of crap that they have announced in the past few months, it's like they revealed the entire 2009 game lineup for their systems in like one month, just crazy.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
A new F-Zero would suit me just fine... and even these days, making a racing game isn't a massive resource commitment (at least compared to other major genres).


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
GonzoGamer said:
And what about Sony & MS? Are they going to make up for their pathetic showings last year too, or will it just be nintendo?

Each of the big three presentations last year were cringe worthy.
How was Sony's pathetic? God of War III, MAG, Gameplay footage from Heavy Rain and inFAMOUS - quite a good showing.

If anyone would like a rundown of the events, judging by the booked area, Sony will have the biggest showing, followed by Nintendo, and then Microsoft. Judging by their active potential for future growth and activity, this sounds about right.
We didn't get much more than an announcement that they were working on GOW3 (that little teaser wasn't a highlight for me), I'm not looking forward to Heavy Rain (a game consisting entirely of QTE's is my idea of hell), did we even get any screenshots of MAG(?), and yes inFamous almost made up for the rest.

To be fair, I wasn't there so I got whatever highlights bloggers and g4 found worthy. I hope they have a big showing with big news this year, the games I've been playing most are getting old. Mostly I'm hoping to hear that Starhawk is really a massive cosmic version of Warhawk (one of the aforementioned "getting old" games and the only game I've bought DLC for) that's being worked on. They also have to have a big showing because all of my (previously) favorite franchises (Burnout, GTA) are probably just going to announce more DLC rather than new games.