I'm hoping for some actual info on Dynamic Slash.
The PS2 sold more so there's still room to go.Tenmar said:I hope they show a new business model for the future of the Nintendo. It appears that sales are finally slumping now that there is enough nintendo wii's and ds for consumers to handle.
That bullshit rumor was really the best troll ever pulled on the internet. Nintendo had ~20 years without any Kid Icarus announcements, how come that obsolete game is suddently supposed to matter? What would a modern KI game even keep from the original? Other than a paper-thin setting (which tends to turn awkward once you try to shoehorn it into the story-driven structure of a core game) there's nothing that would be kept in a modern KI game anyway with it being most likely in 3D and all that. You're basically saying you want a game with a guy with wings and a bow. Hey, there's SSBB, that's probably as close to the original KI as a modern KI would be!Darkrai said:If there is no Kid Icarus announcement, then it won't be awesome.
Well, we know the guy who brought us the mess that was SF Command won't be working on any SF sequels at least so if there is one it might actually not suck. Of course I suspect people want classic star fox... and then act surprised as the game turns out to be either 20 minutes long from start to finish or completely mess with the formula to stretch it to a modern game length... Many old games lose their essence in new adaptions because game design turned from "practice until you can make it to the end on the lives you're given" to "keep playing until you progress through the game because you can never lose progress and even a blind chicken will find a grain occasionally" and games with short start-to-end playtime and branching pathes like Sonic or Star Fox can't be done without significant filler.Goldeneye103X2 said:As long as he announces starfox wii at E3, everything will be forgiven.