Reliable Source: Wands, Outbreaks and Zombies

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Ah, those crazy, crazy crazy Nigerians, what will they think of next?

[small]This statement not intended to offend any actual Nigerians, and does not reflect the real view of Armitage Shanks. Nigeria is a brilliant country with a rich cultural history and almost no internet scammers or people pretending to be princes.[/small]


New member
Mar 18, 2009
LordCuthberton said:
The Sony rep must have realized what he was saying was utter balls....
Awesome saying of the day!

OT: What do they mean about balls?


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Anderson and co. have stated that RE Begins is slated to feature not just Jovovich but another talented actiontress. Because if there's one thing that's better than one hot chick shooting zombies, its two hot chicks running away from explosions.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
Puppeteer Putin said:
In the middle, either side of where their parents should be? See?! you've already made me feel bad about debating the subject by bringing up the sodding cannibalist's delicacy and their personal issues. Hell, it COULD even cause readers to have inner crisis about tangential political and social issues. And really, if they're reading the news do they need more issues and self-depricating revelations?
People like drama because it brightens up their otherwise dull, repetitive lifestyle. It's why tabloid "journalism" is so successful after all. The only people who would feel really guilty about orphans are those who have caused them. Why, did you kill a couple of parents some time? Huh? HUH?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
"We want to rework the series into something that is similar to Batman Begins in terms of profit margin, but keeping with the overall theme of the original Resident Evil: A game about a hot chick killing zombies and explosions."
Haha at first reading I thought that was talking about killing explosions. I hadn't realized that the new resident evil would be entitled Resident Evil: Boom Stifiling Zombie Sillyness. Though, if one has to play with SONY's balls to play the next Sheva character...


thinking about your ugly face
Dec 16, 2007
Sci-Fi luver437 said:
LordCuthberton said:
The Sony rep must have realized what he was saying was utter balls....
Awesome saying of the day!

OT: What do they mean about balls?
I should have been more specific in the article. Here is a picture of sony's new wand:



New member
Sep 26, 2008
Nah, This is just saying "Hai Nintendo! Don't mind if we completely take your idea with it a mix it with an inyourendo?!"


New member
Jul 14, 2008
Most of the ball sentences just sounded.. wrong. "Having a few friends come over, have a few beers, and play with your balls!" Didn't he realize it himself?


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
"It's a story about a lone woman who lost both her parents in a tragic murder and vows to use her great wealth and martial arts prowess to fight zombies," Anderson read aloud from a Madlib he had just filled out minutes ago.

"We want to rework the series into something that is similar to Batman Begins in terms of profit margin, but keeping with the overall theme of the original Resident Evil: A game about a hot chick killing zombies and explosions."
Dude, this movie sounds awesome! Boobs, guns, and 'splosions? I'm all for that!

/sarcasm? Nope. That's actually true. I wouldn't mind seeing Jovovich again. She's f-cking sexy.


New member
Jun 6, 2008
Another wonderfoul posting, I can't wait to get my sweaty fingers all over Sony's pink balls!

Whoolpurse said:
Most of the ball sentences just sounded.. wrong. "Having a few friends come over, have a few beers, and play with your balls!" Didn't he realize it himself?
Welcome to Satire, USA. Population: You.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Puppeteer Putin said:
Labyrinth said:
Puppeteer Putin said:
But then it's not journalism, it's spin. Your using these poor orphan's dilemmnas to shape a readers interpretation of a peice of information or news.

So infact, you pre-emptively create context for the reader rather than them allowing their own context to shape their opinion.
If there are orphans involved, let there be orphans in the writing of it. All media presents a context and a bias because to simply write the facts of "x-people/person did a to z" would never a) sell or b) make use of a language we have. They're not people fighting people, they're terrorists and Peacekeepers, or freedom fighters and invaders. The orphans get caught in the middle.
In the middle, either side of where their parents should be? See?! you've already made me feel bad about debating the subject by bringing up the sodding cannibalist's delicacy and their personal issues. Hell, it COULD even cause readers to have inner crisis about tangential political and social issues. And really, if they're reading the news do they need more issues and self-depricating revelations?
STOP! You are making my cerebellum hurt!

Hypothalumus short...circuiting...snrklwafferboomboom

The_root_of_all_evil said:
"But to really get the full experience, you need a friend to play with. Really, there's nothing better than a having a couple of friends over, drinking some beer and playing with your balls."
Just make sure you don't forget to bring yours, because playing with your friend's balls is rarely as satisfying.
Depends on the friend and what accessories they have.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Fahy P said:
God I hope that Resident Evil film doesn't suck
Not like it could be much worse the the first one though
Correct me if im wrong but wasn't RE about dudes killing zombies too??
I believe there were also some "dudes" killing zombies, but really, if the film promises a "hot chick killing zombies and explosions" what more do you need? I'm very interested to see how they actually go about killing an explosion, for starters....


New member
Mar 2, 2009
wilsonscrazybed said:
"We want to rework the series into something that is similar to Batman Begins in terms of profit margin, but keeping with the overall theme of the original Resident Evil: A game about a hot chick killing zombies and explosions."
These words bring to mind one name: Michael Bay. The rest is history.