xXxJessicaxXx said:
I would change, that in Britain, once someone has broken into your home or property it's fair game to reasonably defend yourself if they wont leave or they attack you.
Sick of hearing of people going to prison because they killed or injured a burglar who attacked them etc. It's complete crap.
This so so so many times, we have it here in South Africa (where armed burglaries are a common occurance) and it makes no sense. It makes self-defence redundant. I hate the attitude of "no one is right in a fight", the trespasser is always wrong, and the other person is right to defend themselves to the full extent of their abilities.
It is even in the school system here, if you get attacked, you get the same punishment as the attacker. I have had friends minding their business who got thrown around by assholes who would get the exact same punishment as said assholes. And if you defend yourself and win then you get WORSE punishment. WTF?! Self defence in many ways makes sense as the most important right, partly because it deters reckless and aggressive behaviour.
thathaloguy117 said:
Homocoitus Odium is the correct ter for "Homophobe" and I am not one. I respect gays as I respect blacks, Jews, hispanics, and so on. Now I'm going to sound all religious and shit but this is why I don' want gay marriage. If the government were to take away a very sacred and ancient tradition of marriage between a man and a woman that would mean Churches would be legally obligated to marry anyone that asks to be married. And if the church refuses then a political shitstorm rains down upon the church with people from all around the country that wants to go there and call them homophobes for standing by one of the oldest human traditions.
And your drug idea will leave broken families and a potential workforce unusable because they are all high. And another thing "special licenses"? I mean what do you do, go into the post office and say "hey can I get my cocaine license renewed?"
I did not enjoy reading that.
Old tradition is very often wrong, and barbaric. And they should, or else it is discrimination. In my country an organisation (church included)
CANNOT legally refuse to hire or give its services to someone based on race, gender, sexuality or religion. And marriage is FAR more than a religious practice these days, it is a big part of modern culture, something that now transcends religion. You don't hear anyone saying "we got a civil union on Saturday", they got
MARRIED. It is part of the modern
CULTURAL system, something that no person should be denied on the grounds of their sexuality. I don't care if it is the Church that does it, so long as their is an organisation that can give people legal weddings and keep the same romantic appeal, I don't care if there is a pastor, I would happily have any person who could do it legally and professionally, I would rather have a secular person do it actually. But currently such options are both limited and frowned upon.
Do you know how many people in Performance (seriously high-stress public stuff that) take drugs? Bloody thousands. Are they too high to perform? I am not advocating drug use, but it wouldn't cripple a population like that, those who want to use, will, those who don't, won't. And if it is regulated, people won't die of overdoses and the really bad stuff (which people use because they can't get the cleaner stuff). Give people the option of legally buying drugs they know are clean and safer and stuff they know they can survive more than 10 years with, and they will choose that over cheap and illegally mixed crap that can kill in two bad samples.
And the licence would be given by a medical professional, they would create a new department for it, train the medics to see signs of over use, and give a permit for how much they can buy in a month, the retailers would have a database of every buyer, so they would know when someone had their dose for the week. Also check for consumption (blood tests et cetera) so people don't hoard then overdose. Not a lot of thinking required really.