Repair her Armor Blog


New member
Oct 11, 2011
I appreciate what they are trying to do, but I am against redoing other people's art. Maybe drawing that same character in a different outfit, doing a different pose would be better, but practically tracing over and coloring in certain spots on the pictures just feels too "Oh, you silly billy. That's too much skin. Let me draw what she should look like. *proceeds to draw over your sketch*".


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Asita said:
trollnystan said:
A nice explanation how in real life boob plate might actually kill you. I personally don't mind boob plate all that much, although it wholly depends on the setting. It bothers me a bit in games like Skyrim and Mass Effect, but not so much in JRPGs where skinny-ass dudes can wield swords bigger and wider than themselves. I will say that out of these two...
Skyrim I can certainly see but...why is Mass Effect such a stickler? The shields kinda take the brunt of the damage in that universe.

Well, I guess my problem with Mass Effect is mostly Samara's outfit. Does not suit her one bit and is unnecessary fan service. Not to mention boob plate armour seems so unnecessarily decorative. They're soldiers right? It it was me I would like my boobs strapped down nice and tight so they wouldn't hurt or get in the way when I'm being all action:y. Being a bit picky I suppose.