replaying games


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009
So I've recently started a new playthrough of Shin Megami Tensei 4 to get ready for SMT 4: Apocalypse. This comes after I recently finished a second Playthrough of Persona 4 to get ready for Persona 5, couple that with my ongoing replaythroughs of Pokemon blue and Alpha Sapphire to get ready for Sun and Moon and I started thinking about games I've played through multiple times. I usually wait a year or more before replaying a game, but sometimes if a game pulls me in I'll play through it again almost immediately (Bloodborne for example I did 3 consecutive playthroughs before I really played anything else, and come to think of it I'm currently on my 5th playthrough of that)

How long do you usually wait before replaying a game? What game have you replayed the most? Do you ever replay games to get ready for upcoming sequels?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
totheendofsin said:
Do you ever replay games to get ready for upcoming sequels?
Not really. My backlog is massive, and I don't really have the time or money to get through it all and always keep up with franchises, so usually my replaying a game for its franchise depends on me wanting to play through the franchise in sequential order.

Otherwise, I tend to replay games just... whenever I feel like having that style of gameplay again, or revisiting that game world. Which could be any variable length of time; I've played Deus Ex: Human Revolution two-and-a-half times since its release, I've played the Mass Effect franchise two full times, with the first game having a total of five and the second having three, I've played Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City three times each, etc.

I guess I'd say that generally speaking, two years or so is enough for me to not feel bored by something I've already played. I played Dark Souls to death in order to 100% the achievements earlier this year, so it'll probably be a while until I feel like going in again.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Some games are built around re playability such as fighters so I obviously replay those a lot but any that are more story based I usually only play once this pretty much includes RPGs. I generally find it hard to replay them no matter how much I liked them simply because I have done it already and as such there are no surprises and the desire to level up again is not a compelling one.

I really like to move on and it doesnt matter how long I leave a game I find it hard to replay them as I still remember them to an extent. The only RPG I have replayed and completed multiple times is FFVII which I think I have finished 11 times now but that is so far a unique example as I just love almost everything about that game.

On the whole though I dont replay games as there is way to much I have not played.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I try to wait a couple years before going back to a game I've beaten. I need as much of the game to be forgotten as possible in order to enjoy the experience, instead of just trying to relive my first playthrough in games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age. I rarely break that rule, but I did for Mass Effect 2/3 and The Witcher 3 because I just love those games and I got really involved with their stories.

For your other question, I'd probably say I've played Mass Effect 2/3 the most times, cause I had beaten the game maybe 4 or 5 different times, twice with my original character, and a couple of times with female/other characters. If I could relive exactly how my first playthrough went though, I'd be so happy, it was such an enjoyable ride.

I'm also slowly putting time into playing telltales The Walking Dead season 2, (finished season 1 last week) so I can have my choices ready for season 3. I've been enjoying that though cause I've gotten to make a couple decisions I didn't on my first run, like saying no to taking the food in the car, or leaving the teacher in the bear trap. Interesting to see how little my choices actually matter.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I don't replay as much as I used to (backlog). When I do it's usually after at least a year or two.


Sep 23, 2014
I replayed Doom 2016 as soon as I beat it. That's a very rare thing though, usually I don't come back to something for years unless it's one of my favourite games of all time like the original Doom, System Shock 2, Thief, Undertale, etc.

And then there's Binding of Isaac which is an evil game that demands replays.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Hardly ever. The feeling of tread ground kind of makes my mind wander to other places, and those places are particularly unpleasant. Always best to explore new lands, unbeset by memories.
Exceptions are Uncharted 4, new game + on soulsborne games...and lately, to my surprise, Ratchet and Clank It had an end game I never realised till yesterday. The weapons have a whole new evolution upgrade system and some other modifiers you can play around with. Plus it's rather delicious on the eyes. And the originally boring sheepinator has now become much more interesting since it upgraded to a Goatinator that turns enemies into vicious black goats that fart rainbow boost and turn other enemies into more goats by attacking them. Yup!...all is right with the world again! Apart from the evil that lingers behind closed doors.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
I have a run through of Diablo 2 almost every year and I dig out my old copy of Theme Hospital once a blue moon but I generally don't replay games, theres just too many.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Not so much these days... like most people it's the backlog that does it, always something new to try out. I mined the nostalgia trip pretty hard in the 00's, when I was almost exclusively playing c64 games, having gone off triple-As. The rise of indie games brought me back to the present.

I've replayed Puzzle Quest and MTG Shandalar many, many times, but I think I've now rinsed them so thoroughly there's not much new for me to get out of them. I play Doom (1+2) a fair amount but it's always with new WADs, I rarely revisit old levels.

Right now if I replay something it's for the atmosphere. I went back through Braid again recently because it's a lovely environment to be in, even tho the puzzles didn't tax me much and I couldn't find any more stars. I can definitely see myself going back to the Witness at some point in my life. And I think this Christmas is probably time for one of my semi-regular runs through The Secret of Monkey Island... I think of it not so much of a game as one of my favorite movies.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Only a couple of times in the past during the Gamecube/ X Box and PS2 era.

That was when broadbad arise and Steam wasn't invented yet.

Granted the only recent time I did replay a game was Infinite Space on the DS due to many more ships unlock when you take the alternative which had several.
Dec 10, 2012
It's odd, I see so many people saying they rarely replay games, even the ones they love, because of their backlog. Too many new games to play to spend time on old ones. And as time goes on, my backlog somehow keeps getting smaller. In the last full year I've played one new video game. The rest of my gaming time is spent on games I already know I love to play.
Jan 19, 2016
I really only replay a couple of games and they are my absolute favourites - The Last of Us gets a run every few months, and Dragon Age Origins gets a run about once a year. The rest of the time I am playing new releases, trying to catch up on backlog, and wasting my life on WoW.


Dec 3, 2010
Final Fantasy VIII and X are probably the ones I've replayed the most. When I was a kid I used to start a new game like every three months because I never finished the game before I stopped playing and I didn't want to keep going on my old saves because I didn't remember what had happened. So far I've only finished FFVIII once(quite recently) and FFX I only got to the end boss before giving up because I couldn't be arsed to grind my characters up.

In general I replay a game after ~three-four years or so(I just started replaying the God of War games and was shocked when I realized it's been five-six years), but back when I played a lot of PS3 games and chased trophies like mad I used to replay them instantly. I've been meaning to replay a lot of my old games recently, however I can't find the motivation to do so anymore.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I rarely return to longer story-driven games. Shorter games or more gameplay focused ones I'm willing to replay. How long I wait changes from game-to-game, but more often than not I give things a break.

However, I used to start a second playthrough the instant I stopped. I couldn't afford a lot of games, so replayability was a major way to keep myself entertained. I could easily play through some games 10-20 (or more) times.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I tried to replay Baulder's Gate 1 & 2 a couple of years ago. Realised that it might have been a good game in the old days but now is pretty bad.

I replay almost every Fallout and Elder Scrolls game after the DLC has come out. I plan on doing the same with Bioshock Infinite but its been sitting in my backlog for a year so...

I also replayed Witcher 1 and 2 but haven't replayed Witcher 3 yet. Skelliege, bland comabt and the choice leading to the ending leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Supergiant games come around every now and then but they are short. I also replay the Lego games with my daughter.
Feb 28, 2008
Does anyone else find themselves really loathe to replay games because, even with ones that you adore, there are always sections that you remember disliking? I feel as if it's a real problem ...

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
I ended up replaying Carmageddon is preperation for Carmageddon: Max Damage.
Granted, that's one of those games that never leaves the harddisk, and a game I pretty much always start over when completed since there's no real end game.