Report: Nintendo NX is Portable With Detachable Controllers


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Kibeth41 said:
Because it's not like the 3DS, Wii U, Wii, DS, and N64 were all trying something different or anything. This is literally the first console where Nintendo has gone off the deep end. /sarc
And look how nicely that worked for the WiiU.

The gaming industry never got rid of cartridges. Only the home consoles. But there are have always been very clear advantages to using cartridges. And as we move more and more into the digital era, cartridges are less detrimental to developers.
Outside the nintendo handhelds, carts were pretty much abandoned. And in this digital era there is even less reason for adeveloper to want to invest in such a money sink as cartidges. Disks were significantly cheaper than carts and that's why the industry as a whole kind ran in that direction.

And an iPad IS a handheld. A device used while held in your hands = handheld. 'Handheld' is not a synonimous term with 'small enough to fit into a pocket'.
No one calls a laptop a handheld so please , let's try not to be pedantic. This thing, from what we've hear already is going to be larger than an Ipad, or those controllers will be cripplingly small. Even uusing teh wii mot dpad stick, to mount two of those... you know what. nuff said. I'mm calling it right here. this will be Virtual boy 2.0.

Course so long as Nintendo says there's gonna be a pokemon game on it, people will bank roll the idiotic thing.

As for battery life, we'll see. It's clear they're taking steps to make the console run efficiently. But if they're able to give the Pro Controller 80+ hours of battery life, then I'm sure they can give the NX at least 4. Neither of us can cast any logical judgement until the console's shown.[/quote]


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Am I the only one getting sick of these rumors? Ever since people trolled the internet via those fake controllers, not only I refuse to believe anything from these rumors from anonymous sources, but I am sick of all this talk about the NX. We know Nintendo is up to something, but it's gonna be the same old song and dance: Ubisoft will initially say yes, Activision will say yes with only a handful of titles, Bethesda and EA will say no, because of course they will; Sega sigh.

Can we talk about the stuff that matters like backwards compatibility, Ubisoft gave us a huge hint that it'll be compatible with Wiimote because of Just Dance, so they won't stray too far from the Wii, and such the Wii U, because... they already have a library and the NX only has two games. This is not speculation, I am just piecing together what we know.


New member
May 18, 2013
Bad Player said:
This sounds unlikely to me... Not sure how you can have a console that's small enough to be portable while also being big enough to have two controllers.
A dock with HDMI out. This will finish them in the console market if it fails.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Isn't this what Sony did with the Vita? And wasn't that a colossal failure? The 5th Gen comparison is looking more and more appropriate.

In all seriousness, it sounds like they're trying to combine the handheld and home consoles into one device. In theory, there is a handheld that can play games on its own, but can be connected to the TV for home console users. This sounds like an interesting idea, but it begs some questions like:

-How big are the cartridges (as storage size, not physical size)?
-Will the 'base' have more power than the handheld?
-Will the handheld have its own cartridge slot or will it use Wireless?
-Will the handheld scale down the resolution or will the games have to have lowered graphics settings?
-Are the controllers attached to the handheld or the base?
-Does the handheld actually have a decent battery life?


New member
Feb 28, 2016
A little reading between the lines goes a long way. I believe, if this is true, that what will happen is that a single controller will come with a detachable screen. Either that, or the controllers are attached to the base. Because, in all honesty, Nintendo has some bizarre ideas sometimes, but there's bizarre and there's stupid.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Quellist said:
If thats true (and i sincerely hope it isn't), Nintendo can eat a dick!

There's just about no possible way (Unless they unearthed some UFO tech) that a handheld with games on cartridges is going to compete side by side with Sony and M$
I would agree.

No way they could get PS4 level processing power in a handheld. The PS4's GPU is made by AMD, one of the top GPU vendors in the world. It's pure delusion to think Nintendo can squeeze that much power into a handheld.

And don't get me started on batteries. If you want the most GPU power for battery juice, there is only one company to go to, PowerVR**. They have the mobile GPU market pretty much all to themselves - with nvidia trying but failing to make inroads. But their offerings are a far cry capabilities-wise to the GPUs in home consoles and PCs.

** Guess what GPUs the PSV uses.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
Because it's not like the 3DS, Wii U, Wii, DS, and N64 were all trying something different or anything. This is literally the first console where Nintendo has gone off the deep end. /sarc
I agree, Nintendo has long gone off the deep end since the N64.

That's how they lost the home console game market they once dominated.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
deadish said:
Kibeth41 said:
Because it's not like the 3DS, Wii U, Wii, DS, and N64 were all trying something different or anything. This is literally the first console where Nintendo has gone off the deep end. /sarc
I agree, Nintendo has long gone off the deep end since the N64.

That's how they lost the home console game market they once dominated.
The Wii, DS and 3DS are three of the best selling consoles of all time.

You agreed with my point that Nintendo have always made innovative consoles. But you tried using that as an example to state that's why they have poor sales? The innovative consoles are the most profitable consoles they release.

It's arguable that the Gamecube and Wii U only sold poorly because they attempted to keep to the mainstream competition.

Your point is extremely weak. Nice try though.
Would the DS and 3DS be as successful without the Gameboys as their predecessors? Would they be as successful if the handheld market wasn't as devoid of competitors?

The Wii was a flash in the pan. Cute gimmick, attracted a big crowd, but in the end was nothing of lasting value.


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
deadish said:
Would the DS and 3DS be as successful without the Gameboys as their predecessors? Would they be as successful if the handheld market wasn't as devoid of competitors?

The Wii was a flash in the pan. Cute gimmick, attracted a big crowd, but in the end was nothing of lasting value.
Are you really trying to argue this corner? You're wrong. Accept it. Honestly now...

The DS and 3DS did have competitors. The Wii wasn't "a flash in the pan". It introduced motion controls to the home consoles, and led to Sony developing Playstation Move, and Microsoft developing Kinect to try and compete with it. Now it's led to us having tech like the Vive.

Yeah, don't try and argue against these points because "I like to pretend Nintendo are doing shit". Facts are facts.
The barely surviving PSP isn't much of a competitor. The PSV was unfortunately DOA.

Look where the Kinect is now?

If VR didn't get the hype it did, motion controls would have faded into obscurity like the Virtual Boy - or are you going to claim that Nintendo invented VR too. /LOL


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
deadish said:
The barely surviving PSP isn't much of a competitor. The PSV was unfortunately DOA.

Look where the Kinect is now?

If VR didn't get the hype it did, motion controls would have faded into obscurity like the Virtual Boy - or are you going to claim that Nintendo invented VR too. /LOL
"The DS and 3DS had no competition. Oh, they did have competition? Well it doesn't count, because I said so". Sorry, you're not allowed to disqualify facts that contradict your point. You're conveying a weak point.

And inventing =/= incorporating into the mainstream home games console market. Incorporating tech is still innovation though.

"The consoles were largely successful but they don't count because I don't want them to!" - The arguments you're making are nothing but exhausting. I don't even get what point you're trying to make? That innovations in tech to aim a console at a different market to the mainstream lump is unprofitable? All evidence indicates that you're factually wrong about that.

I don't get why you take such huge offense to the fact that Nintendo's 'gimmicks' actually do well. Going to drop some knowledge on you here. You ready??

Products sell really well when they have a UNIQUE SELLING POINT.
Nintendo's gimmicks do well in the same way fads do well.

Remember the macarena? Looking back, it was pretty ridiculous.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Kibeth41 said:
The N64 also did really well.
By what metric?

Total sales of the N64 compared to the SNES were down 32% ( 49.10M Snes vs 32.93M N64 ), Nintendo's market share went down 65% ( 64% Snes vs 23% N64 ) all the while the market for home consoles grew by 90% ( 76.74M Snes era vs 146M N64 era ).

Although to be expected to a certain degree due to new hardware, software for the N64 also shrunk by 50% compared to the SNES ( ~783 Snes titles vs ~388 N64 titles ).


New member
Jun 7, 2015
Geez, what a lame idea. I was really hopeful that it would end up being something stronger, at this point I give up on waiting for Nintendo to wake the fuck up.