Report - The New Call of Duty Will Be Set in Space


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Dalisclock said:
You know, at this point, why not? They've run through pretty much everything they can do without showing a war from a non-western(or Russian for WW2) POV.

On the other hand, SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!
To be fair, they've had numerous instances of taking control of a soon-to-be-dead Arab or whatever, like the President from Modern Warfare, and even let you play an Arab double agent in Black Ops II, slaughtering (Yemeni?) and UN forces to keep your cover.

Actually, you also get to play as a murderous (Nicaraguan?) drug lord, slaughtering CIA and Panama(nian?) forces in BlOpsII. That game had a pretty decent variety, when you weren't playing AMERICA FUCK YEAH.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
chadachada123 said:
To be fair, they've had numerous instances of taking control of a soon-to-be-dead Arab or whatever, like the President from Modern Warfare, and even let you play an Arab double agent in Black Ops II, slaughtering (Yemeni?) and UN forces to keep your cover.

Actually, you also get to play as a murderous (Nicaraguan?) drug lord, slaughtering CIA and Panama(nian?) forces in BlOpsII. That game had a pretty decent variety, when you weren't playing AMERICA FUCK YEAH.
Crap, you're right. I'm not sure how I forgot about BOII. That's one of the reasons I liked the game, due to having more moral complexity then a lot of the other games(not much, but still more then usual). The fact the villain was actually developed and given reasons for hating the west other then just to be a dick was also nice(Kevin Spacey kinda came close, though he falls more into Bond Villain Territory).


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
gigastar said:
Silentpony said:
OH! You know what it needs? Zombies. On Mars. And maybe some daemons. And then the Marine corps have to invade Hell to stop a PMC built cyber-daemon from destroying the Trump Military Base, the greatest most fanciest military base in the galaxy!

And maybe some sort of super gun. just a really big fucking gun, you know? Maybe with a catchier, more militaristic sciencey name but still just a really big fucking gun.

And maybe have some spooky sections where you just have a flashlight and pistol against spooky zombies, and then huge over-the-top set pieces of fire-shotguns and laser-chainsaws making friends with cyber-daemon faces.

That would actually be a pretty fun game.
At that point they may as well buy a GW lisence and make a W40K game instead.
OR, they could call it Doom. Just sayin'.

Eh. Not that interested TBH. Intrigued, but its still going to be Call of Duty. Never found the series all that engaging or fun, so, probably not for me.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Then after that is going to be Call of Duty IN TIME where you have to travel through time and space in order to stop terrorists from tampering with history.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
In space no one can hear you screaming that the player who killed you is a fag.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Or you could just buy/reinstall Wolfenstein: The New Order and play the Moonbase level. It will last exactly as long as this new Call of Duty games' campaign, but be way more fun and is guaranteed to have far more to do with space. =P


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Silentpony said:
OH! You know what it needs? Zombies. On Mars.
I think a old CoD had Zombies in Space. So here you go. Also at some point you were able to shoot Cyborg zombies as well. Plus Aliens, lot of Aliens.

For me I am very pleased to see CoD take a more interesting direction with each release of the series.
In the next game I expect to see a Matrix-like plot story. You know, because why not.
Code Arms had already this idea long ago. Sadly the last one had been canceled.....