REPORT: White Man to go on Apology Tour for Slavery


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Johnny Novgorod said:
JacksonEight said:
This is relevant.
No it's not, stop spamming that link.
They just spammed the moderation and the banhammer threads. Heh.


New member
Aug 25, 2014
Blame it on the Greeks..

Seriously though, slavery existed well before there was a huge distinction between "white" and "black" people. Any time that a non-nomadic group fought there were survivors. Survivors could do labor, which meant you'd better be prepared for the next conflict. Greeks did it to their fellow Greek, Romans did it to their fellows, and Africans did it to their fellows as well.

I get wanting to apologize for slavery. It's an absolutely reasonable to want to close that scar. This guy isn't the one to do it, it isn't just a white versus black thing, and apologizing to a random person means nothing. Slow clap.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
Oh, you mean those culturally enriching trade missions we had going on all over the world back then?
.. ..
NEVER! we stand united with our Scottish brethren!

ok, so, seriously, uhm. lot of water under the bridge right?

A most sincere apology for my lack of (or twisted) humour. It's all good, right? sorry


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
Oi!! It just so happens you start a fight with Scandinavians we burn, loot and pillage in payment for your actions... Its not because of arbitrary reasons. Guaranteed you Brits said the wrong thing and got that whole thing started... probably best we leave that subject alone, considering how many apologies you Brits have to say, the Scottish, Indian (both Native and non-Native American versions) African in general, hell pretty much every damn where you folks decided to drop the Union Jack like rabbits drop their poop.
Its ok though, you're my favorite limey asshole, just don't pick on me ancestors, we're a bit tetchy and might still burn things to the ground. Hell look at how much black metal, death metal and other forms of dark music come from the Scandinavian and Saxon regions... I wouldn't fuck with them or piss 'em off.
Aye, it's all good, I'm sure all us English have Viking ancestors too given how many came and settled here XD

Vendor-Lazarus said:
Oh, you mean those culturally enriching trade missions we had going on all over the world back then?
.. ..
NEVER! we stand united with our Scottish brethren!

ok, so, seriously, uhm. lot of water under the bridge right?

A most sincere apology for my lack of (or twisted) humour. It's all good, right? sorry
You're forgetting the real enemy here, the French are just waiting to take advantage of our dividedness to find a moment to strike. Northern Europeans unite!


New member
Jul 23, 2014
His ancestors enslaved black people, but he didn't enslave anyone. So why should he be apologizing for what his ancestors did to black people?


New member
Sep 15, 2013
lilhasselhoffer said:
Blame it on the Greeks..

Seriously though, slavery existed well before there was a huge distinction between "white" and "black" people. Any time that a non-nomadic group fought there were survivors. Survivors could do labor, which meant you'd better be prepared for the next conflict. Greeks did it to their fellow Greek, Romans did it to their fellows, and Africans did it to their fellows as well.

I get wanting to apologize for slavery. It's an absolutely reasonable to want to close that scar. This guy isn't the one to do it, it isn't just a white versus black thing, and apologizing to a random person means nothing. Slow clap.
DesuMaiden said:
His ancestors enslaved black people, but he didn't enslave anyone. So why should he be apologizing for what his ancestors did to black people?
This person doesn't exist and it's satire news. It's "TACO News," run by PsychicTaco, who is well known for a myriad of joke threads.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Vendor-Lazarus said:
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
Oh, you mean those culturally enriching trade missions we had going on all over the world back then?
.. ..
NEVER! we stand united with our Scottish brethren!

ok, so, seriously, uhm. lot of water under the bridge right?
That depends on the Bridge:

The Battle of Stamford Bridge took place at the village of Stamford Bridge, East Riding of Yorkshire in England on 25 September 1066, between an English army under King Harold Godwinson and an invading Norwegian force led by King Harald Hardrada and the English king's brother Tostig Godwinson


New member
Jul 23, 2014
TheIceQueen said:
lilhasselhoffer said:
Blame it on the Greeks..

Seriously though, slavery existed well before there was a huge distinction between "white" and "black" people. Any time that a non-nomadic group fought there were survivors. Survivors could do labor, which meant you'd better be prepared for the next conflict. Greeks did it to their fellow Greek, Romans did it to their fellows, and Africans did it to their fellows as well.

I get wanting to apologize for slavery. It's an absolutely reasonable to want to close that scar. This guy isn't the one to do it, it isn't just a white versus black thing, and apologizing to a random person means nothing. Slow clap.
DesuMaiden said:
His ancestors enslaved black people, but he didn't enslave anyone. So why should he be apologizing for what his ancestors did to black people?
This person doesn't exist and it's satire news. It's "TACO News," run by PsychicTaco, who is well known for a myriad of joke threads.
It sounded real enough. I've heard of such ridiculous nonsense on some mainstream liberal sites...apologizing for slavery my happened over 150 years ago.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
DesuMaiden said:
TheIceQueen said:
lilhasselhoffer said:
Blame it on the Greeks..

Seriously though, slavery existed well before there was a huge distinction between "white" and "black" people. Any time that a non-nomadic group fought there were survivors. Survivors could do labor, which meant you'd better be prepared for the next conflict. Greeks did it to their fellow Greek, Romans did it to their fellows, and Africans did it to their fellows as well.

I get wanting to apologize for slavery. It's an absolutely reasonable to want to close that scar. This guy isn't the one to do it, it isn't just a white versus black thing, and apologizing to a random person means nothing. Slow clap.
DesuMaiden said:
His ancestors enslaved black people, but he didn't enslave anyone. So why should he be apologizing for what his ancestors did to black people?
This person doesn't exist and it's satire news. It's "TACO News," run by PsychicTaco, who is well known for a myriad of joke threads.
It sounded real enough. I've heard of such ridiculous nonsense on some mainstream liberal sites...apologizing for slavery my happened over 150 years ago.
That's called "Poe's Law", it's when something can't be distinguished between it being satire and it being real. It's like to anything on the internet relating to Creationism.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
What is this, Onion news? Not that I'm complaining or anything.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Um... I am pretty sure he is going to get shot is he walks around wearing that. I am sorry if that sounds offensive... but its about to get more offensive, LOL. He sounds like an idiot! Unless he personally enslaved someone he has nothing to apologize for.... the past is the past! Actions performed by people you are a GENETIC OFFSPRING of are none of your fault...

Ah well... the world is so messed up this hardly makes a ripple in the pond...


Social Justice Cleric
Mar 1, 2012
Whenever I see one of these 'parodies' along these lines, I start wondering when people are going to stop thinking that recognizing and fighting against systematic oppression against non-white (and non-male and non-cis and non-hetero) people means 'apologising for slavery'. Because usually when the "GAWD! WHADDYA WANT ME TO DO, APOLOGISE FER SOMETHIN' MY GRANDFATHER DID!?" line, and its best friend "We were poor farmers! We didn't even haaaaave slaaaaaaaves!!" come out to play, it's when a point has been missed so hard that even the best of pencil sharpeners cannot recover said point. And when it becomes ~super funny~ to joke about such declarations because ha ha of course they're not necessary what are you stupid, I'm still left wondering who in the audience thinks it's just as silly to apologise - or even recognize - the racist stuff society pushes on everyone right now, and how they contributed to spreading it and reinforcing it.

To be honest, though, and this may be because I'm a biologist used to thinking in evolutionary time spans, it really hasn't been that long since slavery was the norm in the United States. 150 years sounds like a lot until you break it down - it's just two little old ladies of 75 years old dying back to back. I mean ffs, as of 2013 the US was still paying one last pension from the Civil War[footnote][/footnote]. It's not as ancient history as people would like to believe. That apology - that somebody stepping up to freely and fully admit that his family members, not so far removed from him, did really crappy things - might have more weight than we'd like to admit.

Or on another related topic, we could talk about a real-world equivalent that's still up in the air - many people are still trying to get France to apologise for dicking Haiti over. Basically, if you look at Haitian history, it's "stuff happened, Haiti became decolonized and a free place for non-whites, every other country flipped their fucking shit and purposefully set out to ruin Haiti and it very much is still reeling from that blow. iirc there are some lovely letters from some of the founding fathers saying as such. Much like France, the US was in a position to critically help, but Thomas Jefferson among others stepped up to yell 'hell no' because recognizing a country of ex-slaves put their own slaves at risk[footnote][/footnote]. France, though, is considered much more culpable because Haiti was a French colony, so the damage of colonization is directly France's fault. More pressingly, France pretty much presented a bill to Haiti saying "hey, we know you were slaves and all and you were horribly oppressed but pay up". Haiti is still expected to pay[footnote][/footnote]. It's a major burden to their GDP, government, and economy at large. And France absolutely does not want to let it go, even after Haiti got slammed by the earthquake in 2010.

So yeah, still kinda current political news to consider things like France officially apologising for slavery and other things they did to Haiti by way of reparations. The joke's not so funny when you consider how true it is in some respects.

(Learning about Haiti's independence is cool anyway because Toussaint Louverture is a grade-A badass and interesting dude, but I digress)


New member
Sep 15, 2013
Signa said:
What is this, Onion news? Not that I'm complaining or anything.
NO. It's Taco News and everyone knows that tacos are far superior to onions! At least tacos don't make you cry or kill your parents!

[small]I miss you, Daddy...[/small]


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
JoJo said:
Colour Scientist said:
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
Speaking of England and apologies...

Uh oh... there might be a long queue for that >.>

Don't look so smug Marshall Islands, you're next on the list.
And most of those 22 only got away with it because they were landlocked and thus beyond the reach of the British navy.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
JoJo said:
Colour Scientist said:
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
Speaking of England and apologies...

Uh oh... there might be a long queue for that >.>

Don't look so smug Marshall Islands, you're next on the list.

But yeah, this would be pretty funny if there weren't people who actually thought this way. I heard of a group that tried to sue the catholic church for killing their ancestors... who were in the nights Templar. Never mind that it was technically France that did it, not Rome, but whatever. At what point do we decide to let things go?


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
T0ad 0f Truth said:
What part of this was the 1% fact?
Somewhere out there is a white man named Michael Johnson.

There might even be one reading this thread right now. Wouldn't that just go and blow everyone's minds?

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
JoJo said:
So, when are us English going to get an apology from the Scandinavians for the Viking raids?
That seems fair since you guys recently apologised for the bombings of Copenhagen in 1812...


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
lax4life said:
I don't understand, are ghosts racist?
Well, given that the majority of ghosts originate from less enlightened times, I expect most of them are a little racist :p