I don't know...
While I'm glad there's yet another study to show this, the unfortunate thing is that every study on the subject comes to us from the social sciences, which lack the fundamental cohesion, unity and proper methodology found in the natural sciences. The problem is that yet another study won't stop criticisms of this kind from arising because there are likely other studies being published as you read this contradicting these results - and so on. This particular problem, as stated early, is not endemic to psychology and political 'science' (the assumed originators of studies like this one) but most of the studies that claim to take, as their subject, a human behavior or (and I hate this word) the "mind."
tl;dr - Glad there's more evidence for a position of obvious merit, but it comes from a science with crap methodology and no cohesion between itself and the other social "sciences" - who equally lack fundamental unity. .