i totaly second that opinion. i play games, read books, watch movies, to live different lives in alternate places. even if that means being a "god" controling civilizations in hearts of iron, the escapism stays true.ultimasupersaiyan said:My reason for gaming is the same reason I read books. To escape into facinating new worlds. Esapism is the main reason most of us play video games.
This article should be right up your alley then. You couldn't ask for better timing...considering it usually takes at least 6 months for a research article to hit the presses.Racecarlock said:Didn't I ask this already? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.299985-Why-do-you-play-games
Best answer ever. This should be like a motto or something.Paul Palumbo said:I play them for the experiences I can't get in real life.
I can't don a green power suit and fight aliens.
I can't shoot fire.
I don't own an electric rat.
I'm not a chef or a football player.
But in games, I do all that and more.
Its natural selection, it builds character, DAMNIT!Alphakirby said:Ok,now that we've discovered this,can we PLEASE try to find a cure for cancer now? Please?
Or at least lukemia or any of those other bad diseases that we should be focused on.