Resident Evil 6 Has Four Hours of Cutscenes


New member
Sep 4, 2010
GUYS. Look! This is saying that their are four hours WORTH of cutscenes in the game. That doesn't mean each campaign will have that much.

In fact, there are four campaigns and FOUR hours worth of cutscenes. Doesn't that strike you as strange? Wouldn't it make more sense if each campaign had an hour?


New member
Jan 3, 2009
The fact that everyone is making MGS jokes is making me feel less bad about the fact that I immediately thought of Snake.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
Yes, but how long are the individual cut-scenes and how long is the actual game?
Given that Capcom has most of its manpower focused on RE6 at the moment, id wager 5 internet cookies that the game as a whole is at least 1.5x the length of RE5.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
Ah, so they DID learn something from revelaitons. Great job, Timmy. Have a cookie.

The main issue with this model of storytelling is that keeping three concrete storylines separate yet related is pretty tough if you try to rush the events, so taking that lesson from the 3ds game, perhaps they could explain certain parts of the story better before leaping into full blown chaos mode.

For those who haven't played that game, they do the three storyline thing there also, which allowed them to bring a variety of situations into the game (claustrophobic horror, all out gun battle, timed escape, escort, survival/endurance) without forcing the characters into contrived circumstances in order for you to experience such a full range of gameplay, while also using the division between these scenarios to limit the amount of stockpiling you can do to try to outmuscle the difficulty, since in one team you can have a whole array of automatic weapons and grenades for dealing with massive hordes closing in on all sides, and then suddenly have to use close quarters combat with the other team while managing limited healing supplies and ammunition. I think it works pretty well.

the abyss gazes also

Professional Over Thinker
Apr 10, 2012
With 4 hours+ of cut scenes I would want one really long game with these scenes really spread out. From the information in the story... I'm not thinking this is going to be the case.

Unskippable should have plenty of opportunity though.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Four times more sandwiches!

Grey Carter said:
Resident Evil 6 Has Four Hours of Cutscenes

Personally, I'm hoping for Carlos Oliveira, who basically fell out of the franchise's continuity following his part in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

I also I am hoping for him. I do want more compatriots in Video Games, specially likable ones.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Do you really need to say that 18 is equivalent to mature? I mean 18 is a pretty specific level of suitability right there in the name. I could understand the other way around, 'Teen' is fairly self explanatory (although it could easily mean a 12 or 15) but Adult Only and Mature are pretty confusing.

...wait mature is 17+ and Adult Only is 18+ whereas teen is 13+? What kind of messed up rating system do you have? there should be something between 13 and 17, and why do you have a rating that represents one measly year of difference?

Universal, Parental Guidance, 12A, 15 and 18 is so much clearer. Apart from the first two, you don't need to think about what terms like 'Mature' mean. And when you're selling an 18 or a 15 it's pretty darn obvious that you should be checking some ages on people. I guess you people have that censorship constitution thing which makes it a lot more complicated than over here. (Because shops routinely actually censoring products is less scary than a government sticking age ratings on things and having all products available to buy in pretty much all shops by anyone of the age of proper social responsibility :D )