Resident Evil 7 Announced - Has First Person Viewpoint

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Resident Evil 7 Announced - Has First Person Viewpoint

Capcom has revealed the next installment of Resident Evil, which will be in a first-person perspective.

Capcom, during Sony's E3 press conference, revealed the latest installment of its Resident Evil [] franchise: Resident Evil 7. RE:7 will be doing things a bit differently from its predecessors, namely, it will have full VR support (via PlayStation VR) and be in a first-person, rather than the traditional third-person, perspective.

"In the classic Resident Evil games of yesteryear, players braced for fear in the first-person via the creepy door-opening scenes, and Resident Evil 7 ramps up that tension with an immersive first-person view and a photorealistic graphical style," said Capcom in a press release.

If you're interested, you can go ahead and download a free demo of the PS4 version of the game, which is available right now! [!/en-us/games/resident-evil-7-teaser-demo-beginning-hour/cid=UP0102-CUSA04772_00-BH70000000DEMO01] The demo contains the first hour of play, but is only available to PlayStation Plus members.

Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America.

While the game will only support VR on the PS4, it will still be released for the Xbox One and PC. It's currently slated for a January 24, 2017 release date.



New member
Sep 6, 2009
Infernai said:
Ohh, the Resident Evil Fans are gonna have fun with this...
I think we... they, will be more obsessed over the possibility that it will be a tech demo for the PS4's VR capabilities, rather than a fully fleshed out game.

BloodRed Pixel

New member
Jul 16, 2009
that looks interesting more something in between Evil Within and Texas Chain Saw Massacre than RE - but intriguing.
I am curious.

Any chance that Capcom will not fuck this up, please?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Soon as I read "first person," my first thought was that it has something to do with VR and I had to inconvenience myself by reading the body of the article.

I do find it mildly amusing that the AAA industry is trying the VR exclusivity b******* to try and sell units, however. That's a new one.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
I think First Person is superior to Third Person for immersion in Horror Games, but I think the other commenters might be right. It is probable that Capcom only does this to showcase VR, and not really understand what they are doing there.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Yeah I was a bit disappointed in what I saw, but I only watched the 15min gameplay. Still waiting to see more before the verdict goes out, but I was hoping it would stay 3rd person, or at least over the shoulder like Evil Within, without crazy cramping field of vision/letterboxing. But it doesn't feel like RE to me, not the older ones, and not the newer ones. At all. Revelations 1 and 2 felt a lot more RE, despite the stupid episodic format.

I will wait for more, and it looks this will probably be a pretty good, creepy atmospheric game regardless, just hope it's not gone all VR and immersion at the cost of tearing this franchise *another* new one (according to fans).

And I wonder if any of the mainstay characters will be here as well: Leon, Claire, Jill, Chris etc.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
I call bullshit on the 'First Hour' I played it and didn't rush through and was done in about 20 minutes. It's interesting, it's not like any Resident Evil game I've ever played before, in tone at least, much more Texas Chainsaw Massacre imo and i can't see any immediate link to Umbrella, BOW's or anything similar.

It's definitely worth a look though


New member
Nov 17, 2009
One of the main things every Resident Evil game has had, was giving characters involved, a personality. Even the player characters. Jill and Chris. Billy and Rebecca. Leon and Claire.

The Beginning Hour, is literally a faceless cameraman who says only like 2 lines, despite people talking directly too and about him. It's Outlast. Nothing in the released demo gives me any hope for this method as a resident evil game.

Yes I hope this is a tech demo, and that the actual game is not faceless first person cameraman.

The setting itself, which I think was about an old plantation type of settlement, with crazy hillbillies, look like a nice change from all the foreigner zombie killings of the more recent game, so it could be interesting.

But if it turns out Resi 7 has the same gameplay as Beginning Hour. I'll be done with this series that I've loved.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Quellist said:
i can't see any immediate link to Umbrella, BOW's or anything similar.
Did you find the photograph?

Like you, I went through it pretty damn quickly but then on a second playthrough it turned out I missed loads of stuff.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
008Zulu said:
Infernai said:
Ohh, the Resident Evil Fans are gonna have fun with this...
I think we... they, will be more obsessed over the possibility that it will be a tech demo for the PS4's VR capabilities, rather than a fully fleshed out game.
I'm pissed that it is an Amnesia clone.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Isn't the first person thing just part of the teaser demo, though? It's hard to imagine a Resident Evil title that isn't on-rails first person.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
OuendanCyrus said:
Isn't the first person thing just part of the teaser demo, though? It's hard to imagine a Resident Evil title that isn't on-rails first person.
I've been thinking the same thing. I mean P.T was in first person but it's safe to assume that Silent Hills would've been third person like normal.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
anthony87 said:
OuendanCyrus said:
Isn't the first person thing just part of the teaser demo, though? It's hard to imagine a Resident Evil title that isn't on-rails first person.
I've been thinking the same thing. I mean P.T was in first person but it's safe to assume that Silent Hills would've been third person like normal.
Exactly, had Silent Hills not been canceled and actually came out, I was expecting a game that looked NOTHING like P.T. and perhaps would only make subtle references to the stuff in P.T.


Professional Procrastinator
Nov 13, 2009
This looks nothing like Resident Evil, this looks like it's just banking off of the hype from PT and the cancelled Silent Hills. It's like Capcom saw the backlash for how action-oriented and combat focused RE6 was and decided to go the complete opposite direction by making the new RE all about jump scares and spooky exploration instead of the survival and puzzle solving aspects (if the demo is anything to go by).

Blazing Hero

New member
Feb 20, 2015
ShakerSilver said:
This looks nothing like Resident Evil, this looks like it's just banking off of the hype from PT and the cancelled Silent Hills. It's like Capcom saw the backlash for how action-oriented and combat focused RE6 was and decided to go the complete opposite direction by making the new RE all about jump scares and spooky exploration instead of the survival and puzzle solving aspects (if the demo is anything to go by).
To be fair what they are showing is the opposite of jump scares. It is more atmosphere building taking a cue from Silent Hill. There was an interview yesterday that confirmed you play as a new character but not the person in this teaser. There will be BOW's and plenty of combat and gun use. According to the suits being interviewed this was more of a showcase of the games atmosphere then of gameplay. I actually am quite interesting to see how the final product turns out.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Well, at least capcom is willing to try something new with the series. It's too bad it feels like they are doing it for all the wrong reasons: RE6 sucked and they needed to do something different, but this feels like they are just jumping on the bandwagon or they got bribed by sony. It also feels like they decided to look at what's trending in horror now and spent the last couple of years watching low budget shaky cam movies and hour after hour of Markiplier.

All that bitching aside, my only real complaint is that it's a Resident Evil game. It doesn't look like one. It doesn't feel like one. But other than that it actually looks pretty good. Those graphics are amazing and if the gameplay can pull it off it ought to be a worthwhile ride.

I just feel like maybe they'd find more success if they didn't make it an RE game. Or, you know, made it some sort of distantly related spin off series.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I've been a fan since day 1, and I'm not mad about this. At least, I'm holding out hope that the teaser is more of a sign that their focus is on horror, but I'm not totally stoked about the game being entirely in first person unless they nail the VR. This isn't "going back to their roots", the first 3 RE games were B-movie schlock by horror standards and the teaser is kiiiiinda like that, but more Texas Chainsaw Massacre than monster movie mash.

The last time they took a scorched-earth approach and bent on the action we got RE4 which of course is fucking amazing, so I don't mind them burning down the house of Re 5-6. I can only hope that they do a better job of stretching out the Amnesia/Outlast formula to a longer length and quality better than Alien: Isolation did, and try some genuinely new things with that format. There's a hell of a lot worse they can do than fulfill Konami's bullshit with P.T., especially with Allison Road being cancelled.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Looks like a heel-face turn after RE6 - good. Though if Evil Within is anything to go by, expect the game to be nothing like the demo.

DrunkOnEstus said:
There's a hell of a lot worse they can do than fulfill Konami's bullshit with P.T., especially with Allison Road being cancelled.
In the name of Harman...