I...am probably the only one who likes the movies AND the videogames.
NO! WAIT, WAIT! Don't stone me yet! I'll admit the movies were pretty nonsensical and Alice has nothing to do in the RE universe and that by now, it shouldn't even be called a RE movie if it wasn't for the character cameos and terms. Yes, I know all that. But like it's been said, I find them fun in a silly way. Some people like to watch Madagascar, even though you can kinda figure out what's gonna happen next. Some people like James Bond, even though you know he's gonna nail one chick and there's gonna be action scenes. Some people like Twilight because...of reasons. I enjoy watching RE as some sort of dumb fun. I'm not saying one is better than the other. I'm just saying...to each its own.
I know the plot doesn't make sense. I know Alice is just a walking alibi ("You can't kill me...because I have mind powers/I'm a clone/alternate reality/whatever!"). But I've seen worse. Much, much worse. And all in all, they must be doing at least fairly decent since there's already like 5 movies out already? That's 4 more than The Last Airbender, which wasn't THAT bad either but couldn't even manage to get a sequel (Disclaimer: I love Avatar).
One thing I hate, though, is when a trailer goes all "AND IT'S 3D! WHOOOOOO! CHIZ JUST GOT REAL!11!!1!". You always get a scene where some character throws something at someone else, they miss and said object keeps going until it "crashes" with the screen. We get it, it's 3D movie. It means it has those pwetty pop-up graphics.
I wouldn't mind 3D movies if they would stop planning movies around that feature. But I guess that's the way it works. I mean, developers certainly work that way when developing videogames...