Resident Evil's HD Remake Gets Dated, Priced


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Mcoffey said:
I find it interesting that the original Resident Evil has been remade twice (Three times if you include the Wii port), but Capcom never wanted to touch Resident Evil 2. I've never played it myself, but wasn't it regarded as the best game in the series before 4 waltzed into our life and showed us what we were all missing?
Yes. I found it odd as well. I'd probably do wicked things to secure a copy of RE2Re. ReRE2? 2ReRE?

Edit: fixed Redundant Department of Redundancies.

Pink Apocalypse

New member
Oct 9, 2012
So....long-running RE fan here (I completed the 2 hour run for the Rocket Launcher when the PS1 original first released).

I'm very surprised that no one knows it, but this game completely updates the old tank controls to modern movement, but also has the ability to switch back to old-school tank controls for the nostalgic and hard-core. You can choose either one. Everybody wins.

It was detailed at length in a gaming magazine I'm not sure I'm allowed to mention here....

The reviewer criticized having to use the tank controls back in the day, looked forward to the new way, but ultimately gave the new ones somewhat of a mixed review, due to the way they sort of conflicted with the fixed camera angles, and lessened tension.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I never did get to play this game, because by the time I finally got a Gamecube for RE4 Camecube games had instantly vanished from store shelves, so goody.

And tank controls are like riding a bike.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Well, I say that I prefer the original. It was so incredibly bad that it was in fact, great. "This weapon is powerful, especially against living things!" Barry walks into the dining room: "A dining room!!!" Not to mention the famous Jill sandwich. . .

I don't know, there is an ernest camp to to the whole thing that is charming in its own way, and trying to make RE into anything other than silly, B-movie goodness reeks of trying too hard.

If you want real horror, play Silent Hill, if you want schlocky B-movie fun, then Resident Evil is your game.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Still the best game in the series.
I actually still have it for the GameCube? I just don?t have the GameCube anymore?

I?m not happy about the visuals since to me it looks like upscaling with a horrid sharpen filter applied but I can look past that as long as it works properly on PC.
It will work properly on PC right Capcom? CAPCOM??????


New member
Dec 30, 2013
/slow clap

Seriously. Fucking stupid. STOP remaking shit. Movies, games, whatever! This is not even a remake! It's a remake of a REMAKE. I wont drop a fucking dime on this. I feel like publishers just do this because nobody has any ideas and some kind of revenue needs to come in.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
XenoScifi said:
/slow clap

Seriously. Fucking stupid. STOP remaking shit. Movies, games, whatever! This is not even a remake! It's a remake of a REMAKE. I wont drop a fucking dime on this. I feel like publishers just do this because nobody has any ideas and some kind of revenue needs to come in.

It's a port of a remake which was remade just over a decade ago for the Gamecube only. I applaud Capcom for this move by making it non-exclusive, I now await the port of Resident evil Zero.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Adam Jensen said:

Horrible Rebecca Black reference aside, I can't wait for this. It's been so long since I played RE1. So freakin' long. I was but a child, playing on my friend's PS1.
It'll be just as good now. I played the first when I was around 14 or so. Replayed it on gamecube over 10 years later, loved it just as much. THIS is a remake I will buy.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
Still pretty excited about this, though I might hold off on that GC REmake LP I was going to do before this came out, if it's pretty much the same thing but on PC. I still don't get the hate for tank controls, they work most of the time for me. I even spent like three hours last night playing through RE3, and they still feel fine, even just using the D-Pad. I also feel like the only person that likes both post and pre-RE4 RE games.

And to that guy mad about remake madness, these sorts of things make a lot more sense that movie remakes, because of the higher importance of technological advancement to the video game medium. A movie from the 70's is still perfectly watchable 40 something years later, because while the special effects may be less advanced and the audio/video quality a little less clear/sharp, the gap is not big enough to be detrimental to a lot of people's enjoyment.

Conversely, a lot of people won't even play a game from 5-10 years ago because "it looks like shit", so doing a graphical remake like this makes a lot of sense to keep old games playable for a wider audience. Plus, since this is an actual remake (as opposed to the re-imagining that seems to have taken over remake's meaning) with minimal changes to the original content beyond adding more content on top of the old(fuck that shark window bit, cuts right to my fear of water monsters in videogames), this feels a lot less egregious than a lot of these "remakes". Unless it's fucking broken on PC, so fingers crossed that Good Capcom works on this and not Disastrous PC Port Capcom.

TL:DR Yay remake, yay tank controls, boo being mad. Also sharks.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Yes I heard of this a while back and was pretty happy, look forward to running through it for some trophies like I did with the HD versions of Veronica and 4... though the 1 remake looks to take much longer than those.

While happy what I really want is Zero which while often regarded as terrible is pretty up there for me. Maybe if they really worked their arses off they could add in full on two player co op. Whatever the case I'll just do what I always do, play as Rebecca as apparently wearing body armour means you have the durability of paper while a wife beater grants you Tyrant like durability (just why is Billy so damn hardy? Guy is superhuman and nothing in the game requires you to have such a strong character).


New member
Aug 14, 2014
mad825 said:
XenoScifi said:
/slow clap

Seriously. Fucking stupid. STOP remaking shit. Movies, games, whatever! This is not even a remake! It's a remake of a REMAKE. I wont drop a fucking dime on this. I feel like publishers just do this because nobody has any ideas and some kind of revenue needs to come in.

It's a port of a remake which was remade just over a decade ago for the Gamecube only. I applaud Capcom for this move by making it non-exclusive, I now await the port of Resident evil Zero.
It looks like they went back to the resources used to make the prerendered back grounds form the game cube game retouched them and put them in a new game engine. Hopefully the game is fully 3d with set camera angles.


New member
Nov 2, 2011
008Zulu said:
Any word on what content they will be stripping out to be resold as on-disc DLC?

OT: If this game proves to be popular, I wonder if they will do 2 and 3 also?
Oh you know it's gonna happen! :3