Still pretty excited about this, though I might hold off on that GC REmake LP I was going to do before this came out, if it's pretty much the same thing but on PC. I still don't get the hate for tank controls, they work most of the time for me. I even spent like three hours last night playing through RE3, and they still feel fine, even just using the D-Pad. I also feel like the only person that likes both post and pre-RE4 RE games.
And to that guy mad about remake madness, these sorts of things make a lot more sense that movie remakes, because of the higher importance of technological advancement to the video game medium. A movie from the 70's is still perfectly watchable 40 something years later, because while the special effects may be less advanced and the audio/video quality a little less clear/sharp, the gap is not big enough to be detrimental to a lot of people's enjoyment.
Conversely, a lot of people won't even play a game from 5-10 years ago because "it looks like shit", so doing a graphical remake like this makes a lot of sense to keep old games playable for a wider audience. Plus, since this is an actual remake (as opposed to the re-imagining that seems to have taken over remake's meaning) with minimal changes to the original content beyond adding more content on top of the old(fuck that shark window bit, cuts right to my fear of water monsters in videogames), this feels a lot less egregious than a lot of these "remakes". Unless it's fucking broken on PC, so fingers crossed that Good Capcom works on this and not Disastrous PC Port Capcom.
R Yay remake, yay tank controls, boo being mad. Also sharks.