Review: Back to the Future: The Game


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
How disappointing - I can't exactly say I was extremely excited about this, but I was hoping it would be good while not holding my breath. It's great that Lloyd is back (Have you seen him? I'm amazed he can walk on his own anymore, he looks so old and worn out!) but that's hardly enough of a draw. What I was hoping most for was some clever time-travel puzzles, but it sounds like that's not the case, at least yet. I guess I wait and see, as suggested.

What it seems like to me, though, is that Telltale is sloughing off the dead skin from their old projects and piling it up in a bin marked "Some other stuff we can make some money off of", and the pickings are getting thinner by the day. Sam and Max was fantastic, clever, well designed, and usually full of unique, bizarre puzzles. The Strong Bad games were still pretty good, not quite as good and it took a while to pick up, but they got good. I only played one Wallace and Gromit game, and it was good, but sadly it wasn't as challenging as I hoped and I got a little bored with it. Then Monkey Island... a huge disappointment, I wanted so much for it to be good, I even pre-ordered it, and I really can't bring myself to play all the games. This seems like they're just reaching now, and I'm sad.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I agree with your points but due to my love for Back to the Future i still loved it.

Damn...I need to rewatch the movies now.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS 80's! Get those dead dolls pretending to me Marty and Doc away from me. It's too hideous to look at.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
I enjoyed the game.

It was funny and well written, the dialogue and voice actors did a bang up job and the first game served as a great jumping off point for the rest of the series.

I'm looking forward to the rest of them.

Then again I have never played a TellTale game for the "Gameplay." "Use Stick on Lock... now can we move forward with the story?"


New member
Oct 25, 2008
The game left my wondering why I tried to figure out where to find alcohol where I was, when I could just travel a few weeks back in time and pick some up at the speakeasy before it got blown up.

It was enjoyable and all, but with Tales of Monkey Island relatively fresh in mind it does feel a bit lackluster.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Void(null) said:
I enjoyed the game.

It was funny and well written, the dialogue and voice actors did a bang up job and the first game served as a great jumping off point for the rest of the series.

I'm looking forward to the rest of them.

Then again I have never played a TellTale game for the "Gameplay." "Use Stick on Lock... now can we move forward with the story?"
Completely agree.
I loved Sam and Max and now Back to the Future got me from the very second on, i re-installed it after 5 minutes to switch to english voices ;) (the german dub is surprisingly good ,but a little glitched, it often stops before-)

Steve Butts

New member
Jun 1, 2010
Pugiron said:
The game is your Density? or Destiny? Can't be my destiny, as I always thought the movies were way overrated by my generation.
It's a line from the first movie.

Cosplay Horatio

New member
May 19, 2009
It looks rather good. I bet Telltale went to the Puente Hills Mall in order to recreate the experiment scenes.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I've already got episode 1 coming to me for free next month and depending on how it is I'll have to decide if I'll get the set. All else fails I'll just wait for it to go on sale for super cheap on Steam or something and pick it up then.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Well... I liked the movies and I easily watched each of them more times than I could count and I was cautiously excited for this, so... Mr. Butts' opinion is just of a single person opinion, I'll watch more reviews (not from Metacritic) and ask a few people I know who actually have the game.

At worst, I'll wait until the other episodes are out, to see if it's really worth it or not.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
its a telltale game, those dont usually find the perfect balance till an episode or 2 into them, its often that the first episode seems the most bland

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
I can't complain, no matter what the score....Telltale had it offered for free a few months ago. Well, we get it for free once Episode 2 comes out.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
I guess I'll wait until all the episodes release. Sounds like I'd be a little disappointed if I end on episode 1's piece. Besides, I need to marathon the Back to the Future movies now that I have them on BluRay.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
The first game is usually the blandest and worst in the season for a telltale game. With the back to the future games it's really no different except for the fact they've got to get out some major fan/Universal pandering before they can do their own stuff.

Still, I enjoyed the first episode but wasn't without my own complaints. The animation of characters was more often than not poorly done especially in the lip syncing area. On more than one occasion a character's mouth would just refuse to form the correct position of plausible syllabic creation leaving you in an awkward moment where the currently playing dialogue just flat out didn't match the mouth's movement. I'd be able to chalk this up to simply maybe my PC running a bit slow at part but it just happened far too often for comfort. The characters suffer from the same problem Arkham Asylum suffered from with it's facial animations which caused characters to seem devoid of emotions and often times could really mess up lip syncing.

The town props were extremely lack luster to the point of laughably fake and the attempt to make the town feel alive by peppering it with some random wandering NPC's was pitiful. Unless someone other than Doc and Marty has perfected time travel there should be no reason why the same two non plot NPC's would be around both in 1986 and 1931. I think Telltale should get some credit though for at least trying, albeit not much, but seriously if you're going to try and make a virtual town feel "alive" don't populate it with only two non-plot NPC's and just reuse the everywhere. Especially when the game your making involves time travel.

It's play time clocks in at about 2 hours which is about how long I'd expect an actual movie to take. The problem is the way the plot ends, as in it ends exactly like how you'd expect a Back to The Future movie with 4 more planned sequels to end except less subtle. It doesn't pique your intrigue like the ending of each episode in the last Sam and Max season it's very blunt about the plot of the next episode.
We get to dick around in the same cheaply made area again while avoiding ourselves from the first game because; SURPRISE! We fucked up the time stream!

Still, it's only the first episode and TellTale has a good track record of finding their footing in the second installment of a season so I wouldn't consider this a pitiful failed attempt by Universal licensing to squeeze some more money out of the franchise after 25 years, yet.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
i'm not gonna trust this review since the reviewer hasn't been paying attention to the game. for 1 big mistake. doc was arrested for arson(starting a fire), not murder. this is repeated several times in the game. thus just missing it is kinda impossible. yes the game may be easy but that might be because you are using the hint system too quickly.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Worgen said:
its a telltale game, those dont usually find the perfect balance till an episode or 2 into them, its often that the first episode seems the most bland
Exactly. When working with a new property it takes some time for them to get their legs under it. I would say they bucked that trend with Monkey Island but otherwise the first episode is normally the weakest. (Not with Sam and Max the 2nd season where it was the zombie episode. Ug)

That said I was going to be wait and see on this series anyway.