Review: Dead Rising 2


New member
Aug 2, 2010
They really should have used the 360 version for the review. Installing Dead Rising 2 to the hard drive shortens load times dramatically. I'm also disappointed that they didn't even mention how much fun the co-op and multiplayer modes are, and they left out how well the new AI performs. Additionally I thought the psychos were much scarier and better characterised than Dead rising one's almost ridiculous ones. I agree that the PS3 version is probably only a 4/5 but since the game was first and formost designed for Xbox 360 I have to say 5/5 for that one. P.S. the only choice Capcom made in this games development was giving it to blue castle they get the most credit because capcom has been rather silly with their sequels lately.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Zhukov said:
Urg. That sounds horrible.

I hate time limits and I like exploring every little nook and cranny.

Clearly this game is not for me.
you can just forget about the story and do it in another save when you've levelled up ur character messin around

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
MrTim said:
Thats weird - on page two of the review it says that you can't use combo items until you found the appropriate card. I have made several of the combo weapons without the cards and used them just fine.

As with the environment, though, the system feels a bit restrictive. You can't use a weapon until you've found the appropriate combo card, and it would have been nice to allow players some more experimentation: What happens when I stick knives on a boxing glove?
Well you get the weaker versions, scrath cards. Really though that was a weird move on the develpoers as its alot more fun to get the cards via sticking high power explosives onto an oversized moose head and put it on a zombie than it is to wait fror the game to give you the instruction booklet when you level up.

OT: I agree with you when you say that Deadrising needs, and has alwyas needed, a pure sandbox mode. Infinite mode was something like that but the fact that you were constantly bleeding out at the foot kind of diminshed that.

I really enjoy this game and I was one of those fans that kept following the Capcom message board for even a hint at the game, im glad that it got a 4.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
OH BOY! Escort missions AND time limits are the core mechanics of this game?! Throw in some MMORPG elements and I'll be inclined to keep entire CONTENENTS worth of distance between me and this game!


New member
Jun 17, 2009
SonicWaffle said:
Xyphon said:
Jesus Christ. Has the attention span of the gaming community gone down so much that we can't wait a measily 20 FUCKING SECONDS FOR A GAME TO LOAD A FEW THOUSAND INDEPENDANTLY MOVING NPC'S!?

Not every game can be fucking GTA. -.-
Dude, have you played it? The loading screens are ridiculous throughout the game. For instance, there is a lag of at least 30 seconds between the opening 'press start' screen and the menu coming up. The screen just freezes. First time I played, I thought the game had glitched and shut down. Then it takes about a minute to save/load a game each time. Frankly, the inter-area load times are the shortest, though still far longer than in the first game. I'm not sure why that would be, as the number of zombies seems pretty much the same.

Have I played it? I've beaten the main storyline 3 times now, not to mention the HOURS I've spent just killing shit until day 3. Don't know what platform you're playing on, but it only takes me 5-10 seconds to save my game and around 15-20 to load it. Opening screen ALSO only lasted 10-15 seconds EACH TIME I've loaded the game up.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
The combat system is weird when fighting psychos which is funny because the story of the game doesn't require much if any actual zombie killing. However it's all very possible and rather pathetic when in co op mode especially the biker boss.

Also it's not mr. cuddles and its not the teddy's rambear (first blood)


New member
Sep 14, 2009
"...Doesn't feel as if it was desined for these boss battles."

No shit, go fight the army sergent and then come back to me about crappy boss battles.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
The bosses are interesting characters, it's just the mechanics wofk against you for the most part, which is a shame, because they could have easily been the game's show-stealers. But on co-op, they all get extremely easy. Except the hippie in the bathroom. I swear, the 3 story bosses are pathetic compared to him.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
The timer in this game is like a perfectionist nightmare. There's loads of things to do but you can't do all of it at once. Apparantly to enjoy the sandbox ascept(the only reason people really play this game cause hey what does it really have going for it outside of that?) you would have to give up on the story mode. But for me that's like unacceptable you have to do the story mode. It's the story mode! If it's anything like the first game Completely bombing too many things gives you the sucky ending and who honestly wants that? And like everything is on a timer how does that not make someone anxious? I remember playing games with time attacks in them and felt like bumping into one thing or getting stuck for a bit ruins everything. Why would I want a whole flapping game that would run like that?

Full disclosure. I hate zombies. I hate the fad and everything about it so maybe I just don't understand the mindset that makes playing a game where it tells you "anything is possible but you will have to go through the entire game several times to do it because we have multiple timers ticking on you at any given time" acceptable.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
The timer system, the same as in Dead Rising, I think can be justified a bit. Sure, you get a bad ending if you just mess around, explore, and do what you want, but I think the genius of Dead rising's system is that it's meant to work like Groundhog's day (the movie) and Majora's Mask. You are generally expected to mess up a bit the first time, because that's how you learn the locations, the combinations, the rewards, all the while earning PP to learn better skills and increase your health. When you go back to the first day again, you're wiser, stronger, and can plan out a successful course of action to get one of the better endings. It's the fault of the modern player feeling dejected that they can't just beat it on the first playthrough, instead of enjoying the 3 day loop system the game is built around.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
After seeing this review, I have decided I am definitely not getting this game. If there is one thing I can't stand in games, it's timers. And if there isn't a time in this game that a clock isn't ticking, I don't think I would be enjoying myself too much.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Finally, thank you!

This was the major problem I had with Case Zero. For all the faults the first Dead Rising had, the impact of smashing zombies with a bat or bowlingball just felt great. But when I played Case Zero, smashing zombies just felt flimsy as if I was hitting a cardboard cut-out.
MY problem was less with the zombies and more with the weaponry itself. The zombies still feel fairly meaty when you take bits off them with a machete or whatever, but the weapon itself doesn't seem to hit with the impact that it should. Plus, they all break waaaaay too easily. If you want to go out and find a crowd of zombies to dive into, you need to make sure your whole inventory is full, otherwise your weapons will break and leave you in the middle of a crowd of the bloodthirsty dead. I don't like that. Take the axe, for example; it's an axe! Realistically, it isn't going to break after 10 hits or so. It's just annoying.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Xyphon said:
Have I played it? I've beaten the main storyline 3 times now, not to mention the HOURS I've spent just killing shit until day 3. Don't know what platform you're playing on, but it only takes me 5-10 seconds to save my game and around 15-20 to load it. Opening screen ALSO only lasted 10-15 seconds EACH TIME I've loaded the game up.
I'm playing it on the 360. This review, which agrees about the aggravatingly long load times, was based on the PS3 version. It's the main complaint I've heard from other people who have played it, that the game freezes for so long people think it has glitched and stopped working. What magical system are you playing on where saving/loading only takes 15 seconds?!