Review: Fable 3 Co-op


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Great review. Funnily enough, the most exciting thing about the co-op experience you described was menus![footnote]I only rented Fable III and the exclusion of formal menus was irksome to say the least.[/footnote] It looks like it could provide some fun, but the mention of killing wolves before your friend leads me to believe people might end up getting into a tizzy after getting in each other's way quite often.
Sonic Doctor said:
Edit: Great review, I have a handful of friends that play. I'm hoping to get one of them to help me get some of the achievements. Though I would have to admit that it is pretty stupid that there are some things players can't complete in the game unless they have a buddy co-oping with them. Like that demon door that wants to see two heroes doing expressions with each other. I'm fine with the achievements for Co-op, but in game things that in the past could be done alone, but are now co-op, that is just bad game design. I sympathize with players that don't have friends that have 360's.
That is quite the caveat to us Silver Free Members. Completing all of the Demon Doors is a big part of Fable, and walling that off to Co-op is something I take as a slap to the face. When I have the time to play games, I stick with the single player so I'm glad that I passed on Fable III this time around. Even the (now) one big name, single player 360 exclusive requires Live for the full experience. Huh. :p


New member
Nov 16, 2010
How do you start playing couch co-op on fable 3? my husband and i want too but we cant figure it out