Review: The Lord of the Rings: Conquest

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
This another example of a game based off a movie based off somthing else. Somthing that always perplexed me, if your going to make a game about somthing why not make it off of that original somthing rather then somthing based off of it. Course this isint as stupid as making a street fighter game off of the street fighter movie.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Yog Sothoth said:
probably the reason that all the reviews for Conquest are negative is because.... get ready for it:

it's a lousy game!

i loved Battlefront as much as everyone else, maybe even a little more, and i was really looking forward to this game... but after seeing how crappy it was from playing the demo, i realized that i should stay far away from the full product at all costs...

just for fun, here is a list of a few of the problems i noticed with the demo:

1: the graphics are lackluster at best... it almost looks like a last-gen game.
2: not nearly enough units on the field at once... the battles simply don't feel very epic.
3: collision detection was rather wonky.
4: melee combos aren't synced-up well with button presses.
5: ridable mounts are a joke.
6: classes are unbalanced.

hopefully SW: Battlefront III will get picked up by a new developer and actually be a good game, cause i need my fix, and Conquest failed to deliver...
Pandemic got it back after the publisher that was doing it failed.... and that's a good thing b/c Battlefront was awesome (especially 2, even though flying a fighter was like driving a car with your elbows).

The game wasn't "aweful" but I did have fun with it in co-op with a friend. Killing hobbits is a naughty, but fun pastime.

The reason I heard the graphics were dumbed down was to cut down on lag, but I'm not sure if that's true.

You're criticism are valid, but its not a "bad" game, its just not as good as we expected. Hopefully they will read the reviews and make corrections if they ever do something like this again


New member
Sep 29, 2008
The game in my humble opinion sucks, eh.

And Tolkien isn't that great. If I wanted to read a chapter about cakes and mushrooms I would read a cookbook.

That said... meh...


New member
Dec 5, 2008
black lincon said:
If Pandemic came out with a game called: Fantasy Version of Battlefront , kept the same controls, made up some decent story and got rid of everything middle earth, you would be more lenient, you wouldn't have given this a perfect score, but it would have gotten something better than "a (morbidly curious) rent."
Why would that game get better review scores when the only appeal of Conquest is the fan-service?


New member
Apr 15, 2008
mudshovel said:
And Tolkien isn't that great. If I wanted to read a chapter about cakes and mushrooms I would read a cookbook.

That said... meh...
Obvious troll is obvious.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
i wholehartedly agree with this review.

i blame this game for pandemics downfall (even though i know it wasen't but it most certainly helped).
i also found it incredibly stupid that a measly scout could kill someone like sauron with just a backstab? yeah cause that makes a whole lotta sense.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Its an ok game, but I don't think it was anything amazing or worth noting. It's a game to pick up when it only costs you 3 dollars and you can find it in a bargin bin.