Review: Wolfenstein

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
not a zaar said:
Did you even like the game? I think you forgot to mention that somewhere in your 'review'.
Um...I'm not sure how you could've read that review and not figured out whether or not I liked the game.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
CaptainCrunch said:
I appreciate your point of view, though you should probably learn how to better express it. Please read the forum guidelines, and treat your fellow Escapists with respect. The Escapist is not a forum of pointless insults, but one of discussion and pleasant debate. Welcome.

Consider the possibility that this issue is caused by bullet collisions being calculated by the bounding box, rather than the visible mesh, or even a collision mesh. The bounding box always has a greater volume than the object it applies to, and can thus be considered "bigger" than the object. It doesn't get rendered, but mathematically speaking it's larger. The bounding box is the "quick and dirty" collision detector, and objects that move at incredible speed (like bullets) likely don't make it past this step in all cases.
sorry, but i dont consider making stuff up as you go an discussion, its forum trolling. Also only characters and props that will probably be affected by physics a lot have a physic verion of the model, usually you use the actuall model to conserve the system memory, and still that dosnt mean they have to be bigger. Missaligment is only aceptable for rounded objects, all hard edge schould fallow their higher poly conterpart perfectly. Also object speed schould make any diffrence unless there are some serious bugs in the engine. A sitiuation where all verts would miss a tris is just impossible, unless the collision system dosnt work at all.
You cant go and say all ingame geometry is displaced for the physics just becouse 1 model in the whole game is o_O


Imp-imation Department
Jul 21, 2008
slocik said:
sorry, but i dont consider making stuff up as you go an discussion, its forum trolling. Also only characters and props that will probably be affected by physics a lot have a physic verion of the model, usually you use the actuall model to conserve the system memory, and still that dosnt mean they have to be bigger. Missaligment is only aceptable for rounded objects, all hard edge schould fallow their higher poly conterpart perfectly. Also object speed schould make any diffrence unless there are some serious bugs in the engine. A sitiuation where all verts would miss a tris is just impossible, unless the collision system dosnt work at all.
You cant go and say all ingame geometry is displaced for the physics just becouse 1 model in the whole game is o_O
I consider hastily constructed statements wrought with poor grammar, poor spelling, and 'lol your stupid' insults a form of trolling as well. Especially, when it constitutes the body of your first post ever.

You're correct to say that physics models will be created for objects that need physics more often. What about the stuff the developer expects won't deal with physics very often? Things like rocks that they don't exactly want you to take cover behind... We're actually in agreement that this particular game likely does have 'invisible geometry' issues, by design. Neither of us can provide evidence for the source of the error without the development tools for this specific game, but only make suggestions based on the way other games work.

It is certainly true that the physbox poly could be misaligned - that would account for a single model in a single game. An even simpler way of saying the same thing is that physics isn't always calculated with the exact mesh visible in gameplay, which accounts for all modern games. Even simpler than that is to say that the collision detection is dependent on the predictable physics to be applied to an object - bounding boxes have been used for collision detection since the beginning, and are still used for some things even now. My original statement was in reference to games as a whole - not this specific game.

Shooting invisible geometry isn't anything new, so whining when you encounter it is pointless. (The point of the original statement.) Move on.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Okay I'm commenting on something i just realized about the new Wolfenstein.

Maybe it's because I'm german i noticed it, but its the very FIRST FPS that has germans on the good side (Kreisau Circle). It is soooo refreshing to have this for once. I actually can relate to the resistance-kinda-group cause i always thought i would have been this way when the second WW hit Europe...

It's not a big Deal at all, it just feels very good to finally get some diversity into "black-white"-WWII-games.

It made me remember my grandmother telling me about making pancakes for the american soldiers that fought in her city in exchange for cigarettes and stuff like that...

But the most funny thing is, that of all WWII-Shooters, the most over-the-top one (yeah freakin awsome nazi-disintegration) actually incorporates that.

Just my thoughts on it...and now onward with killing evil nazi-scum.


p.s.: and i don't care for the geometric-fails. The game plays awsome.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Sort of reminds me of The Darkness in terms of game play from what I've read.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
paulgruberman said:
Susan Arendt said:
There are creatures called Geists (not to be confused with the GameCube game of the same name) that float through the Veil. If you shoot one, it'll kill nearby enemies. They look kind of like fishies just sort of hanging out, floating around.
Dangerous, otherworldly fish ...

This is my *house*. Do you want to know a *secret*? Do not *think* it too *not campers*.
You are so many *lonely* *juicy* *bubbles*. It is so sad.
Now that you are *campers* you will have more *parties*
and no more *sad* *lonely* *bubbles*.
This is the *secret*.
I am *expanding!* It is so much *squishy* to *smell* you! *Campers* are the best! I have *anticipation* and then what? Better parties in *the middle* for sure.

You are help Orz with *parties*. Orz looking for you, and find you. So much joy!!

After the *dancing*, Orz think you will make good *special sauce*. Maybe even for other Orz *party*.


New member
Aug 22, 2008
ZerOmega said:
Just for once I'd like to play a WWII FPS game that doesn't invole the protagonist killing half the population of Zürich.
Erm, you do know Zurich is in Switzerland right? And the Germans never invaded the Swiss..


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Syphonz said:
ZerOmega said:
Just for once I'd like to play a WWII FPS game that doesn't invole the protagonist killing half the population of Zürich.
Erm, you do know Zurich is in Switzerland right? And the Germans never invaded the Swiss..
Yes, I know where and what Zürich is. There were no nazis there. It was just a first city to pop into my mind.