Just to complete the round, I'd like to point out to a couple of reading, possibly to get an idea of what can, or maybe
should be done. Since I don't want to speak on the behalf of the Escapist staff, I'll say just read them for your own curiosity.
To Hear Ourselves Review [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_106/1290-To-Hear-Ourselves-Review]. Actually, most of the whole issue is probably a good read.
Don't skip the comments [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/6.44514] as well. There's a couple of links to follow down there.
Considering that this article generated
some reaction, have a look at what people said, notably regarding the "No-Arthur" part:
Dan Amrich's take [http://bunnyears.net/dan/?p=211] regarding the ruckuss about the review he assigned.
Followed by his reply [http://bunnyears.net/dan/?p=219] to extrabloggar comments.
extrabloggar: out of the blog I pointed to. Feels very natural to my ears.)
Finally, as it's necessary to get returns from both sides of the river, I think you should also check out Tom Chick's brief thoughts [http://www.quartertothree.com/inhouse/news/329/] about the Escapist's article.
EDIT: I forgot that GT video [http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/kotaku-unlocks-the-bonus-round-part-i-281131.php], about famous game centric blogs.
(Notice how the four of them all have the same pants. You know what you need to get for christmas now.)