Rewiews ? i no longer trust "Positive Reviews" only negative, am i living in a paralell universe ?


New member
Oct 19, 2013
...yeah, you shouldn't "trust" reviews. If you're a responsible consumer, you'll pick out the objective facts from the reviews, then watch some gameplay on youtube and formulate your own opinion, whether it be positive or negative.

If you do that, you don't have to "trust" any reviewer.

I don't care about the final opinion a reviewer has on a game. I care about the little steps they encountered to get to that point, and then I'll use that to make my final opinion. That's why I find scores completely pointless, because they completely hide away those steps and put the emphasis on the final opinion.
And if that's not enough they also do it in a very arbitrary way.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
The information is there. The trick is in discovering how to read and what bits to ignore, so you find out what you want to know quickly.

The TS has found a way that works for him. Browsing for the lowest score from a game mag and quick read that piece is a trick I frequently use too. When Destructoid does occasionally publish a negative game review, I usually start paying attention (positive reviews not so much).

Watching some user uploaded gameplay footages can be worthwhile too.
Personally I've never gone very wrong with watching an Angry Joe review, ignore his mad enthusiasm and mentally substract a point from Joe's score, but your milage may vary.
Some enthusiast sites for specific genres only, like for example Space Sector, are worth checking out too.
I won't even rule out acquiring a feel for user reviews, which ones to ignore and which pieces show the signs of an honest, well-thought out review that you personally might agree with and aggregating those pieces. It's something a gamer has to work out for himself.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Keoul said:
It's not weird but I think you just need to find more reliable sources.
I do the same thing kinda, jump straight to the negative reviews to see whats wrong with the game. If there aren't that many then that just means it's a pretty good game.
People now make a living giving 'reviews for hire' on places like Amazon and Yelp and the rest. Video games mags have long been hamstrung by developers who pull advertising revenue if reviews aren't good enough. So how exactly do you suggest finding 'reliable sources'.

That said, I personally find that the middle star reviews of most things to be the most informative. 5 star reviews are often fanboy nonsense, 1 star reviews are often someone with a grudge (or complaining about something irrelevant to the product). People in the middle are the ones who usually offer something concrete or specific about the game good or bad.



Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
RedBackDragon said:
You see after the colonial marines saga,mass effect... the torrential flood of garbage on steam i just cant read or trust ANY good reviews i just straight up go for the bad ones and decide if i want to bother with a game purely off of the bad reviews...
Yeah, all dem good reviews of Colonial Marines, right?


No, I think you've gone and over-jaded yourself to the point that you are remembering things that didn't happen. You're literally too cynical.

You should probably work on that.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
I don't fully trust all positive reviews, especially on gaming outlets who are suspected or have been given money or other goods for a high score. You can't buy me to say good things about a game, no matter how much money and goods you throw at me.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I often distrust negative reviews on certain kinds of games, actually. I feel, for example, that the negative reviews of Yoshi's Island DS and Yoshi's New Island (3DS) are examples of reviewers saying what they think they should, and not doing justice to pretty fun games.

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
I don't really give much credit to reviews these days, positive or negative.

I've seen too many positive reviews that are literally marketing for the game, Planetside 2 comes to mind as the biggest offender. Two page review with beautiful retouched screenshots, going in depth about everything that can be called good in the game, utilizing words such as "exceptional" and "masterpiece". And then near the end put all the glaring, massive issues with the game in half a paragraph like an afterthought. Respected video game journalist my ass, a shameless whore.

Also like everything else reviews are subjective, for example to me ME3 was better than ME2. And the complete series is one of the best out there. Also, while I can't with a straight face say DA2 was a better game than DA:O, I found DA2 much more fun and I completed twice in a row while I barely made myself complete DA:O after 6 months of dragging myself through it.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
RedBackDragon said:
and on steam I always go straight to the "only negative" tab and if there are no bad reviews I wont even buy it even if there's a pretty good chance that its good.
Yes you're weird. If there are no bad reviews that are highlighting glaring issues why would you not buy a game you're interested in?

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
TheKasp said:
I don't understand why Aliens Colonial Marines (MC score of 45) and Mass Effect (sorry, the series is good. Period) justify such a stance towards reviews since in both cases reviews had jack shit to do with the actual problems (well, indirect they did. A:CM had no reviews up until release and most did not give a fuck about ME3 ending).
Did you not read my post?

Let me pop it back up for you.

Ed130 The Vanguard said:
Lets just say The Escapist has a history with that particular part.

NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Since I was bored, I decided to count some Mass Effect related things on the Escapist, and here is the result:

There are 167 threads about Mass Effect
9404 Posts

If each view counted for one person, and the Escapist was their country, The Escapist would be the 177th largest on the planet, just ahead of Iceland

It has been 22 days since launch, thus averaging 427 posts a day, and 92 views EVERY SECOND

None of this counts the Ending Thread on the Bioware forums, which has reached 2,023 pages, 50,575 posts and over 4 million views

The amount of money raised by Take Back Mass Effect would be enough to feed 106,000 people in Zimbabwe

Anyone still miss the Skyrim threads?