Right, I Need a Job in this New Year


New member
Apr 9, 2010
I am asking for help... any advice that can help me whether it's my attitude, clothing or even just wether certain jobs require certain approaches

... thank you in advance escapists

EDIT: I'm 21 and have qualifications and volunteer experience

EDIT2: just gimme everything you know whether you think I know or not

I am looking a non-skilled job in a shop for a bit of money

... while we are at it, is there actually such thing as being overqualified?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Need a bit more specifics, age, education, prior work exp, location etc.

Mostly though for entry level jobs they want someone who will show up, looks presentable and will work consistently. Also if you pursue an interview they will usually hire you.(entry lvl)


New member
Apr 16, 2010
well I don't know about your attitude so I cant judge that by times are tough my advice would be go for anything, don't turn down a job just because its "beneath you" also qualifications help.

also I hate to do this but its whether not wether


New member
Sep 19, 2010
one of the most important things with getting jobs is nepotism, no matter how qualified or impressive an applicant is the boss will hire their nephew/friend/couisin etc.

ask all your family and friends if they know anyone in a hiring position


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Haven't been in the job game myself so this may all be poppycock, but being polite, enthusiastic and showing no intention of being promoted past the interviewer should be a start for whatever job you want.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
RabbidKuriboh said:
one of the most important things with getting jobs is nepotism, no matter how qualified or impressive an applicant is the boss will hire their nephew/friend/couisin etc.

ask all your family and friends if they know anyone in a hiring position
I REALLY wish I knew someone like that...


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Dress conservatively and practice good posture. Also, wear clean clothes and shower before any interview, especially if it's for a job that requires heavy lifting. They will see this as a sign of respect for their profession and consider you more seriously.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I've had precisely one interview in the past month, because I'm climbing down the metaphorical 'Work/pay/Customers' mountain (Minimal work, maximum pay and no fucking customers who will pepper my day with shitty complaints (Best one: "Whoa, the beer is expensive! *Alcohol breath with a tiny portion of spit in my face*" Price is on the fucking menu, you drink it, you pay for it, now piss off))

Where was I? Ah yes, some tips:
*Don't work in a fucking restaurant
*When interviewing, this job is exciting and your personal goal in life, even if its boring and mundane.
*Your interviewer is the most fascinating person in the world, listen to them like they're dispensing candy (Unless its a job you find you dislike, then be polite, but disinterested).
*Misinformation is your friend, "Takes initiative" is a fancy way of saying "Does shit without needing to be asked", drop only one or two of these bombs into your CV, then be ready to back it up with a nice story, because people will home in on them like flies to a corpse.
*For the love of God, dress nice, shower, be polite, don't fucking swear and be early to the interview.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
FarleShadow said:
I've had precisely one interview in the past month, because I'm climbing down the metaphorical 'Work/pay/Customers' mountain (Minimal work, maximum pay and no fucking customers who will pepper my day with shitty complaints (Best one: "Whoa, the beer is expensive! *Alcohol breath with a tiny portion of spit in my face*" Price is on the fucking menu, you drink it, you pay for it, now piss off))

Where was I? Ah yes, some tips:
*Don't work in a fucking restaurant
*When interviewing, this job is exciting and your personal goal in life, even if its boring and mundane.
*Your interviewer is the most fascinating person in the world, listen to them like they're dispensing candy (Unless its a job you find you dislike, then be polite, but disinterested).
*Misinformation is your friend, "Takes initiative" is a fancy way of saying "Does shit without needing to be asked", drop only one or two of these bombs into your CV, then be ready to back it up with a nice story, because people will home in on them like flies to a corpse.
*For the love of God, dress nice, shower, be polite, don't fucking swear and be early to the interview.
I have a couple Q's :)

Why are you "climbing down"? what does that mean?

your third point confuses me, if i dislike the job but need the moneys - why be disinterested?


New member
Apr 9, 2010
ravensheart18 said:
Shivarage said:
I am asking for help... any advice that can help me whether it's my attitude, clothing or even just wether certain jobs require certain approaches

... thank you in advance escapists

EDIT: I'm 21 and have qualifications and volunteer experience

EDIT2: just gimme everything you know whether you think I know or not

... while we are at it, is there actually such thing as being overqualified?
Certain jobs do require certain approaches. What type of job are you looking for?

Yes, you most certainly can be overqualified for a job. If an Medical Doctor applies to be a Medical Secretary for $30,000/year he doesn't get considered as either there is something REALLY wrong with him or its very temporary and I'm wasting my time hiring him. At 21, and with no idea how to apply for a job, you are not overqualified for any full time job.
I've managed 2 interviews in the past year so I know how to apply... just don't know how to get the job ^^'

I am just looking a non-skilled job in a supermarket or shop of some kind


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Shivarage said:
I have a couple Q's :)

Why are you "climbing down"? what does that mean?

your third point confuses me, if i dislike the job but need the moneys - why be disinterested?
'Climbing down', the top of the mountain represents "Going to work, doing nothing, getting paid millions". The bottom represents "Going to work, working crazy hard and then get minimum wage and all the McNuggets I can eat"

Third point is largely dependant on your position, if you REALLY need a job, then you're never disinterested in it. But I have a comfortable position now, so when my previous interviewer told me "Its essentially sitting in the back of a van, driving around in france, monitoring signal strength of mobile towers, then when you finish, you write a report and do it again the next day. For a month. then we send you somewhere else." I politely declined, but did mention that it might be a good idea to add that information onto his fucking job advert, as all it listed was "Testing Engineer".


New member
Apr 9, 2010
FarleShadow said:
Shivarage said:
I have a couple Q's :)

Why are you "climbing down"? what does that mean?

your third point confuses me, if i dislike the job but need the moneys - why be disinterested?
'Climbing down', the top of the mountain represents "Going to work, doing nothing, getting paid millions". The bottom represents "Going to work, working crazy hard and then get minimum wage and all the McNuggets I can eat"

Third point is largely dependant on your position, if you REALLY need a job, then you're never disinterested in it. But I have a comfortable position now, so when my previous interviewer told me "Its essentially sitting in the back of a van, driving around in france, monitoring signal strength of mobile towers, then when you finish, you write a report and do it again the next day. For a month. then we send you somewhere else." I politely declined, but did mention that it might be a good idea to add that information onto his fucking job advert, as all it listed was "Testing Engineer".
what do you work as?

I don't need one or die, it's just i would like to get out of my parents house and live life
problem with me is i don't flourish in an academic environment so university isnt an option for me so the options i have require much more money than i am currently getting ^^'

I got an interview at an asda store, I went in with nice shirt and trousers (no tie as specefied by my cousin who works in an asda far away) nice shoes, smiled a lot and didnt stop interacting with the other final condidates who were teenagers all in casual clothing, i did not get the job... I was told I was overqualified for being too motivated and knowing too much about what i was doing although the asda store did not give me a reason at all - just said "we have decided not to continue your application"


New member
Aug 1, 2009
omicron1 said:
Spawn_Of_Kyuss said:
Wear a low cut skirt.
I have a feeling that's only applicable to ladies and Scots.

It's a kilt not a skirt!

OP: Most of it's been said already. Be polite, show interest in the job but don't be too eager. Don't swear, look neat, as in clean clothes, clean shaven etc.