generals3 said:
I believe that presidential democracies require a term limit. This is because presidential democracies tend to be more about specific individuals rather than parties and they tend to give more power to the elected individual. As such presidents can more easily use their power and charisma to slowly but steadily erode democratic foundations for their personal thirst for power. (Best example being Russia where Putin found a way around the term limit)
Russia is surely an example demonstrating that term limits
don't prevent dictatorial moves, is it not? Russia has term limits, and is ruled by a despot nonetheless.
On the other hands, plenty of perfectly functional democracies don't have term limits.
generals3 said:
But even if for a moment I weren't pro term limit per se, I would consider the failed referendum meant he had to stop his efforts to remove term limits and accept the will of the people.
Alrighty. But then, why does the referendum result override the 2019 election result? The latter was won by a far more convincing majority. Does that not demonstrate the "will of the people" to be a Morales government?