antipunt said:
As an avid League of Legends player, I can confirm that this is pretty much a joke. Toxicity decreased 'temporarily' with the release of the new honor system. After people started realizing that you didn't get any benefits whatsoever (except some silly emblem), griefing came back in full force. I haven't at all noticed a decrease in griefers in the game;
although, maybe it depends on which elo we're talking about, i dunno. Though as far as I see, most people laugh at you when you say you're going to report them, because they're pretty sure nothing will really happen to them
See, they think that, and then they get banned. Threats of reporting someone are kind of in bad taste anyway. I mean, I think I've told people that before, but extremely rarely. When you retort to a troll/rager/whatever they tend to simply rage/troll/bananas harder then before. The best thing to do is A: ignore them and try to have a good time yourself, or B: calmly address them when they're going all noscope420esports on everyone. Granted, I'm usually part of the crowd that does stupid shit all game, so I guess I can't really talk.
OT: Eh, the playerbase is really nothing to write home about but it's not the horror story everyone seems to be referencing it to be. Out of MOBA crowd, from personal experience anyhow, LoL has relatively nice populace. The crappy part is that it's a team game that focuses on individuals, which means that it's oftentimes "everyone's fault". It's why SC2 isn't a rage-fest, because when you lose your 1v1 you know it's because YOU fucked up, or got outplayed, not because someone down in the bot lane fed the enemy Draven, and since you didn't do so hot top lane you can reassure yourself by blaming them so the loss doesn't hurt quite as bad.
Just a bad case of needing to put everyone on the sinking ship with you.
Kudos to Riot for trying though. I know if I got a reminder of what I act like in games sometimes I would probably calm down a bit at my worst games.