The Wykydtron said:
Ironman126 said:
The Wykydtron said:
Those were the days. The days when AP Yi was a thing. Fuck those days actually, i'm glad AP Yi is dead. He would legit tank towers forever with his Meditate easily healing him through it. Then would kill your entire team because his Q had a stupid high AP ratio and it resets on kill or assist.
But... But AP Yi was the only fun I ever had playing LoL. That and Ashe's "tag, you're it" cross-map arrow shit. So many angry players, usually on my team.
Trust me, if you were playing AP Yi decently the players on the enemy team would have been even angrier.
Though during this time of Zed mid every single fucking game, I would almost prefer an old AP Yi game. Almost. The rising plague of "i'm so edgy, I dodged a move with my ult, pressed all my buttons then tapped R again for the free tower dive, i'm literally Faker right now" Zed players is so frustrating.
It's teaching me that I have to be a total dick from minute 1 to even stand a chance at winning lane. He walks into lane and eats Blue Cards every time it comes off cooldown. You have made me do this, I am usually happy to ignore my opponent and just farm with TF but that's not an option here.
Oh, my team was never angry with AP Yi. They were, however, pissed at my Ashe ult kill stealing skills. Or maybe it's the fact that I played Ashe that they were pissed about... Meh, fuck them, everyone takes LoL too seriously, especially in unranked. "If you were good enough for me to care about your opinion, brah, you'd be playing a ranked match," was kinda my battle cry.
As for Zed mid, i quit LoL about the same time Zed came out, so I think I only played like ten games with him around. I did, however, usually play Lux or Morgana mid and don't recall seeing Zed more than once or twice. Still, he sounds like an awful opponent.