Robama Wants You to Buy American


New member
Jul 5, 2010
I was actually just at this comic shop last weekend, they are pretty cool. Finally something decent here in Orlando. (yeah, all you tourons can talk about Disney, not one of us natives cares)

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Well, at least I now know what the fusion of Barack Obama and Cable would look like.

Now, I'm not a comic fan nor do I regularly read any sort of manga (my friend shows me a few that run the usual gamut of "Good/Bad/Blah"...which is to say, manga has a much better track record with me than anime), but really?

Don't sling mud at your competition, DC.
I've seen Marvel do it to you before, and it didn't work out for them in the end there either.


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
Grey Carter said:
...Is this jingoism in the service of capitalism...
I gotta point out the fact that protectionism is inherently anti-Capitalism, unless you're using the term "Capitalism" to refer to vendor's want for money.

But anyway, this seems a good deal. I can't stand any manga at all- those who enjoy the stuff are usually added to my "to be subjected to torture and/or death" list.

Also, I'd prefer Robo-Reagan much more.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
I hate the phrase "Buy American". I hated it when Harvey Dent said it in 'The Dark Knight' and I hate it now. It's not that it's some kind of nationalistic brainwashing or anything like that.
It's just an American company shouting "Hey, you're American right? Well we have this American stuff for you to buy with your American dollars because you and I are both American!"

Ok so maybe I'm looking a bit too much into this.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Toy Master Typhus said:
Extremely sill but i still don't see DC gaining any new friends by this. It is exactly as Nikolai77 has said there are just so many more types compared to American comic books. But also I think that people just like the Anime/Manga art style more.

I don't want to start a fruitless fan boy argument between which Art is better since it is relative to people's way of thinking and/or definition of art but no one can deny that there are more people on the internet (and in my college drawing class) that want to draw in a Anime/Manga style compared to people who want to draw in the American comic art style. Why is that? Most likely because it is very stylized compared to the American style, they created key parts (eyess and hair) that people recognize as the style. As Far as American comics go the only experience I have in them is getting my SPAWN books but browsing the comic shop I play cards at there is just nothing noticeable at the comic book shop that made them pop out to me. It was no different then browsing a book store for me.
Im the opposite..the manga artstyle annoys me..

granted..thats probably because I assosiate it with the back-waters of the itnernet with lots of wannabe manga artists who arnt really that good

(and persoanlly the charachters look the same..or at least inter-changeable) but thats just me

I think there is more variety than your giving american comics books credit for..but at first glance it IS all superheros...which is annoying

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
<IMG SRC="" align=left>My cold, dead hands, Robama.


Er, yes. That said, anyone else not realize it was supposed to be a parody Obama until they read the text? The odd lip shading makes it look like he's got a Sinestro 'stache.

Also enjoying the irony of a patriotic poster featuring four DC heroes: A Kryptonian, an Alantean, a Themyscirian, and an American sworn to enforce the laws of a foreign government.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
CosmicCommander said:
Grey Carter said:
...Is this jingoism in the service of capitalism...
I gotta point out the fact that protectionism is inherently anti-Capitalism, unless you're using the term "Capitalism" to refer to vendor's want for money.

But anyway, this seems a good deal. I can't stand any manga at all- those who enjoy the stuff are usually added to my "to be subjected to torture and/or death" list.

Also, I'd prefer Robo-Reagan much more.
Damn skippy! Robo-Reagan would rip Robama to shreds. (And he would agree to a pipeline. wink, wink)


New member
May 11, 2009
Why would I want to trade my manga which follow a straight line of story and doesn't randomly jump into other comic books. Or randomly start up half way in in a story.

Not to mention that the amount of times you have to switch comic book to read the end of the story is just ludicrous.

There is also this where most comics are just bad and rather boring. I wanted to read more about DeadPool being awesome but most of the time it's him doing really really boring stuff.
The spiderman comics where good but the same enemies keep coming and coming.

But none of them are even remotely good compared to a few books of One Piece.

There is also this where their painters are also not the best. Going with one series will most likely not have the same art style all the time and it can change quite often. While Mangas can have bad painters as well it will most likely be solved after a few books or so.

DC might actually see a bigger income if they focus on making their characters stay within one book to the end and make them longer.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
...but DC stories are, by and large, shit right now. They're in the middle of a reboot that's a reboot but not a complete reboot and some people aren't rebooted at all but maybe they are and what is this i don't even.

Manga (generally) keeps itself much more coherent by virtue of the simple fact that it's the same person behind the series, from start to end. Most of them (Bleach aside, obviously) have the balls to actually KEEP SOMEONE DEAD when they die, which means that there's actual dramatic tension when someone is put in mortal danger.


Bus with me, Cthulhu!
Jul 28, 2010
You all are missing the REAL problem here: A Comic Shop is basically writing off the $10-manga-for-$3-comic as "well, Gamestop does the same thing with used games so that makes it okay."

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Yeahhh... Most places I've been in my entire life time, the term 'buy American' is probably equal to the term 'buy Nigerian' or 'buy Cambodian.' Not exactly a by-word for quality, satisfaction, or economically sound. Sorry, just ain't.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
shadowform said:
...but DC stories are, by and large, shit right now. They're in the middle of a reboot that's a reboot but not a complete reboot and some people aren't rebooted at all but maybe they are and what is this i don't even.

Manga (generally) keeps itself much more coherent by virtue of the simple fact that it's the same person behind the series, from start to end. Most of them (Bleach aside, obviously) have the balls to actually KEEP SOMEONE DEAD when they die, which means that there's actual dramatic tension when someone is put in mortal danger.
Many of the heroes not rebooting are because they just had a self contained reboot. Green Lantern is the biggest example. Between Blackest Night (which was a small universe wide reboot) and Brightest Day (GL/GLCorp reboot)there is no need for another one.

Also western comics tend to go on longer. The point of reboots is often to refresh the story and provide jumping in points for new readers. Hell, many of the series (Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Captain America, etc) have been going on since the thirties or even longer.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
What I want to know is why Cyborg is taking centre stage on that page. He's a pretty crappy hero when compared to the others on that page.
The latest reboot of the DC Universe has Cyborg as a founding member of the Justice League ¬¬


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Let's see...Keep my volume 1's of Sailor Moon, Vampire Knight, Chrono Crusade, Spice & and Wolf, and Neon Genesis Evangelion, or trade them for comic books?

Such a hard decision.

/sarcasm (anyone who knows me would know that I'll take mange over comic books any day of the week)