Roberto Orci No Longer Directing Star Trek 3


New member
Jan 17, 2008
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Conner42 said:
BoogieManFL said:
Don't know who that is, or who the others people are mentioning in the replies.
If you haven't seen any of the movies by Edgar Wright, fix that!

Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, The World's End, The Spaced Tv Series are all just fantastic!

If Edgar Wright ends up directing this movie, it'll be the best thing to happen to this franchise in a really long time!
I like some of those movies, but that's not the tone I want in Star Trek. I'd rather bring back Nimoy, Meyer or Frakes who have experience making great Trek Films. The pace needs to be slowed and less 'flashy' with more meaty sci-fi substance. Abrams turned the franchise into a kiddie carnival, all flashing lights and thrills with no emotional or intellectual core. But Orci is now producing, so we can forget about that idea.
I was thinking about this after re-watching "Darmok", from Next Generation. I think of that episode (short version: Enterprise encounters a species that speaks entirely in mythological and historical references) as the quintessential Star Trek story. Not the best, but the perfect example of what Trek does well. And I really can't imagine the reboot crew doing anything like that. I like the reboot well enough, but it's just a shiny sci-fi action adventure rather than a true "Star Trek" successor.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
SlightlyEvil said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Conner42 said:
BoogieManFL said:
Don't know who that is, or who the others people are mentioning in the replies.
If you haven't seen any of the movies by Edgar Wright, fix that!

Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, The World's End, The Spaced Tv Series are all just fantastic!

If Edgar Wright ends up directing this movie, it'll be the best thing to happen to this franchise in a really long time!
I like some of those movies, but that's not the tone I want in Star Trek. I'd rather bring back Nimoy, Meyer or Frakes who have experience making great Trek Films. The pace needs to be slowed and less 'flashy' with more meaty sci-fi substance. Abrams turned the franchise into a kiddie carnival, all flashing lights and thrills with no emotional or intellectual core. But Orci is now producing, so we can forget about that idea.
I was thinking about this after re-watching "Darmok", from Next Generation. I think of that episode (short version: Enterprise encounters a species that speaks entirely in mythological and historical references) as the quintessential Star Trek story. Not the best, but the perfect example of what Trek does well. And I really can't imagine the reboot crew doing anything like that. I like the reboot well enough, but it's just a shiny sci-fi action adventure rather than a true "Star Trek" successor.
I'd be more than happy with a movie-length "Darmok" at this stage. It was one of my fave TNG episodes because of how it put you in Picard's position of solving an intriguing mystery on which depended peace between two races. When I put it like that it sounds a lot like The Undiscovered Country, probably because it's pure sci-fi and pure idealistic Trek which hooked you without the need for mindless action. It's important to keep it simple like the best Trek movies and Orci's writing is too convoluted.


New member
Mar 16, 2014
Hurray Hurray Hurray. And the world was saved from damnation cause one bad director was taken off the helm of one of the most iconic nerd franchises ever. Hurray. Rejoice and be merry. The world is saved.

Captcha: Peanut butter. Yes drown them all in peanut butter.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Li Mu said:
I'm taking over. Don't worry guys, I know exactly what the audience wants and I aim to deliver. There will be plenty of lense flare and some serious bro-mance between Kirk and Spock which may even lead into some full on homosexual love. It's going to be fantastic and exactly what everyone wants. I'm even casting Zach Galifianakis to play Jean Luc Picard.
I would totally watch this. Except for the Zach Galifianakis picard bit.

... he needs to be playing Old Kirk. Get it right.

Cpt. Slow

Great news everybody!
Dec 9, 2012
And if only they could get Berman & Braga on board then it's Christmas for me as well. But that's hoping for a real miracle, lol.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Really? I didn't realize that the first two Star Trek reboot movies even had a writer. I thought they just got all the actors drunk and then chopped together the results into a flimsy plot.

Ark of the Covetor

New member
Jul 10, 2014
Cpt. Slow said:
And if only they could get Berman & Braga on board then it's Christmas for me as well. But that's hoping for a real miracle, lol.
Honestly, I hope they don't come back, not unless their time away from the franchise has given them some fresh ideas. I despise the new movies with the firey passion of a thousand suns, but even though I quite liked Enterprise and there are a fair few episodes of Voyager I think were quite good, it has to be admitted that the TV shows were running out of steam a bit by the end there. DS9 was a mixed bag, but the longer it went on the more it drifted away from what made me enjoy Trek in the first place - the idea that we can be better than we are - because they needed more opportunities to make the Defiant go pew pew. Voyager and Enterprise both ended up just rehashing plotlines from TNG, sometimes that went fairly well(The Doctor's ripoff of Data's "what is life?" arc was great fun, particularly once 7 of 9 got involved), most of the time it didn't.

Honestly that's why I'm not that stoked for this kickstarted semi-official project that Russ etc are pushing, their response seems to be to have drifted even further down the late-DS9 path of GrimDark, and that's something that I like in Trek as an occasional flavour episode, not the main course.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Cpt. Slow said:
And if only they could get Berman & Braga on board then it's Christmas for me as well. But that's hoping for a real miracle, lol.
Are you -insane-? Did you see Nemesis?


Golden pantaloon.
Dec 19, 2007
I don't see how there can even be a Star Trek three after they pretty much broke the whole premise of Star Trek in episode 2. They basically have to reboot the whole thing again.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Looking at Orci's filmography, I'm happy to see him kept at a distance from any film. The only movie from the list I like is Watchmen, and the writing for that was predominantly set by the time he was brought in. As big as the Star Trek movies are in terms of box office, it seems foolhardy to have put someone with as little experience as Orci in the director's seat. A competent move by Sony.

Joos said:
I don't see how there can even be a Star Trek three after they pretty much broke the whole premise of Star Trek in episode 2. They basically have to reboot the whole thing again.
Watch them bring in the original cast to tell Pine & Co that they've come to repair the damage the reboot cast has done to the timestream.