Robot Fights For Its Humanity in Chappie Trailer


Lurker in the shadows
Feb 3, 2011
Is the robot voiced by the main guy in District 9? If so, wow this director must really love that guy.

Either way, looks like it will be entertaining so I'll give it a go.


New member
Jan 22, 2014
xxobot said:
D3s_ToD3s said:
So what is it with Cinemas obsession about AI lately?
Because its topical. I for one welcome our robot overlords.

In all seriousness though; AI is the future, and we need discussions of it and its implications. Specifically, we need the shift in mainstream culture that I have been seeing as of late; From 'unknowable' to 'I want one' in the likes of wall'e and such.

I'm not saying that robots being depicted helpful or philosophical, or simply having hearts of is gold realistic. Nor that it is not as old as dirt... Its just nice to see it more topical and (sometimes) less two dimensional than the likes of skynet.

Side bar: Less two dimensional? More dimensional? With one dimension more than two less than four?

...Does data even have a measurable dimensionality!?
Or robot sees that humans are monsters and then creates Skynet and the surviving humans are used as batteries/neural processors forever. The End.

I like this version better.

An Ceannaire

New member
Mar 5, 2012
Yep, I'm sold.

This movie has some of the sci-fi themes I adore; Artificial Intelligence, Robots (especially those with personality), The nature of the Singularity, and so on.

I just know this is going to make me sad like the Short Circuit movies did though.


New member
Aug 20, 2013
Windknight said:
The little bunny ears on chappy gave me (pleasent) memories of Briareos-H from Appleseed, so a nice connection there, and this does look very interesting.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that! Awesome! If I had noticed your post I would have quoted you in my initial comment.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Personally, I thought Blomkamp inserted his social commentary into District 9 with all the subtlety, grace and nuance of a suppository inserted with a piledriver. The constant "HEY, LOOK, IT'S CLEVER SOCIAL COMMENTARY! CAN YOU SEE THE CLEVER SOCIAL COMMENTARY I'VE INSERTED INTO THIS MOVIE! HEY LOOK, HERE'S SOME MORE CLEVER SOCIAL COMMENTARY! WERE YOU CLEVER ENOUGH TO NOTICE THE CLEVER SOCIAL COMMENTARY?!" ruined the experience for me. As a result, I found it to be highly overrated. The one-dimensional characters didn't help much, either.

The trailers to Elysium told me that I had no need to go see it, although I thought that it's unintended commentary about extreme liberals was probably spot on: They seem to actually BELIEVE that incredibly complex problems (such as generational poverty, providing affordable, yet high-quality, healthcare to huge numbers of poor/working class people, etc) could be fixed with the literal push of a button, but that those evil rich people are stopping it from happening, presumably for the lulz.

I somehow doubt that Movie Bob would be such a fan of Blomkamp's directing skills if Blomkamp's politics were further to the right.