Avatar Roku said:
Saltyk said:
thenumberthirteen said:
The trouble is I think the two genres are extremely incompatible since what makes a good game doesn't make a good film. I mean GTA would never translate into a film and still be GTA. Vice City would just be Scarface.
Agreed. Only thing I would add is that a
good Vice City movie would just be Scarface. A bad one would just be laughable.
Not that I don't think that a good original IP could not translate into other media well, it just takes effort. Just look at KOTOR. What makes it work is the fact that it's not a tie-in game, but an original story based in the Star Wars universe. And it was made a few decades after the beloved trilogy, not as a cash-in to go along with it,
allowing plenty of time to actually craft a proper game as apposed to the rushed hack jobs most tie-ins are.
Not really related, but I'll also bring up KotOR II: absolutely brilliant stuff is in there (read this [http://lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/] if you don't believe me), absolutely ruined in most eyes by all the cut content, and that was caused by lack of development time (though, it was more that their time was suddenly cut in half; one of the things that made it frustrating was all the loose threads that would not have been there if they knew how much time they had). So I think you hit the nail on the head with the part I bolded.
First off, Awesome name! Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of the best shows I have seen in a while. If not ever.
Actually, KOTOR II was one of the games that proved to me that developers need a decent amount of time to produce good work. Don't get me wrong, KOTOR II was a great game, but even before I knew any of what had happened, I felt that something was missing. That things weren't there that should have been (like a romantic relationship with the Handmaiden or Mira or a resolution with the HK-50 assassin droids). When I heard how they were forced to release an incomplete game, I knew I wasn't wrong. And honestly, I felt cheated.
Really how is this not related? Sure, this topic is about movie tie-ins, but I stated that not being given enough time is one of the reason such games fail. KOTOR II wasn't a movie tie-in, but illustrates the problem perfectly. Maybe even better than an actual movie based game would. After all, we kind of expect them to suck.