This whole limited supply and exclusive crap needs to die. Nintendo can burn money to heat their offices. They can afford to make a little more of each Amiibo and tell retail chains trying to bribe them with exclusivity rights to fuck off and get in line for their shipment. MS (and now Sony, too) are pulling game exclusivity shenanigans to get more adopters. That's tough, but acceptable. Target and other chains can have sales or offer bundles to get more customers (or build their reputations as a places that are not out to screw you). (And, if their dealings with suppliers limits how much they can knock off the price or what they can bundle together, that's what they should be negotiating.)
The only non-negative (I can't say positive.) thing about this is you don't have to buy a game twice to get Rosalina and another Amiibo. If I wanted to get a game and Gamestop's bonus DLC of an assalt rifle with purple pimp fuzz and wanted the Best Buy exclusive meathead Speisshe Mahreen in a tutu to wield the pimp gun, I'd have to buy two copies (or try to buy the code from someone who did buy it from Best Buy). There's still the downside that your forced to buy from a retailer that you might be at odds with. (I don't think Target's reputation from last year's hack has fully healed, yet. And there's always plenty of reasons people don't want to shop at certain places.)
The only non-negative (I can't say positive.) thing about this is you don't have to buy a game twice to get Rosalina and another Amiibo. If I wanted to get a game and Gamestop's bonus DLC of an assalt rifle with purple pimp fuzz and wanted the Best Buy exclusive meathead Speisshe Mahreen in a tutu to wield the pimp gun, I'd have to buy two copies (or try to buy the code from someone who did buy it from Best Buy). There's still the downside that your forced to buy from a retailer that you might be at odds with. (I don't think Target's reputation from last year's hack has fully healed, yet. And there's always plenty of reasons people don't want to shop at certain places.)