Rumor: Activision Doesn't Think Female Leads Can Sell Games


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Nope, female leads definitely can't sell games *sarcasm*.
Honestly Activision doesn't need a female lead, considering that they are already earning millions by focusing their marketing on the stupid youth we see today.

Screw you Activision!


New member
Nov 4, 2009
So, Perfect Dark, the Tomb Raider series, and ff 13 didn't sell well? Huh, who would have thought.

OT: Well, it is Avctivisian, so it doesn't surprise me that they did something stupid. Hell, I would buy a game where I got to kick ass in a Hong Kong blood opera as Lucy Liu.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
What's that Samus? Yes, I know they're stupid but it's okay because everyone knows it's not true.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
coldalarm said:
Dear Activision,
Please. Please. Please learn to STFU. If female leads cannot help sell games, pray tell, why has the Tomb Raider series done so well? Why is Beyond Good & Evil a cult-classic? Why did Resident Evil 1 do so well? And Mirror's Edge? That's a great game.
Stop being fools, lower your prices, stop talking and make good games.
Thank you.
To answer all your questions in one word... Okay, three words...


Let's face it. MOST gamers are men. Since activision is a COMPANY all they care about is money. Sex appeal and breasts help sell games. Beyond good and evil girl? Looks kinda asian. Same with Mirror's Edge. Guys like asians. Tomb Raider? Easy target. Resident Evil 1? As Yahtzee said, Jill Valentine is a whore. Bayonetta is unfortunately a completely shameless but accurate portrayal of HOW female leads sell games.

It's all true. It's sad, really, but it's true. Is there anyone out there that seriously bought tomb raider 1 and 2 because they were GOOD games?

Danglybits said:
What's that Samus? Yes, I know they're stupid but it's okay because everyone knows it's not true.
You are instantly and temporarily transported to my "absolute favorite person" list, and placed in the #1 position. (You might get kicked out, but still, that was an awesome quote.)


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I couldn't read pass the comment about TJ in San Andreas. Real nice, Activision; thanks for being the gaming version of BET by reinforcing stereotypes.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
This is ridiculous, I would like to play an FPS with a female main character as I am getting sort of tired of the brown haired, 5 o'clock shadow race of men starring in most of them.

And Metroid. How the heck could Activision ignore the popularity of Metroid?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
well do what freaking final fantasy did make it so the average joe can't figure out if there boy or girl.

Zachary Amaranth said:
CkretAznMan said:
It would be interesting to control a female character in a Modern Warfare-like game.
I can just imagine the reaction from the MW crowd.
I can think of one "Shes likes flat soda!" or "why is there no 3rd person so I can look at her ass"

sorry that is two I was on a roll
Feb 16, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Snipped from the other thread:

Uh....Sarah Louise Kerrigan?

She was in this little known game called Starcraft?

So Chell/GLADos, Joanna Dark, The Agent: Kate Archer, Faith Connors, Alyx Vance, Princess Peach, Tifa Lockhart, Cassandra/Sophitia Alexandra, Chun Li/Cammy White/Rose Bison, Rubi Malone, Nariko, Claire Redfield/Jill Valentine, Anna/Nina Williams, Miranda Keyes, Mileena/Kitana, Chai Xianghua, Cortana, Zoey/Rochelle, Damsel/Tourette/Velvet Velour/Pisha/Ming-Xiao, The Path's Sisters, Ashleigh Williams, Sailor Moon, Wonder Woman, Buffy Summers/Willow, Aeryn Sun, Leia Organa, ALICE, Gatchaman Jun, Princess Zelda, Sarah Connor or Dana Scully couldn't sell games?

And of course, Lara Croft, Bayonetta, Mai Shiranui, Ivy Valentine for the T&A brigade.
damn activision, you got served! it really is sad that one of the largest gaming publishers in the world says women arent goopd leads for games.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I don't think the gender of the characters has that much impact on the game sales, (I'm excluding games that have sex as a selling point i.e. Bayonetta or Dead or Alive: Extreme) what they don't seem to understand is that games are overall a fairly niche market (I'm talking about actual games) where everyone has there own tastes, so most of the claims like this are only true to a very small percentage of the market. To the rest of us it only serves to lower our opinion of Activision, and to those looking in on the outside it serves to paint gamers as sexist. So what I'm trying to convey is that activision should really stop saying stupid stuff. Please.


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
FloodOne said:
DTWolfwood said:
Big boobs. they must have them. Or they are from a well established franchise. new franchises with female leads that dont have big bust lines and are "badass" don't sell well.
Final Fantasy XIII would like to say hello.

None of the girls are frames with boobs attached. in fact, all three female characters are proportioned like a woman should be.

The fact that it sold over 5 million copies settles this argument.
You forget FF XIII sucked.....


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Flamezdudes said:
Irridium said:
Yeah, because games with a female lead have never made a major impact on gaming.

I hate focus groups so much. And this pisses me off. Your game won't sell well if it has a male-lead. Stop focusing on pointless things and focus on actually making the games fun.

Wait. WAIT. METROID IS FEMALE? How did i never know of this? Why didn't anyone tell me? I've never played the games mind you but i have played little bits and seen friends play the game.
yeah... you can also tell by the armor... at least by TODAY'S standards.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I think thats a bit one sided. I think tomb raider when they say this (at least the origional few) if it's a good game then the jiggle physics would be a bonus. But I could see problems in a female lead in an fps for example, considering their going for immersion most of the time.


New member
Nov 6, 2009
Banok said:
KingTiger said:
I actually agree with this.

I would never play a game where I have to be a just doesnt feel right. I am a guy, I should only play a male character.
people like this guy are the problem. its just a game, why on earth is it weird to play a female character.
Because I dont have an interest in being a female :p. I am confident in my sexuality as A MAN! It makes me feel that my character is less powerful if its a female :/, I dont mean to be sexist but usually female characters in video games get hit on(sex object) or have the features of a hooker.

Try imagining a warhammer 40k space marine being a female...argh the horror...and dont tell me sisters of battle, they are not as interesting...freakin piano artillery wtf


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Lol Activision what will you do to the next great video game next. "Oh I'm sorry, that is just a little bit too innovative for today's market and we don't think it will sell, so please conform or GTFO!"

mxfox408 said:
FloodOne said:
DTWolfwood said:
Big boobs. they must have them. Or they are from a well established franchise. new franchises with female leads that dont have big bust lines and are "badass" don't sell well.
Final Fantasy XIII would like to say hello.

None of the girls are frames with boobs attached. in fact, all three female characters are proportioned like a woman should be.

The fact that it sold over 5 million copies settles this argument.
You forget FF XIII sucked.....
How did it suck with its breathtaking graphics, INNOVATIVE new gameplay mechanics or its captivating story? Hell it was better than 10 of the of the other final fantasy games.

Zachary Amaranth said:
CkretAznMan said:
It would be interesting to control a female character in a Modern Warfare-like game.
I can just imagine the reaction from the MW crowd.
Reaction from the 10 year olds who play MW, "Ahh a woman! IT BURNS!"


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Yes, because this game sucks so bad, Activision.

NOBODY likes Portal because the main character is female.
There are about 60 good examples that could be shoved up your ass, Activision.
The only reason people hate you is because you say stupid stuff.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
So......ignoring Metroid, Perfect Dark, Beyond Good and Evil, Eternal Darkness, and a few other games that the titles have slipped my mind atm. So yes, in no way have these games haven't been praised nor sold at all and aren't getting sequels or HD ports. Bazing Activision, Bazing.