Rumor: Nintendo 3DS is More Powerful Than the Wii


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Hey, as long as I don't have to flail my arms around like an idiot to accomplish anything...sounds good to me.

but then again, I never buy or play handhelds. I prefer to play on a screen I can actually see.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
ThrobbingEgo said:
If it's running some offshoot of snapdragon and tegra, yeah, that actually sounds plausible. The Wii's got a 729 Mhz power PC CPU. There are ARM processors embedded into cellphones, right now, that run at 1 Ghz. Now, ARM is not PowerPC. The architectures are different, and direct comparisons are beyond me. Nonetheless, it's not implausible that a new handheld could outperform the Wii.
I'm glad you at least understand that numbers don't always equate to power. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who do.

Hmm, thinking about it, could they get it as powerful as a PS3/360? As people have pointed out these consoles tend to play games at ultra high resolutions and do all these other things that require a lot of graphical power. You could easily use the same kind of components in something much smaller if you weren't taxing it as much as you were in the consoles.

So something with the same kind of specs as a console is feasible. But of the same POWER? I would have to say very likely not. If it can manage to do Gamecube/Wii power and in 3D and not be much bigger than a DSi I will be deeply impressed.


Zenn3k said:
but then again, I never buy or play handhelds. I prefer to play on a screen I can actually see.
Pity. You're missing out on a different but no less viable world of gaming.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I doubt that this is true, not just because I'm not sure that technology exists yet, but because I don't think Nintendo's going to suddenly try to catch up with the other two consoles' graphics (on a handheld, no less) when the majority of their aduience probably doesn't give two shits.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
I hope this happens when the 3DS comes out.

I would love to see all the fanboy jaw droppage when Nintendo comes out with a handheld that is more powerful than the 360 and PS3. It is still a longshot but if anyone could pull it off it is probably Nintendo.


New member
May 2, 2008
KrazyKain said:
unlimited detail... the only way this is true is that they are debuting that technology on the 3ds..

if its true, I totally called it.

and honestly people... wii isnt THAT week for heavens sake.
If you are going to misspell weak you should at least made it a pun: The Nintendo Wiik


New member
Aug 31, 2009
If the DS3D is more powerful than the Wii, it just makes the Wii that much more pathetic a system. It could've been more powerful, if only slightly, but instead its just a slow, embarrassing piece of hardware.

So yeah, another Nintendo product. Will it have mountains of shovelware? Yes it will. Just like the GBA, the DS and the Wii.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
DaMan1500 said:
I doubt that this is true, not just because I'm not sure that technology exists yet, but because I don't think Nintendo's going to suddenly try to catch up with the other two consoles' graphics (on a handheld, no less) when the majority of their aduience probably doesn't give two shits.
The handheld market is similar and yet different to the consoles. Nintendo is pretty much the daddy there and if they want power they'll damn well do it.

You're right though it's probably not true. Not for the reasons you think though, but probably more because getting something that powerful AND doing it in 3D just doesn't seem likely. As I said above: In terms of numbers I'd say you'll probably see hardware like what you'd get in a PS3/360. In terms of the games actually looking like a PS3/360 game, not gonna happen. Gamecube/Wii at best I think, but even then that would be damn impressive.

Autofaux said:
If the DS3D is more powerful than the Wii, it just makes the Wii that much more pathetic a system. It could've been more powerful, if only slightly, but instead its just a slow, embarrassing piece of hardware.

So yeah, another Nintendo product. Will it have mountains of shovelware? Yes it will. Just like the GBA, the DS and the Wii.
Oh come on get over youself. It's not as if the PS3/360 is somehow magically devoid of shovelware, they just have the decency to put it on their online shops, which, ironically, is where you can get the best Wii shovelware.

Also yes, the Wii isn't as powerful as the 360/PS3 we ALL KNOW. But do you know what, do you really think Nintendo care while they look down on everyone on the massive piles of cash they've made from the thing.

Personally I think the only reason people get so butthurt over the Wii is because any console rivalry is made moot by the fact that the Wii has sold almost as much as the PS3 and 360 combined.

People apparently only love an underdog as long as it's not beating them it seems.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
SirDerick said:
the sources report that the handheld's capabilities are close to that of the HD-capable PS3 and Xbox 360.

That is when, for me, they have lost all credibility.
If Nintendo was bragging about it, I wouldn't believe it either and I am a huge Nintendo fanboy, but this is coming from the developers and I don't see what they would gain by lying for Nintendo especially since all the rumors would be exposed at E3 this year.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
You guys need to think about past nintendo games.
Super mario rpg think about this game on the snes and look at the golden sun series on the gba.
They could easily produce a game that gives it the appearance of being of that power without running such power.
Most certainly gamers these days don't know that the images they see that look pretty don't really matter.

Lets face it Nintendo does things people don't even think of.
They might be able to pull off a power of a portable between a Wii and a 360's power.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Balobo said:
TyroSe7en said:
Close to PS3? I highly doubt that, however the 360 has exceptionally weak graphical processing power, in comparison to your mid-range GPUs of today, so I can easily believe a handheld device with power that of the 360 or better coming out of Nintendo. After all we are talking about JAPAN here, they just do that shit.
If the 360 is weak, what does that make the PS3?

My PC knocks them both to the ground.
I give the PS3 a hearty above average :) and your PC BETTER KNOCK THEM BOTH OUT! Ha ha

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo could put HD into a handheld, but not a processor/video card that can match the 360 and PS3. I'll wait for the reveal of the 3DS next week before I make anymore conclusions.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Autofaux said:
If the DS3D is more powerful than the Wii, it just makes the Wii that much more pathetic a system. It could've been more powerful, if only slightly, but instead its just a slow, embarrassing piece of hardware.

So yeah, another Nintendo product. Will it have mountains of shovelware? Yes it will. Just like the GBA, the DS and the Wii.
I'm sorry what?
All 3 of those systems have so many great games.
Maybe if you ignore the shovelware for the casual gamers you would notice.
Probably one of those people only interested in shooters.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
sees title:
hmmm that's not hard
tho my calculator might still be more powerful


New member
Feb 9, 2008
SirDerick said:
the sources report that the handheld's capabilities are close to that of the HD-capable PS3 and Xbox 360.

That is when, for me, they have lost all credibility.
Yeah if that's true in such a small size it will catch fire in your hands in no time


New member
Dec 15, 2008

A handheld as powerful as a console?

Something seems off. I can't put my finger on it. Just not right...

It just feels off... I don't know how. I still wish I had it anyway, but something's not completely on the money here.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
What's the point? It's not like the screen's big enough to display that power...

Random Argument Man said:
This is certainly interesting. Is Nintendo making its move to conquer the handeld market?
That would be the handheld market which has been in their possession for about 15 years?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
well its totaly possible for a hand held to be close in power to a 360 or ps3 but nintendo has always been more about good price and long battery life so Id take the rumor with a grain of salt altho Im still curious as hell to see what the 3ds will be like


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Considering a Wii is more powerful than an Xbox, I find this pretty impressive for a handheld.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
SextusMaximus said:
Considering a Wii is more powerful than an Xbox, I find this pretty impressive for a handheld.
The wii isn't more powerful than an xbox.

Worgen said:
well its totaly possible for a hand held to be close in power to a 360 or ps3 but nintendo has always been more about good price and long battery life so Id take the rumor with a grain of salt altho Im still curious as hell to see what the 3ds will be like
Well the 3DS will be ugly and have poor screen quality but have a DS slot to go with the next gen 3DS slot.

Then the 3DSLite will have better screens, be smaller and be better overall.

3DSi will not have the DS slot but will let you webchat with a friend if you have their 32 digit friend code, their 14 digit webchat code...
