Rumors of EA getting taken over?


New member
Oct 27, 2009
This is actually kind of interesting. Nexon is one of the best South Korean Devs in the market atm. They're kind of like the EA of South Korea, except way less dickish to their community. The way they have their international companies set up is basically "You get to market our games to the specific region, you have to add in the major content we add to the korean version, and any original regional content has to be approved by the Koreans."

Now Nexon America.

They're basically a free-to-play variant of EA.

Their customer service is subpar, there's a lack of content in a few of the games, mainly due to the fact that no one plays them because there's a big gap between content, meaning they're not in a hurry to get it done, and there's alot of buying power through illegal NX (Nexon Cash, the virtual currency fueling the microtransactions)trade and gold buying. Farming is a big problem in several of the games, as such, the majority of the economies are pretty screwed up, especially in Vindictus and Maplestory.

If that's not enough, here's an example of a problem from Maplestory:

A recent patch fixed a major glitch on one of the endgame bosses that prevented it from being killed. Now people "should" be able to kill it. Should. However, several of the smaller worlds (servers) don't have the necessary channels (isolated states of the game on the same server, think WoW's phasing but instead of changing the world it just puts players in different parts of the same place) the boss can be fought on, meaning the only way of obtaining the gear is buying it overpriced from hackers. Speaking of hackers, on one of the larger worlds, a person or a small group of people are basically restricting access to the boss via crashing the map it spawns on, forcing players to pay them 250$ worth of NX to be "allowed" to fight the boss. On top of that, there's item duplicating, map crashing, etc.

I can't see anything good come out of North American control of EA under Nexon.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Vegosiux said:
Plus, even in PvE that just breaks the progression curve entirely.
Well only if you buy into it. If your just doing PvE then it only matters to yourself if you want to break the progression curve. Sure group situations might get a bit skewed but I don't think it would be that hard to find others who don't do 'pay to win' to group with.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
ultramarine486 said:
Vegosiux said:
Plus, even in PvE that just breaks the progression curve entirely.
Well only if you buy into it. If your just doing PvE then it only matters to yourself if you want to break the progression curve. Sure group situations might get a bit skewed but I don't think it would be that hard to find others who don't do 'pay to win' to group with.
You'd be really surprised. Most people who don't put money into the game will be, on average, poor and underpowered. I mean in one of the games, if you don't any avatars, cosmetic items that add major stat boosts, you will be extremely hard pressed to find a group that will let you into the high level content. Stack that on top the fact that the player population is declining (mainly because they haven't released a new class in a while) and you have bad times.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
What if this new company is more evil than EA? EA could be transformed into some Frankinstein's monster made up of super evil.

1000th post cake and free kittens for all.


New member
May 18, 2011
ultramarine486 said:
Vegosiux said:
Plus, even in PvE that just breaks the progression curve entirely.
Well only if you buy into it. If your just doing PvE then it only matters to yourself if you want to break the progression curve. Sure group situations might get a bit skewed but I don't think it would be that hard to find others who don't do 'pay to win' to group with.
As a poster above me'd be surprised. Saying the group situations would get a bit skewed is akin to saying that there's some sand in Sahara. Communities in these allegedly free games tend to be quite horrible.

Even in LoL where all the cash shop stuff is purely cosmetic, many people who have been spending money on it think they have the right to be jerks and not get banned "because they're financially supporting the company". And note, I'm totally okay with stuff being available for money, as long as it's purely cosmetic and doesn't give an in-game advantage. And as long as the "base", the free bit doesn't look terrible in comparison.

ToTaL LoLiGe said:
What if this new company is more evil than EA? EA could be transformed into some Frankinstein's monster made up of super evil.

1000th post cake and free kittens for all.
Nah. It would just bide its time then eat its way out from the inside.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
jcb1337 said:
ultramarine486 said:
Vegosiux said:
Plus, even in PvE that just breaks the progression curve entirely.
Well only if you buy into it. If your just doing PvE then it only matters to yourself if you want to break the progression curve. Sure group situations might get a bit skewed but I don't think it would be that hard to find others who don't do 'pay to win' to group with.
You'd be really surprised. Most people who don't put money into the game will be, on average, poor and underpowered. I mean in one of the games, if you don't any avatars, cosmetic items that add major stat boosts, you will be extremely hard pressed to find a group that will let you into the high level content. Stack that on top the fact that the player population is declining (mainly because they haven't released a new class in a while) and you have bad times.
Well declining player population creates a whole set of problems with grouping being one of many.

Course if they did merge we might see a F2P Old Republic. There would be micro transactions out the ass but it would at least be free.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Take EA, but forget to mention DICE or Bioware in the deal so that they somehow get left out. Then I will be overjoyed.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I'm not here to "hate," but I find it funny the only thing to spike EA stock prices is "someone else is going to be taking over."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
Are Nexon known for good customer service and customer friendly behaviour?
i've heard 'horror story's', but the very few times i've needed them, they where pretty quick about getting to me and resolving the issue

Zachary Amaranth said:
I'm not here to "hate," but I find it funny the only thing to spike EA stock prices is "someone else is going to be taking over."
it's pretty funny isn't it

Dr. Dice Lord

New member
Feb 4, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
It was nowhere near as bad as EA's microtransaction idea of paying $1 every time you need to reload in Battlefield.
Sorry but I can't take that seriously. The BF3 unlocks, while rather overpriced, aren't required to win. If you have any semblance of skill you can get all the "essential" vehicle unlocks in a day or even a couple hours, and at least a one full load out for each class. While I'm not a fan of vehicle unlocks like flares and such, the "experience treadmill" basically moves at a walking pace for the first few unlocks.

No offense intended, I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complain about the "pay to win" in BF3, when its not even approaching that. Not even on the same planet as that.

OP: I don't know how to feel about a Japanese company acquiring DICE and Bioware. Honestly I can't see them being any more "fair" than EA. I'd prefer to stick with the devil I know.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Lunar Templar said:
it's pretty funny isn't it
It'd be funnier if they weren't POSSIBLY being taken over by the microtransaction kings. Because EA+Maple Story tactics...*shudders*


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well its not like Forbes would be one to quickly jump on rumor mills, but damn I got to belive this is bogus because Nexon? Really?

Im sorry, but if Nexon buys out EA, which I still do not think EA is any sort of bad shape to even consider selling, nor do I think Nexon actually has the overall clout to force this or even support it if it were to happen. But if they do, I guess I will not play another EA property because honestly Nexon is shit and built around a "lowest common denominator" principle that would make EA look principled.

Seriously, that proposition is bad for everyone involved, Gamers, consumers, developers, etc and would only serve to ruin what good EA has put forth

Its weird to me. I already have an active boycott against Ubisoft. Activision makes nothing I find interesting, If EA goes to Nexon thats another publisher off my list and THQ is struggling to stay afloat. Honestly who all does that leave? 2k and Square Enix? (publishers) Not promising.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
I remember the old "Have you sold your soul to the EA devil?" thing. It was a bit comical.

I wonder if we'll get any such meme for Nexon? Hmm, kinda rhymes with Necron...


Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Dr. Dice Lord said:
Dirty Hipsters said:
It was nowhere near as bad as EA's microtransaction idea of paying $1 every time you need to reload in Battlefield.
Sorry but I can't take that seriously. The BF3 unlocks, while rather overpriced, aren't required to win. If you have any semblance of skill you can get all the "essential" vehicle unlocks in a day or even a couple hours, and at least a one full load out for each class. While I'm not a fan of vehicle unlocks like flares and such, the "experience treadmill" basically moves at a walking pace for the first few unlocks.

No offense intended, I'm just sick and tired of hearing people complain about the "pay to win" in BF3, when its not even approaching that. Not even on the same planet as that.

OP: I don't know how to feel about a Japanese company acquiring DICE and Bioware. Honestly I can't see them being any more "fair" than EA. I'd prefer to stick with the devil I know.
Not sure if you quoted the wrong guy or if you're just terrible at reading...

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lunar Templar said:
it's pretty funny isn't it
It'd be funnier if they weren't POSSIBLY being taken over by the microtransaction kings. Because EA+Maple Story tactics...*shudders*
>.> i have mixed feelings on this to be honest.

i mean yaeh Nexon doesn't handle the IPs they have very well, not even talking about Maple Story, that game sucks. I'm talking about Vindictus and Dungeon Fighter. they really aren't being handled well imo and its a shame cause they really are good games. but even in my relatively short time dealing with them they have gotten a little better (not saying much but there has been improvement), at least as far as Vin and DFO go (as those are the only two i play from them cause they don't suck)

on the other hand, EA has done a lot to make me hate them, and at this point they've come to represent everything wrong with the games industry so them going away and never coming back would really be ok with me, not say it'd be better under Nexon but they can hardly do worse


New member
Mar 27, 2012
viranimus said:
Well its not like Forbes would be one to quickly jump on rumor mills, but damn I got to belive this is bogus because Nexon? Really?

Im sorry, but if Nexon buys out EA, which I still do not think EA is any sort of bad shape to even consider selling, nor do I think Nexon actually has the overall clout to force this or even support it if it were to happen. But if they do, I guess I will not play another EA property because honestly Nexon is shit and built around a "lowest common denominator" principle that would make EA look principled.

Seriously, that proposition is bad for everyone involved, Gamers, consumers, developers, etc and would only serve to ruin what good EA has put forth

Its weird to me. I already have an active boycott against Ubisoft. Activision makes nothing I find interesting, If EA goes to Nexon thats another publisher off my list and THQ is struggling to stay afloat. Honestly who all does that leave? 2k and Square Enix? (publishers) Not promising.
EA has dropped from 50$ a share to 12$ before the rumor got out. Amusingly their stock dropped the same time SPORE was released and we all remember how well that went over. They've pretty much been in decline for the last five years or so and ME3 and The Old Republic really hasn't done much to save them. It also might not be optional. Nexon could try for a hostile takeover. It seems more likely that it would be a merger if anything. Nexon with their free to play experience and EA with their titles, triple A games, and desire for better working micro transactions.

EA going down the drain wouldn't be that bad really. Sure we might see less AAA games being pushed out but really that could be seen as a good thing since those games tend to overshadow everything else when they come out and having more attention to smaller developers and their games isn't bad. I mean without google can anyone give me a good list of what other games came out in the same month as Mass Effect 3?


I'm just a Smeg Head
Jun 30, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
I'm not here to "hate," but I find it funny the only thing to spike EA stock prices is "someone else is going to be taking over."
That's typical actually. The idea is that part of a takeover is to buy existing shares of the stock. So people buy the stock while it's low to buy it when the takeover drives the prices up.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
I don't see it happening. Nexon likely doesn't have the cash to buy EA outright, and any stock deals almost certainly won't happen.

Valve taking over EA one way or another is plausibly more likely than Nexon.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Thoraxe said:
That would beautiful. With the way EA games sysmetacally gobbles up talented companies and turns them into shit, the idea that an even crappier company might absorbs them, is really delicious in its irony and its justice.

I hope they fire all the people at Bioware too.
Mac Walters is the only one that really deserves it. He's the one who took the franchise away from its original direction, he's the one who wrote the ending, he's probably the one responsible for the little kid fiasco. He used his position of head writer to bypass the peer review process that every other writer's work went through. He (maybe the person who gave him the position) should pay the full price.