IceForce said:
Dreiko said:
Still, I dunno why GG has to matter in this context. I guess people are still salty this place didn't ban free speech back in the day? If so I'm happy they're upset lol.
... until you realize that the places that
did "ban free speech back in the day" are not only still in business, but doing a million times better than this sorry site.
It's a generally accepted consensus that allowing the subject here is what killed the site. If that makes you happy then... good I guess?
Nah that's silly. It was people's reaction that caused whatever was caused here. Whatever happened is solely the fault of the people running the site and of the general community here. I will never treat people as incapable of handling any subject, ever. People should be able to discuss anything like rational individuals. Also I don't think comparing a smaller site like this with sites like reddit makes much sense. Reddit wouldn't go out of business over one subject somehow and in fact them banning people harmed them more than helped them, they'd have been fine either way, and this site would have ended up however it has ended up either way.
I've been here for long enough to know that things didn't take a sudden downturn in 2014, people just like to say they did because they were against allowing the subject to be freely discussed here to begin with and have had a chip on their shoulder ever since so they will blame anything and everything on that in order to feel better.