Rust Hits It Big On Steam Early Access

Coach Morrison

New member
Jun 8, 2009
ccdohl said:
Coach Morrison said:
Hero in a half shell said:
Slash2x said:
The persistant bodies and structures make it so logging out to avoid fights DOES NOT WORK. That alone gives it a boost over DayZ.
How on earth does anyone manage to keep themselves alive, or protect whatever they've built the first time they log out?

Do you just have to dig a hole and hide in it or what?
If you manage to build a house with a metal door, which does take quite a bit of resources, then someone will need c4 to get in and c4 isn't easy to get early on.

Alternatively make a shack, which isn't hard, and put a wooden door and sleep inside it. It takes around 70 hits with a good weapon to destroy the door or the shack and unless you are sleeping with good armor or next to boxes that look enticing most people won't have the patience to break it down, especially since hitting the shack leaves you open to being shot by anyone who might walk past.
Wait, so does your character persist when you are offline, or is it just your house?
In the current state when you log off your character does a face-plant and anything you built on the server will stay. If anyone finds your body they can kill you while you are unconscious, this is why it's a good idea to build something and log off inside it.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Atmos Duality said:
*cue the deluge of comments hating Early Access*
G-mod is hilarious, though I admit, this is the first I've seen of Rust.

Looks like it's a sandbox game? Technical or specific? (technical being what vanilla G-Mod was, specific being more limited modes like Minecraft or those made with G-Mod like Prop Hunt)
I think both Rust and 7 days to die (i still prefer the latter but they seem to be very similar) is best explained to people that dont know it as "minecraft with zmobies and actual challenge (plus physics, so no sand castles in the sky)" theres a lot more, but that gives you the kind of overview that makes you think "ah its like that".

templar1138a said:
They'd make a lot more if they had a single-player mode. I've read the reviews, and I'm not paying to get griefed when I have NOTHING to steal.
if you want Rust in singleplayer you should try 7 days to die.

Couple of reviews for the game that made me interested:
"A lot of naked men throwing rocks and trying to survive against zombies, animals and other naked men."

"Killed a deer got chicken meat out of it, BEST GAME EVER. 20/10"

"I love this game, I built a house around a guys house and made him my prisoner, I fed him cans of tuna and cooked chicken when it was available, and some times I would drop in spare logs of wood(when they were available). The best part. he talks to me, keeps telling me his clans going to raid my structure and save him.. I simply respond with .? It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again? and by hose I mean I dump charcoal on him.
-Great game hope the servers come up soon, I think my pet may need to eat.


the game doesnt mess around!

Ubiquitous Duck

New member
Jan 16, 2014
I feel I have personally skewed the numbers on sales of Garry's mod.

I have the game and have only played it on one occasion - this is because I did not want it and it was bought for me (despite me saying: I won't play it, don't buy me it), because we played it at a LAN once. This means I have added to the sales of Garry's mod unwillingly and have potentially inflated its idea of self-worth past reality.

Therefore I don't know if I should set the balance straight and buy Rust, despite the fact that I do not want it - or else fear that I have done wrong as a consumer.

I need moral guidance... Bender?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Strazdas said:
I think both Rust and 7 days to die (i still prefer the latter but they seem to be very similar) is best explained to people that dont know it as "minecraft with zmobies and actual challenge (plus physics, so no sand castles in the sky)" theres a lot more, but that gives you the kind of overview that makes you think "ah its like that".
I had 7 Days to Die on my radar, but if this is doing the same thing and competing, I may look into it further.
(I have heard some...unpleasant things about 7DtD)

AnthrSolidSnake said:
Rust is sort of a combination of DayZ with crafting elements from what I've gathered. playing on servers with other people to fight or survive with (though I assume from the genre it's in, most player interaction will just be fighting)
Ah. I didn't really have any fun with Day Z because I mostly just got spawn-camped when I tried it.
It always seems that whenever open pvp is allowed, it supercedes everything else.

Which kinda defeats the purpose of the zombies, IMO.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Hero in a half shell said:
Slash2x said:
The persistant bodies and structures make it so logging out to avoid fights DOES NOT WORK. That alone gives it a boost over DayZ.
How on earth does anyone manage to keep themselves alive, or protect whatever they've built the first time they log out?

Do you just have to dig a hole and hide in it or what?

Seriously get away from the damn road and make a SMALL house in no mans land. I like to hide mine from sight by building in some form of rock cubbyhole. NEVER EVER EVER EVER burn your campfire or furnace at night either. Might as well put up a beacon that say come murder me.
You NEED a metal door as soon as possible too.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Atmos Duality said:
Strazdas said:
I think both Rust and 7 days to die (i still prefer the latter but they seem to be very similar) is best explained to people that dont know it as "minecraft with zmobies and actual challenge (plus physics, so no sand castles in the sky)" theres a lot more, but that gives you the kind of overview that makes you think "ah its like that".
I had 7 Days to Die on my radar, but if this is doing the same thing and competing, I may look into it further.
(I have heard some...unpleasant things about 7DtD)

Ah. I didn't really have any fun with Day Z because I mostly just got spawn-camped when I tried it.
It always seems that whenever open pvp is allowed, it supercedes everything else.

Which kinda defeats the purpose of the zombies, IMO.
Well i think the main difference between the two are that 7 Days to Die is singleplayer (not sure if it has multiplayer actually), while Rush is multiplayer oriented. To be honest i advertise 7DtD because it seems to be what i wanted to have when i bought minecraft, and thus really tickles me the right way.
You can watch the 3 videos Jim Sterling did on his channel about 7 Days to Die, but i dont think they represent very fairly the game since all he does is goes punching zombies in the face and complain how hard it is. Still it gives you the feel somewhat.

Funnily i was NEVER spawnkileld in DayZ. i may just be lucky like that. However DayZ was always about PVP (and that doesnt autmatically mean killing really) and zombies was just "That thing that made sure you werent camping in same building all the time". PVP superceeds everything else probably because its other actualy human that you get the best stories with rather than pre-programmed NPCs. Sadly most of the players want a story of "i saw a noob and shot him". Though those high-five and pouring disinfectant down the throat teams if trolls were actually funny IMO.

If you didnt like DayZ though you may stay away from Rust, it uses same player interaction ideas it seems.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Strazdas said:
If you didnt like DayZ though you may stay away from Rust, it uses same player interaction ideas it seems.
Yeah, I scratched both off my list after learning more about them. They're just typical "open-world" griefing simulators, but with zombies and some token crafting. Which is a pity because I kinda wanted to see a horde-craft game type done well.

Holds no more appeal to me. After these last few years of MOBAs and F2P PvP games, I'm just done with it.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Atmos Duality said:
Strazdas said:
If you didnt like DayZ though you may stay away from Rust, it uses same player interaction ideas it seems.
Yeah, I scratched both off my list after learning more about them. They're just typical "open-world" griefing simulators, but with zombies and some token crafting. Which is a pity because I kinda wanted to see a horde-craft game type done well.

Holds no more appeal to me. After these last few years of MOBAs and F2P PvP games, I'm just done with it.
well, 7 days to die HAS a singleplayer, so you can essentially turn off all the griefers.
And it has hordes. the zombies there are dependant on day cycle. during the day they are slow and you can literally punch them all without taking damage, during the night machinegun is only makingm atters worse with the sound your making. It does lack stealth mechanics so far (its alpha stage, and they claim so before you buy it) so esentially during the night the zombies can ALWAYS find you. So to quote Jim Sterling in here "Every single task becomes an epic".

I dont like MOBA's either (played them, not for long though) and the only PVP game i play is world of tanks (i play eve but im a carebear and dont do PVP), so the sentiment is known to me, thats why i often prefer singleplayer games.
I too would love to see a horde-craft game type done well as well. and it seems that in its final stage 7 days to die might be that game, not yet though, not yet.