RWBY review: New Challengers (spoilers)


Anime Nerds Unite
Apr 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to another RWBY review where we have two matches today: JNPR's fight and SSSN's fight

Not much plot wise to talk about since it's mostly fights. Only thing worth mentioning on that front is the fact that Qrow makes his appearance and that Winter, Weiss's sister arrives.

Lets cut tot he big issue with this show: the animation of this show has gotten worse. The fights have a major issue with how they are animated. The animation of portions of the fights end before the scene cuts so it seems like the fights are choppy and lack real motion. This isn't helped by the camera which stays mostly static and doesn't' go for dynamic angles but instead prefers to stay still at a distance with no angling.

Humor has degraded to simple cringe humor involving Jaune talking in the middle of the match about something called "Flower Power" along with Neptune being afraid of water (which is stupid given his name). That last joke actually destroys Neptune's character and makes him more a coward than a fighter.

What little dialogue was present also didn't hold muster as one sequence has the presenters just exposit Nora's semblance out of nowhere, breaking immersion.

In conclusion, the series has gone down in quality and the animation issues make me concerned about the rest of the fights in the show.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Well, that certainly didn't take long. It's only been two episodes and the quality of show is already going down the shit hole.

On top of that, seeing Weiss getting jealous because Neptune was playfully flirting with team whatever-they're-called did bring a laugh but I was face palming at the same time. If this is any indication it means Weiss is going to have another drastic character rewrite just as she did in the last two volumes. (Sighs irritably) This is getting really annoying.

And lastly, we learn that Qrow is a alcoholic and he pretty much confirms our suspicions that he has/had some sort of relationship with Winter and he's drinking because something happened between them. (Groans while face palming again) Oh, boy. This is going to be fun to watch.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I guessing today episode theme is "ironic" given Neptune fear of water and that other one (wow I forgot about it already despite watching it a minute ago). Also I thought it was stupid how they were explaining Nora semblence during the middle of the match as if given the enemy some info.
Also I kinda like how the whole "flower power" is somewhat a reference to Ruby team attack names for her team except she was better at it.
Seeing the other team weapons was cool aswell like the crossbow/ sword combo.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Izanagi009 said:
In conclusion, the series has gone down in quality and the animation issues make me concerned about the rest of the fights in the show.
Oh, this just explains everything.

HahaHa. God, what a pair of IDIOTS. I honestly want to rename RWBY Volume 3 to "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS! PART 3!".
Jan 12, 2012
Scarim Coral said:
Also I kinda like how the whole "flower power" is somewhat a reference to Ruby team attack names for her team except she was better at it.
Which in turn (if the internet rumour I heard was true) were the names given to slash pairings. They made a wink-nudge joke in the second season, then tried to bring it around for a full meta-joke, but it didn't quite land.

I agree with OP that the animation was really poor, noticeably so. The first episode of S3 was more static, but the animation still held up; here, it was almost like there were missing frames, compounded with bad camera placement.