RWBY Volume 2 Premiering at RTX 2014, First Promo Art Available


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
RWBY Volume 2 Premiering at RTX 2014, First Promo Art Available

Work on the second volume of animated series RWBY is underway.

Animator Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth's series RWBY will premiere its second volume of RWBY at RTX2014 in July. Its online premiere will happen shortly afterward, producer Gray Haddock announced.

Production is underway, and the scripts are nearly finished. Volume 2 will have 12 chapters with each being about 12 minutes long. Haddock mentioned plenty of teasers in the meantime leading up to volume 2, and he included the first piece of promotional art from art director Kristina Nguyen.

Volume 1 saw some chapters taking place over a couple weeks, split up into different episodes, but that will not be the case for the second volume; each week's web release will contain the full chapter. Haddock said he anticipates following the premiere, RWBY will have a chapter online each week for a few weeks, take some time off, and then resume. During the off weeks, there will be "new story content from the world of RWBY," but Haddock did not elaborate and said details would be disclosed later.

RWBY is an anime-styled web series created by Monty Oum. The series' debut took place at RTX 2013. RWBY's story focuses on four girls who form a team to train to hunt monsters in a school setting. Each character has a special weapon and powers. The first volume also saw a second team form, called JNPR for four different character. Volume 1 concluded in November 2013.

RTX 2014 takes place in Austin, Texas, July 4-6. Tickets for the event go on sale tomorrow.

Source: Rooster Teeth []



New member
Oct 6, 2013
Man, I dunno about this series. The writing is really not good.

And the action is good in bits, but there's just too much going on at any given instant. The best action scenes, IMO don't overload the viewer.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008

I think it will help having more consistency with the episodes lengths, seeing as waiting a week for what sometimes amounted to around 8 minutes including an intro and an outro was kind of disappointing.

The only thing I felt they really needed to work on was the animation. At times it was brilliant, but at others it was pretty poor. Hopefully with more experience at making the series, they will improve on the areas that they weren't so good on.

As long as they can still make me laugh, and keep having cool soundtracks, I'll be happy.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
I see they have actually listened to their audience, the biggest complaint all over the place in the last volume was people were sick of the 4-7 min episodes.

And the single 13 min episode (ep8) they did was widely seen as the best episode of the volume.

Which also brings me to my second point, I hope volume 2 is more action based and less character development, character development is good but it gets boring to watch quickly ... I don't want to see another 2 entire episode devoted to Jaune's bullying problem.

Which is probably also why ep8 was widely seen as the best episode as it was the most action packed.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Someone needs to make Monty stay away from the script and have a better writer take the lead. The guy is only good at fight scenes and making decent use out of a small budget.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
As one of the very few people on here whogenuine loved the series, I will be eagerly awaiting volume 2! Hopefully they had improved their animation (if just abit) and learn some flaws from the feedback starting with their episodes length.

Still something tell me I won't be liking the whole "each week for a few weeks" (the Walking Dead route), hopefully then people realise what they had taken for granted (sure some episodes in volume one were short but at least they were consistent by being online every week given the production time to make and the man powers they had)!


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
Glad to see the the episodes would be longer and more consistent. The short episodes of most weeks did not mesh work all that well. The 4-7 minute length works great for RvB but really dragged the show down.

Despite my issues with the first volume I still enjoyed it quite a bit on its own merits and a fan of Roosterteeth in general. I definitely like the sound of the 2nd volume.

Also I love that promotional art.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I'm looking forward to this. I think this is a series that's growing in strength with time and experience and it looks gorgeous


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I'll be the first to admit that Monty Oum isn't great at writing a story, but we all pretty much knew that. The clever takes on everyone in the series is great once you figure out who everyone is, and no one this side of Gurren Lagann has more over the top fights. I mean c'mon, Son Goku is in an episode with a bo staff that turns into SHOTGUN NUNCHUKS.



While this isn't something I'd actually buy, I'll watch it just because Monty Oum = Crazy Awesome Silly Action, and I kinda dig that.

Ace Morologist

New member
Apr 25, 2013
People like to complain about the lengths of the episodes of the first season of RWBY. Admittedly, it wasn't very satisfying watching it in first run week by week. When the series was over, though, I went back and watched it start to finish one morning, and it was a lot more entertaining.

If I could offer some constructive criticism the writers and showrunners won't read and don't have time to incorporate into the next season anyway, it would be this:

-The dialogue was a little wooden from time to time. A little unnatural. Nothing another draft or two after a table-reading wouldn't fix, though. Or just getting a separate dialogue editor to go over it after the main writer.

-You might have gotten a little -too- ambitious with the scope of the first season. Too many side and supporting characters pulled focus from the four main girls. Too much disparate world-building pulled focus from the four main girls' life at the school.

-Not enough of the right kind of world-building. Namely, I didn't get a sense of why it's worthwhile to go to the school. There's no sense of how monster-hunting benefits society, namely because the monsters don't seem to pose any sort of threat to society in general. The only ones we see live out there in the forest and don't cause any harm until the students come looking for them.

Now the spoonful of sugar:

-All of the characters (except Weiss) are engaging and charming.

-The fight scenes are spectacular.

-The art is beautiful.

-The acting was decent.

So yeah. Good work, worth watching. High hopes for season two.


Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I might be more forgiving of the writing if the animation itself was gosh-dang beautiful or if it was Japanese(translation errors, etc.), but it isn't, so unless those two things improve...

Well, I'm not going to watch it anyway, so why am I complaining?



New member
Sep 27, 2009
I always got the feeling that Season 1 was laying the groundwork for the way the world works. A warm-up season, if you will. Now that the setup's done, hopefully season two will find the series' feet and really become something special.

CAPTCHA: Brand Lift. That strikes me as somewhat appropriate.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Whelp, I've said a lot about this series, so here's a quick statement.

If the writing hasn't improved drastically than I will drop it very fucking quickly. All the other minor annoyances I bitched about I can handle, but bad writing is a deal breaker.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Well can't be any worse then season one I suppose. I only managed two episodes before the abysmal writing took me out of it.

If this one improves in that regard I might read a plot synopsis and begin anew. Not holding out hope though.


New member
Aug 22, 2013
This is one of those shows where I feel that it has an interesting enough premise that it can be one hell of a show... if it actually had some heart poured into it. Honestly the first seasons production values weren't the best but there is room for improvement and if they truly did listen to the fans then we'll see some much better stuff this time round.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Akichi Daikashima said:
I might be more forgiving of the writing if the animation itself was gosh-dang beautiful or if it was Japanese(translation errors, etc.), but it isn't, so unless those two things improve...

Well, I'm not going to watch it anyway, so why am I complaining?

The badass wizard with the Ninja Staff skills is right! The animation fucking sucks!

It onnly worked for Kung-Fu Jimmy Chow and that was back in '07 or '06!

Tono Makt

New member
Mar 24, 2012
We'll see.

I gave it the full first season to find its legs, and it disappointed me. When it comes out, I will watch the first two or three and if it isn't noticeably better written then I'm going to wait for RvB to come out and not waste my time with Monster Hunter High. (It doesn't deserve to be called RWBY after that first season. Just call it "Monster Hunter High" and then they don't need to worry about having their character names in the show title.)


New member
Jan 1, 2014
Maybe it will turn really dark and interesting?


If this volume doesn't stack up to my tastes, then I'm going forward with my plan to reimagine the series into a episodic light novel thing.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm still bitter over Monty half turning Red Vs Blue into an anime with the horrendous Freelancer animated seasons. Not gonna give this one a watch.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
Really looking forward to this. I thought season 1 was pretty good, yea it had its flaws (some episodes were too short, some of the voice acting was meh at best etc) but you can tell real heart was put into it. Hopefully they improve this next season based on the feedback.

Also this means we get more killer music from Jeff Williams :D