Sad Endings That Are Good (Potential Spoilers)

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
marioandsonic said:
The good ending in Bioshock 2.

Then again, it's more bittersweet than sad IMO.
I felt that the neutral ending to Bioshock 2 was better. While the happy ending where
she implants your memories into her head
was nice, the neutral ending was more heartbreaking.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Although it's been mentioned I have to say Jurassic Bark. Other than that Flowers for Algernon always kind of got to me.


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Jul 5, 2011
FirstToStrike said:
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

This. So this. Most of the game is so cheery and BAM that ending (well, final act) hits you like a brick. So few people talk about Klonoa as a sad ending. Thank you, good sir.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
FirstToStrike said:
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

Hey, someone else remembers this game! (Actually I just finished it a couple days ago after buying it off PSN.)

Yeah, I was going to say Klonoa, or the Good or Neutral endings of Bioshock 2 (which I also just finished after buying it off of PSN.)


New member
Jun 9, 2009
marioandsonic said:
The good ending in Bioshock 2.

Then again, it's more bittersweet than sad IMO.
Raggedstar said:
FirstToStrike said:
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

This. So this. Most of the game is so cheery and BAM that ending (well, final act) hits you like a brick. So few people talk about Klonoa as a sad ending. Thank you, good sir.
Wow, I managed to get double ninja'd.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
marioandsonic said:
The good ending in Bioshock 2.

Then again, it's more bittersweet than sad IMO.
I felt that the neutral ending to Bioshock 2 was better. While the happy ending where
she implants your memories into her head
was nice, the neutral ending was more heartbreaking.
Love Bioshock 2's ending. However, which one is the neutral ending? As far as I was aware, there were four.
One where you get the bittersweet ending and she spares Lamb's life, one where you get the bittersweet ending and she kills Lamb, one where she decides to be a monster but spares Lamb, and one where she decides to be a monster and kills Lamb.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I rather like the ending of Xenosaga 3. Most of the main characters are dead, the faster than light travel system of the universe is gone leaving many planets and people isolated, and human life as we know it is on an unsure path. However, a major and immediate threat to humanity is gone and the remaining characters are moving toward a future built by them.

I mean, it has to be a decent ending. Mass Effect 3 ripped it off almost point for point.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Spartacus. Everybody dies in his name.

Also a great way to troll teachers: Everybody in the class says their name is Spartacus.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Azahul said:
Soviet Heavy said:
marioandsonic said:
The good ending in Bioshock 2.

Then again, it's more bittersweet than sad IMO.
I felt that the neutral ending to Bioshock 2 was better. While the happy ending where
she implants your memories into her head
was nice, the neutral ending was more heartbreaking.
Love Bioshock 2's ending. However, which one is the neutral ending? As far as I was aware, there were four.
One where you get the bittersweet ending and she spares Lamb's life, one where you get the bittersweet ending and she kills Lamb, one where she decides to be a monster but spares Lamb, and one where she decides to be a monster and kills Lamb.

The point of that ending is that you did what you had to in order to save Eleanor, but you'd rather die than have her follow your example.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Azahul said:
Soviet Heavy said:
marioandsonic said:
The good ending in Bioshock 2.

Then again, it's more bittersweet than sad IMO.
I felt that the neutral ending to Bioshock 2 was better. While the happy ending where
she implants your memories into her head
was nice, the neutral ending was more heartbreaking.
Love Bioshock 2's ending. However, which one is the neutral ending? As far as I was aware, there were four.
One where you get the bittersweet ending and she spares Lamb's life, one where you get the bittersweet ending and she kills Lamb, one where she decides to be a monster but spares Lamb, and one where she decides to be a monster and kills Lamb.
There's the good ending, the neutral ending, the bad ending, and the very bad ending.

The Neutral Ending is where you push her aside at the last minute when given the option to save yourself, because you don't want her to become the monster you were. You want her to live her own life outside the shadow of Lamb or your influence, and Elanor is left alone. Independent and free to start her own life, but unsure where to go or what to do.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
There's the good ending, the neutral ending, the bad ending, and the very bad ending.

The Neutral Ending is where you push her aside at the last minute when given the option to save yourself, because you don't want her to become the monster you were. You want her to live her own life outside the shadow of Lamb or your influence, and Elanor is left alone. Independent and free to start her own life, but unsure where to go or what to do.
There are actually 8 endings, apparently.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Leemaster777 said:
Grave of the Fireflies (makes you want to slit your wrists afterwards)
Why not at the beginning?

As for me I can't really think of one that hasn't been mentioned yet. But Casablanca definitely needs to be mentioned more.


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Jul 22, 2008
Before Ghost Story came out, the last Dresden Files book was one hell of a downer, but also quite uplifting, as everything was done for the right reasons.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Keeping in tone, Red Dead Redemption, obviously. One of the most well done endings ever. And the complete silence of the scenes made it even more perfect.

HL2: Ep2 has a classic and one of the saddest endings of all time that will stick with many people for some time.

Both of inFamous 2's endings were tear-jerkers. On the one hand
The good ending has Cole rejoicing with Kuo, as she cries and talks about how she was wrong for not following his choice. Nix sacrifices herself to damage the Beast. Then, to top it all off, Cole dies along with all other conduits, including Kuo, to destroy the beast and cure the plague, saving trillions of lives.

The bad ending has you killing Nix, then having your best friend in the game, Zeke, grabbing the RFI, pointing a gun at you and saying "I gotta try." Cole replies with "I know." Then he shoots you and the player is forced to go through one of the saddest gameplay sequences ever: you have to slowly shock Zeke after each shot he fires at you, eventually killing him. Not to mention the sad piano and strings make it really, REALLY emotional.

Mass Effect 2's ending was heart pounding as you go in thinking, "Oh my god, OH MY GOD ARE MY CHOICES GOING TO MAKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DIE!?" Plus the worst ending is extremely sad.

And, this is going to sound very, very weird but: Saints Row: The Third. The ending where
You choose to kill Killbane has a very sad moment before the last mission where the statue explodes with Shaundi, Burt Renolds and Viola on it. Possibly the saddest rap tune I've ever heard in a Saints Row game is played as he sits down next to Killbane getting a phone call from Pierce who says "So, did you get him?" Your character replies with yes, to which Pierce replies "Was it worth it?" Your character slowly hangs up.

Going off on a tangent, if you ignore the problems with the Mass Effect 3 endings, they can be really, really sad.

And yes, Jurassic Bark was very sad too.

There are probably a lot more sad endings that I love, but I'm drawing a blank.


The Butcher On Your Back
Apr 25, 2010
Ill go with red dead redemption.

Marston does all that dirty work for the government, finally reunites with his family, only to be gunned down by the very people who hired him. Sad, but can a man with a history of violence like Marston ever truly be redeemed?

I'd say even more tragic is his sons story. John does all that to provide a good life for his son, and ultimately he ends up just like his old man.
EDIT: Decided to spoiler tag it. Yes this is a spoiler thread but I suppose someone may accidentally read it and not want to


New member
Jul 8, 2010
The Wicker Man

On the sad side, the main character dies and it looks like those women are going to lure even more men to the same fate. On the bright side, we get to see that terrible, terrible Nicolas Cage character burnt to death.

Anything in a Song of Ice and Fire counts as well.

Chances are, if you like a character, they end up dead.

For videogames, I was also oddly touched by the ending of the Xbox version of Splinter Cells Double Agent.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I guess Evangelion counts

I mean the ENTIRE world is destroyed, all of humanities souls have been morphed into goo, and Shinji and Auska are the only two people left on a barren lifeless world and will probably starve to death.


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Feb 25, 2010
DoctorSun said:
Romeo and Juliet, anyone?
Basically defined the idea of a sad ending for me.
except the end of the story is told at the very beginning.