In Search of Username said:
Why anyone would want to play this and not GTA V, I don't know.
Because one series has been objectively superior for years now, and nothing GTA since GTASA has been even remotely good?
GTA4 took the one-way trip to graphics-over-content land, and was full of nothing but tedious bullshit, cardboard-cutout characters whose personalities were, at best, annoying and, at worst, annoying
as fuck, hours of tutorializing simple shit, fuck-around content that lacked a theme or clear reward, cop chases that ended by you simply outrunning the cops, and in general just being an awful game. Considering how legendary GTASA was, in every respect (from great characters with great VA's to a huge variety of weapons, vehicles, a world map that was more than just 1 boring city, and a fucking jetpack, etc) GTA4 was a massive step backwards, and none of their releases since then have been quality.
If they had a press release saying something like "wow, we're sorry GTA4 was a massive steaming pile of shit, we're trying to make GTA5 a different and better game" maybe I could get behind them, but given that they haven't it seems that they're working under the false impression that GTA4 was remotely good. Maybe GTA5 will be good, maybe it won't, but if they follow the trend they've set with graphically impressive but incredibly shallow games, GTA5 will be worse than SR4.
And that is why "anyone" would want to play SR4 instead of GTA4:the next one:the graphical update. Rockstar has the ability to make great games; they did three in a row with GTA3, GTAVC, and GTASA. Everything since then, however, has been progressively worse. If they reverse the trend with GTA5, fantastic! Better for gamers everywhere. But I'm not holding out hope; I've been praying for squeenix to break their trend of increasingly terrible final fantasies, and I've been waiting 12 years for that shit to change. I don't expect rockstar to figure it out this quickly.
If you still thoroughly enjoy the GTA series from 4 and beyond, great! Even ancient MMOs like everquest still have players; there's a niche for everyone to enjoy, even if it's shallow sandbox content. You can enjoy them all you want, but everyone who truly enjoyed what GTA was
about rather than the box GTA was wrapped in jumped over to Saints Row years ago.