Saints Row Review: What exactly makes purple such a good gang color? Why not, say, green?

Nov 28, 2007
Back in the year 2001, developer DMA Design (who were later bought out by Rockstar and renamed Rockstar North) and publisher Rockstar created a game called Grand Theft Auto III. It was a wild success, and with two more sequels named Vice City and San Andreas, and two spin offs named Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, and a third upcoming sequel named GTA IV, they had a rock hard grip on the genre of sandbox crime games. No one dared to challenge the colossus until 2006, when developer Volition and publisher THQ released Saints Row, a sandbox game where you played a gang member. And thus, the review begins.

The basic story behind Saints Row is that you play some random guy you customize, who is apparently such a bad ass that a single look from the scrawny nerd I created was enough to send the gang members backing off. You get caught in a cross fire, surviving through sheer badassery, and get recruited into a gang called The Saints, who constantly refer to their territory as The Row. You have gang leader Julius and his cronies... sorry, minions... wait, right hand men...oh, sorry, "lieutenants"... named Troy (blond hair with a scruffy beard), Dex (black bald guy), Johnny (spiky platinum blond hair), and a spy named Lin (sassy Asian chick). Their goal is to take down every gang around, meaning the three major gangs named Los Carnales (because you have to have a Spanish gang, it's mandatory), the Vice Kings, and The Westside Rollerz (yes, that is how it is spelled).

The missions themselves are simple. Go here, shoot this guy. Go here, take over this territory by shooting all the guys in it, rescue this guy by shooting all the guys guarding him. Oh, yeah, steal this car by shooting the guy driving it. Every mission, and most of the side missions, involve guns, and in some cases, rocket launchers. However, they do mix it up by throwing in a sniper mission, a mission where you are blowing up an airplane (private airplane, in case you are worried about the grief-stricken husband who watched his wife and kids die), and a racing mission, which ends in cars going boom. Yes the missions are very varied.

The voice acting in this game is surprisingly good, with stand-outs being David Carradine playing the financier of the Westside Rollerz, Michael Clark Duncan playing the head of the Vice Kings, Mila Kunis aka Meg Griffin playing Tanya Winters, the obligatory "screw her way to the top" character, and Tia Carrere playing Lin. The other, lesser known, voice actors also do an outstanding job in portraying their character. The music is also superb. More shooting games need to have classical music on the soundtrack. Of course, you can always import your own music and shoot people to Iron Maiden or something.

The customization in the game is fairly good. You can change the ethnicity, muscularity, hair color, hair style, clothing style, clothing colors, and of course, bling-bling. The only thing lacking really is the lack of a female model. Which is available in the sequel, from what I've heard. The game itself looks very good. The only loading screen is at the beginning, or when you die. The aiming system is far improved from the GTA series. The only problem is that aiming while driving is wonky at best and bullshit at the worst. However, this minor flaw is easily forgiven for all the stuff they fix from the GTA series. You can recruit up to 3 homies, who can actually shoot and not get in the way of your bullets. You can also call up people on your cell phone to get a ride from people. Driving is very fluid in this game, but some of the cars feel like they are made of wafers. And not the good kind sandwiched with vanilla cream, more like the vanilla wafers that are left in the sun. Overall, rent this game if you can, but if not, dig through the bargain bin or go to a used game store and buy it. Hell, new it's only $30 in the U.S. since it sold buttloads and became a platinum hit.


thinking about your ugly face
Dec 16, 2007
I paid 18$ US for this game and it was worth not a cent more. I played it for 10 hours and got to some mission where you have to fire rockets out the side of a moving car that disappears one in four times as you are driving it to the mission. 18 dollars for 10 hours of entertainment isn't too bad in my book. Don't pay too much more though. And for the love of god, watch this video. []


New member
Jan 22, 2008
i will admit saints row was a much more blatant appeal to "urban" (and by urban i mean ghetto black areas) culture than anything i've played before, but in the end that turned out to be a good thing. because of the distain i held for nearly every character in the game let me play the game only concerned with myself and mowing down my own gang members when they pissed me off. and the "ignorant negro" speak of many of the people you drive by makes mass murder very tempting which these games always boil down to at some point. only game i've ever played where i've had to stop the car in the middle of something, backtrack, and beat the person to death for what they've said.

the custimazation in this game rocks, it improved on everything gta does, savign your cars in a garage means you can access them at any garage, and being able to customize the cars was really nice and repairing them even if they get blown up is a great idea. being able to make your guy any ethnicity you choose was a nice feature as it got kind of old in gta having a character you can't do much with.

i agree with you're opening statement however, you should've been able to start your own gang or at least take over as lead saint and recolorize the gang.

i also agree that most of the voice actors are people i genuinley like in most things though hearing micheal clark duncan act "gangsta" kinda makes me sad.

i kinda wish the gun choices made a bigger difference but as i understand it saints row 2 is gonna have much more everything. personally if you ask me, despite the kinda low class of the general populace i think this game beats gta by a long shot, of course i used the cheats throughout the game but i don't know anyone who beats these types of games totally clean.

nice reveiw, you couldv'e covered more game elements but you kept it short sweet and to the point which is a major plus.
Nov 28, 2007
Thanks for the positive review of my review. And I somewhat agree about MCD, but his voice is just awesome no matter how it's used, so it is only good at its worst, IMO.

Edit: Also, I'm proud to say I beat it without cheats.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
^ Ditto. No cheating here.

I liked the review, t'was fun to read, and I agree with the points other people have made - it made plenty of improvements over GTA, and what it fell short of before, it'll deal with in the sequel.

All-in-all, if you're not moist with anticipation already, you should be.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
For me it was an ok game for $15. Its Gta with Ragdoll physics. The only thing i couldnt understand was my character would fly out and land miles away from the car from a small crash. Its alright every once in a while. but it happened alot and was really annoying during missions. Also when you were in a fast car and speeding down the street all of a sudden you car would get stuck in the pavement. Right in the middle of the street. Besides those things its a decent game.


New member
Dec 14, 2007
I thought of at as a "tide-me-over" untill GTA4 got here, and let me tell you, if you buy this game with low expectations, you will be pleasently surprised. I'd Have to say the best part about it was the drug dealing mission with the suburban house-wife. Doing a drive-by and then having her yell to the dead bodys "you need to play nice!" in a sweet Ms. Cleaver voice had me cracking up.

Also, awesome video wilsonscrazybed. While I have only had the "vanishing car" glitch, I still fondly remember yelling "where the f--k is my car!?".


New member
Jan 21, 2008
I haven't had the pleasure of playing the game yet (I'll make do with GTA:SA), but still, very well written.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Hey! What's wrong with purple! Myself being a purple clad ninja, I feel the need to stand up to this. Purple is a good colour and signifies royality or pimp(iness).

But anywho, great review. Not too long and enough to keep everyone entertained. As for the game, I've only see a friend play it. Looks like GTA SA with a few extras (cracking safes) and a bit more shiner with pathetic ragdoll effects. Hit by a car, fly across the screen like every bone's broken and then you stand up like nothing ever happend. I guess it's a gang thing.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Whilst I wouldn't have used nightmare_gorilla's words myself, I think (and hope) that what he (she? I dunno) was saying is that they object to the portrayal of black/negro/gangsta culture which borders on caricature. What Saint's Row does and the way it portrays people, it does with the utmost cynicism, and if there's any deep seated racism at work here it comes from the people responsible for the game. That's why I never liked the game anyway.

ohyeahcola said:
did I mention I'm a lesian
No, I don't believe you did. My name's Sam, and I ate some cereal today. We've all learned a little something.

Plus I've reported you for calling the guy a 'racist ************' rather than talking about it like a grown up, and for your abject failure to use the edit button.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Some people may find this very beautiful and inspiring, or on the other end of the spectrum, very cliched, But I find beauty in all colours and values. I think my favorite may lean towards cool blues.