Save 61% On Doctor Who At Amazon Today


New member
Jul 6, 2009
vansau said:
Save 61% On Doctor Who At Amazon Today

Prepare to break out your wallets, because Amazon's got some major discounts on Doctor Who today.

Amazon's got a pretty sweet theme for its Gold Box Deals this week: "BBC Week". The deals are, presumably, going to feature some pretty sweet discounts on popular BBC shows from now until Friday, and Amazon's starting things off with greatly reduced prices on the first four seasons of Doctor Who.

Seasons One through Four have been reduced to $31.49 each, which is pretty inexpensive compared to how much they normally go for. Of course, the <a href=>Season Five, <a href=>A Christmas Carol, and <a href=>the various TV specials weren't discounted (though, who knows, maybe they will be later this week).

This is certainly a promising start to a week of sales, though now I'm a little curious what else Amazon will put into its Gold Box deals. <a href=>Being Human and <a href=>Sherlock seem like relatively safe bets. Personally, I'm hoping <a href=>Black Books will be discounted. What about you folks? What BBC show would you snatch up if its price was reduced?

Source: <a href=>Amazon

This is terribly awesome!!
Sorry to break this to you but Black Books is a Channel 4 show :(


New member
Dec 1, 2010
and here i thought i was gonna get to buy David Tennant... A man can dream though...
im gonna search for Blackadder, QI and all that though


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
Nothing, really.

Top Gear and Doctor Who are both on Netflix.

and buying TV shows is absurd to me. The only one I own is Futurama. And that was 50% off. And comes with a giant plastic Bender head. and a birthday present, too.
Some fans like to buy the series to support the shows they love. And this is an awesome deal, I never bought the 1st season so thats going to change o.o


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Already have all the Doctor Who, Red Dwarf and Blackadder DVDs already. Still a great deal though!

Edit: Oh! Robin Hood series 3! Still need that!


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
what's weird is that I've heard of Dr. Who for yeeears since the 90's, and was aware of the series even up to as late as this past new years, but I never watched it until just a couple months ago when I caught the 2005-2010 episodes on BBC America which came on after the X-Files and before Top Gear.

I saw a few episodes with the eith doctor, a lot with the 9th, and a good chunk of the 10th including the series finalies of the past ones. I unknowingly got sucked into the stories and the overall series arcs to the point I HAD to watch a few episodes for the conclusions and that I had to see the first episode of the newest season.

I did find I like David Tennant's version the most and that Rose and Martha are my favorite companions... Amy Pond is just a tad too whiney and annoying for my taste, but that got muted when her boyfriend came along.

So I'll probably pick up the series' he's in anyway.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
The Sane said:
UnderevolvedPrimape said:
I'm afraid Black Books was a Channel 4 show - so no BBC discount for you there.
So why is the dvd linked in the OP published by the BBC?
It might have been published in the US by BBC Worldwide, but Channel 4 commissioned it.

Not that us Brits need to buy the DVD, since it's all up (legally) on YouTube (along with pretty much everything else Channel 4 commissioned. Except Big Brother, for some reason)


New member
Apr 17, 2009
It is worth checking out the different amazon sights (US and UK) to see which has the better offer. To give a relevant example, Doctor Who from the ABC shop in Australia costs about $300. From Amazon US it costs about half that. My wife picked it up from Amazon UK for chistmas for about $40 (plus $20 postage).