sayings you just hate


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
nuba km said:
SextusMaximus said:
nuba km said:
Queen Michael said:
nuba km said:
Is there a saying you hate. is it because it is stupid, out of date or just doesn't make sense. well then start ranting for I will find it amusing hahahahaha.

I hate the saying 'there is no smoke without fire' because people use it just to defend gossip
"John funk is actually a satanic unicorn that is trying to take over the world"
"that's a lie"
"there's no smoke without fire"
Your hate is righteous, but you forgot to name one reason: It's not true. Aren't there smoke machines around that can create smoke without putting stuff on fire?
actually smoke machines use the mist from dry ice and a fan.
That's like saying that all trains run on Steam power... different smoke machines use different gases and materials to produce a smoke effect.
at the end of the day it's not smoke due to that smoke is basically gas ash and I don't know of any smoke machine which makes actual smoke not a white gas which forms a layer on the floor.
I get your point :) I'm just picky ;)


New member
Jul 2, 2008
'Everything happens for a reason."

Dammit, no it doesn't! Shit just happens. We append a reason later when it suits our convenience!!!


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
canadamus_prime said:
Kermi said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kermi said:
"You can't have your cake and eat it too."

I know this has been said before, what what fucking good is cake I can't fucking eat? Fuck it. Keep your stupid cake. I hope it murders you in your sleep.
That saying simply means you can't have it both ways. Referring specifically to the cake though, if you have a cake and you eat it, you won't have a cake anymore, so you can't keep the cake and eat it too. Get it?
But the purpose of a cake is to eat it. By eating the cake you are having the cake.
It's a completely useless turn of phrase.
Yes I know the purpose of a cake is to eat it, but once you eat the cake it's gone, you won't have it anymore. So in that sense you can't have the cake and eat it too because once you eat the cake you won't have it anymore. It's really not that complicated once you think about it.
Besides the cake is irrelevant, the point of the saying is that you can't have it both ways.
No, the phrase is saying you can't have the thing you want and use it for it's intended purpose. Maybe metaphorically you can translate that into some "can't have it both ways" bullshit, and I agree that's the intention. My point is the phrase is worthless. We only know what it means because of the context it's used in.

If you tripped over and broke your nose, and I said "I fly kites in the summertime" you'd look at me like I was a lunatic. If everybody said that whenever someone fell down and broke their nose, we'd be arguing right now that "I fly kites in the summertime" is an appropriate thing to say telling someone to watch what they're doing if they don't want their nose broken.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Anyone who says that anything is "Made of Win" "Epic" or Lulzworthy" is essentially saying "I'm a brain dead fucktard and I'm ruining the English language, feel free to ignore me."

Also to anybody who uses the term "Va Jay Jay", Words can't describe how much I hate you.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
Elle-Jai said:
FargoDog said:
'Same difference'.

It. Makes. No. Sense. RARGH!
I agree, most annoying phrase!!

I don't mind most of the "nonsensical" sayings out there, I just loathe anyone who actually says "lol" or "meh" in person. Since LOL, a mere few years back, was meant to indicate actual laughter, don't say "lol" JUST FREAKING LAUGH!!!! Argh...
This. This! A thousand bitter millenia, this. Any msm speak that somehow crawled from the primordial ooze of highscool... like when soomeone I know ran across the road instead of walking...
'Oh, cba to walk.'
Can't be arsed to walk. Say it. Speak the Queen's English before you are summarily executed for being terminally stupid!
Besides, running takes more effort...


New member
Oct 23, 2009
When people say "literally" when they mean "figuratively".
e.g.: "I literally died." You evidently didn't. Get out of my pizzeria.
P.S. I don't care if i made any perceived spelling errors on fake combinations of legitimate words.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Blemontea said:
"The Pen is mightier than the Sword"
try saying that back during the middle ages and not getting laughed at. i know what it means but it stupid at the same time. How can a simple pen beat a man in combat, the only man who probably could is Hawkeye
[img src="" /]
just imagine its a pen instead of a paring knife.
But I am no paper...
and this...

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
Tiger claws on a chalkboard. Not a saying I hate or even dislike just doesn't work in the sense that, if there is a tiger in the classroom, don't you have bigger worries than it clawing the chalkboard? Shouldn't you be asking how a tiger got into the classroom in the first place?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
"At the end of the day....."

I hate it. I want to punch people who say it in the gonads, and I'm a generally non-violent person.